
Full Version: Forum updates 2021/09/12
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I have made a few changes to the forum, as follows:
  • New registrations will now be checked against StopForumSpam automatically.
    This is because my last four new users were spammers, and the one this morning was smart enough to realise that the playpen was accessible, so dumped a wodge of Chinese there.
  • I have reactivated the widget that warns if user names of they contain spaces or punctuation.
  • Four new themes added.
The themes that have been added are Blue (like you're probably looking at), Green (which looks more grey to be honest), Hello Kitty pink (!), and a sort of tan-brown calling itself Orange.

You might like to investigate these (selection at the bottom of each page) because they are slightly revised for clarity compared to the Default theme, but better yet, they are responsive, which means that you will get a nicely laid out version of this forum on your phone, not squinting to try to see the full desktop version!

Personally, I think "Orange" is quite pleasing to look at.

Small change - Guest users can now see the forums, but not access the threads within (save for "Site Stuff", namely Notifications and the Playpen).

Logged in users can see everything.

It isn't flawless, there's a way to see messages, but it's a mostly-unformatted mess. Wink
Additionally, Guests are no longer able to view the member list, or click on a name/avatar of a post to view that user's profile.
(15/09/2021, 9:20 pm)heyrick Wrote: [ -> ]Additionally, Guests are no longer able to view the member list, or click on a name/avatar of a post to view that user's profile.

Thumb up

This originally said :thumbsup: - could that be a similar smilie but with both thumbs up, one each side of the face?
I have added some more smilies to allow you to be more expressive. Wink

Angel :angel: Changed to a better looking icon.
Big blush :bigblush: For when a regular :blush: (Blush) doesn't quite cut it.
Birthday :birthday:
I wish it could be Christmas ev'ry da-ay! :christmas:
Constipated :constipated: (don't overthink this!)
Cool :cool: Changed to a better looking icon.
Dancing :dancing: (looks more like shaken, not stirred)
Depressed :depressed:
Devil :devil: In case you feel the need to troll a troll?
Dizzy :dizzy:
Dodgy :dodgy: I couldn't find an icon-sized Trump.
Drool :drool: Just not over Apple, m'kay?
Dude, no. :dudeno: Sometimes "Dude, no." is the only response.
Eek! :eek:
Guitar :guitar: Bonus points if you know more than three chords. Wink
Heart :heart: Changed to a better looking icon.
Hello :hello: Oh, hello.
Help :help:
Idea :idea: Even bigger than :lightbulb: (:lightbulb:).
Livid, grrrr! :livid: When the anger meter has a broken face and protruding springs.
Meh. :meh: Just the usual state of being.
No pictures, didn't happen. :nopictures: Pictures or it didn't happen...
Oh, God, no :ohgodno: Oh, God, no.
Oh, yes! :ohyes: Oh, yes!
Party :party:
Pling :pling: An even bigger :exclamation: (Exclamation)!
Puppy eyes :puppyeyes:
Question :question:
Rolleyes :rolleyes: Oh, here we go again...
Sadder :sadder: When you're sadder than :sad: (Confusedad:).
Shutup! :shutup: Shut. Up.
Sorry :sorry: A word unknown on teh internets.
Stop :stop:
Thumb down :thumbdown: Didn't like, minus a star, will not read again.
Thumb up :thumbup: Liked, five stars, would read again.
Tired :tired: For when :sleepy: (Sleepy) isn't enough.
Wah! :wah: For when :cry: (Cry) isn't enough.
Whistle :whistle: Wasn't me, I wasn't here, I didn't do it.
Whoa! :whoa: Greetings, Mister Anderson.
Whut? :whut: When you're more confounded than a simple :huh: (Huh).
You rock! :yourock: You rock! (especially if you're Marco Hietala or Tobias Sammet)
Fixed the Recent Messages being too narrow in mobile mode.

Additionally, near the bottom of the main page (listing all the forums), there is an "Upcoming events" that will provide link(s) to events that are happening in the next seven days.
I added a test event to check it works, and I've also added the Wakefield Show on April 23rd 2022. I would imagine there's more happening between then and now, so feel free to add items of interest to the Calendar. That's what it's there for!