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FYI! Last read at 03:14 on 2024/12/18.

b.log2 revisions

Hey there.

If you are a regular visitor to my b.log (all three of you... ☺), there have been a few changes today. Nothing as startling as YouTube's, thank goodness, just hopefully extra nicities in the way you can access this rubbish that passes (in my mind, at least) as coherent thought.


YouTube - You Fail!

As if it can't get worse, it appears that giving a video the stupid thumbs up will automatically add it to your favourites.
What sort of fool thought that up?
Can't you like a video without making it a favourite?

Here are two people random who feel pretty much as I do. I'd be inclined to add my own voice to this, only, what's the point? There's enough people commenting on the new look, and I don't see stuff changing in a hurry.


There's a campaign of sorts to boycott YouTube between the 5th and the 20th of this month (about two weeks). I'm not sure if I will entirely stay away, but I won't "wander YouTube" when I have nothing better to do, at least note for the next two weeks...

All we're asking for is to have a retro option. A clicky button that, for us, will do it "the old way". It would be nice if they integrated the new features into the old styling, but I rather suspect the hope is we'll get over the shock, get used to it, and this will all blow over. But:


Your comments:

Rob, 5th April 2010, 12:19
Yep, still agree re YouTube. Mind you, most of my youtube browsing is done via the Symbian App on my mobile, when I'm trying to get to sleep, so I don't get to see much other than the videos anyway! Always fun browsing "Most recent", you get to see some totally random stuff. 
Your "little speaker icon" just 404s... But it's worth it to see the image on the 404 page again!
Rick, 8th April 2010, 01:57
A further small modification is that underneath the copyright message (at the bottom) is a marker giving the URL from where this document was retrieved (currently it lists the actual URL, I'll make it list the absolute URL (i.e. always with a date) maybe tomorrow). 
Oh, don't look now. It is magical. It only appears when you print this! ☺
Rob, 8th April 2010, 11:08
Of course the big blank spaces where the embedded video should be look good on the printed version.. :-p Maybe you need a print-as-PDF, after all, they support all those things you wouldn't expect to be printable on dead trees.
Rick, 8th April 2010, 11:58
Very good point there, Rob. I'll look to masking out the YouTube links tonight. Will need to think, I don't want to entirely get rid of it, in case that leaves a topic with no content below... Mmmm, ideas?

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