bit meaning if set
0 background picture specified
1 bgcolour specified
2 text colour specified
3 link colour specified
4 alink colour specified
5 vlink colour specified
fetcher status
On exit from send_service_pollfetch:
R3 -> status message, or 0 if fetch complete
R4 -> status block:
+00 -> anchor of block containing data, or 0
+04 = size of data fetched so far
+08 = expected total size of data, -1 if unknown
+0C = -1 (unused so far as I can see)
+10 = header type (4=redirection, 5=authentication request, 6=is html)
+14 = expiry time (in seconds since 01-Jan-70 00:00:00)
(-1 = never expire
0 = don't cache)
attribute table
Input: series of null-terminated strings, null terminated
if string is CHR$1-terminated then that attrib has parameters
Output: series of two-word pairs, search index, pointer to value
paragraph styles
0 normal
1 heading1
2 heading2
3 heading3
4 heading4
5 heading5
6 heading6
7 list(s)
8 glossary term
9 glossary definition
b blockquote
c address
d pre-ordered text
e xmp
f listing
10 plaintext
11 horizontal rule
character styles
0 none
1 tt
2 b
3 i
4 u
5 emphasis
6 strong
7 code
8 samp
9 kbd
a var
b dfn
c cite
d numberbullet
e quote
f person
10 author
11 abbrev
12 acronym
list styles
0 unordered list
1 ordered list
2 menu list
3 directory list
draw objects
64 path underline
65 text bullet text
66 sprite bullet sprite
67 form item size marker
72 sprite image (top)
73 sprite image (texttop)
74 sprite image (middle)
75 sprite image (absmiddle)
76 sprite image (baseline)
77 sprite image (bottom)
78 sprite image (absbottom)
79 sprite image (left)
80 sprite image (right)
88 path image box (top)
89 path image box (texttop)
90 path image box (middle)
91 path image box (absmiddle)
92 path image box (baseline)
93 path image box (bottom)
94 path image box (absbottom)
95 path image box (left)
96 path image box (right)
104 none image (top)
105 none image (texttop)
106 none image (middle)
107 none image (absmiddle)
108 none image (baseline)
109 none image (bottom)
110 none image (absbottom)
111 none image (left)
112 none image (right)
+128 any
0 tag
1 linefeed
2 space
3 plainchar
4 image
5 form item
supplementary information block
+0000 anchor of first link, or zero
+0004 flags
bit meaning if set
0 'isindex' keyword specified - i.e. page is searchable
+0008 anchor of URL
+000c anchor of 'base' URL, or zero same as above
+0010 anchor of title of this page, or zero
+0014 anchor of first name destination, or zero
+0018 anchor of first blink block, or zero
link block
+0000 anchor of next link, or zero
+0004 flags
bit meaning if set
0 link is an ismap
1 link is a client-side imagemap
+0008 anchor of 'href' parameter, or zero
+000c anchor of 'rel' parameter, or zero
+0010 anchor of 'rev' parameter, or zero
+0014 universal resource number, or zero
+0018 anchor of 'title' parameter, or zero
+001c anchor of 'methods' parameter, or zero
+0020 number of active rectangles
+0024 active rectangles:
+0000 offset into drawfile of relevant object
+0004 offset into drawfile of next relevant object
name destination block
+0000 anchor of next name destination, or zero
+0004 flags
bit meaning if set
+0008 offset into drawfile of relevant object
+000c name
blink block
+0000 number of objects
.... offsets to objects
fm_next -> next form item, or 0 if this is the last
fm_form = index of form that this item belongs to
fm_type = type of this item (see below)
fm_size = value of 'SIZE' parameter (0 = none)
fm_maxlength = value of 'MAXLENGTH' parameter (0 = none)
fm_xpos = xpos (draw units) of item
fm_ypos = ypos (draw units) of item
fm_image = offset to image (or 0)
fm_flags = flags word:
bit meaning if set
0 'CHECKED' specified
1 'MULTIPLE' specified
2 hide data (i.e. 'PASSWORD')
3 this was the clicked submit button
4 item is tentatively checked
5 item is selected by user
30 item is ready for icon creation
31 icons have been created
fm_icons = number of icons associated with this item
fm_iconlist = one word per icon, the icon handle
name = zero-terminated 'NAME' string
value = zero-terminated 'VALUE' string
...type-specific data...
Form item types:
€ 0 = fi_head: Form header (0 icons)
method byte (0=get, 1=post)
zero-terminated ACTION value
€ 1 = fi_hidd: Hidden (0 icons)
€ 2 = fi_text: Text (1 icon, text entry field)
maxlength+1-byte indirected icon data (i.e. field contents)
€ 3 = fi_menu: Menu list (2 icons, currently selected item and gright icon)
number of items in list byte
currently selected item index byte (0=first, 254=none,255=many)
maxlength+1-byte indirected icon data (i.e. C.S.I. contents)
for each list item:
flags byte:
bit meaning if set
0 selected by default
1 disabled
2 selected
zero-terminated 'VALUE' (01-terminated means none)
zero-terminated text to show
€ 4 = fi_list: Displayed list (1+n icons, border and each item)
number of items in list byte
for each list item:
flags byte:
bit meaning if set
0 selected by default
1 disabled
zero-terminated 'VALUE' (01-terminated means none)
zero-terminated text to show
€ 5 = fi_radi: Radio button (1 icon, radio button)
€ 6 = fi_opti: Option button (1 icon, option button)
€ 7 = fi_rese: Reset button (1 icon, labelled 3D button)
€ 8 = fi_subm: Submit button (1 icon, labelled 3D button)
€ 9 = fi_area: Text area (1 icon, labelled 3D button)
two-byte number of rows
two-byte number of columns
*zero*-terminated default text
zero-terminated filename
€ 10 = fi_imag: Image (1 icon, invisible image place marker)
NB: For this type, fm_xpos and fm_ypos indicate the offset
into the icon that was clicked