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FYI! Last read at 03:18 on 2024/12/18.


Today's blog entry is an experiment. It is being created entirely on my phone (phone? WTF Rick, how many people have you called?).
There are, immediately, a number of issues - the first is HTML entry is a pain, and bizarrely there is no way in the file manager to create a directory! I found an empty one auto generated by the music player for album art and renamed it.

That said, the fact that I can do this, that I can create a little blog entry anywhere - you gotta respect that!

It could be possible to help myself with some scripting assistance, perhaps I can write the entry in my email client and have a script pull it apart and generate the files? All ideas to ponder...


Speaking of pondering, there is still time to perform a spot of hanami, the contemplation of the cherry blossom.

Sakura, cherry blossom.

It is quite nice this time of year. I'm sitting outside in a partly shady place to write this, and just behind me the apples are also in flower. Do people celebrate the apple blossom? Perhaps, in cider areas (Normandie?), though I think the cherry blossom is a bigger and more well-known event.

Apple blossom.

Well, that's all for now. Let's get this uploaded!

Word processor - Text Edit, Paul Mach (using built-in Swype keyboard)
Camera and photo editing - built-in (Motorola Motoblur)
File system fiddling - Quickoffice Lite (built in)
Server upload - AndFTP, Lysesoft.
Comms - mobile network, not WiFi ;-)


Your comments:

Rick, 9th April 2011, 14:49
Upload via EDGE. Not terribly quick, but hey, you're reading this! ☺
joe, 10th April 2011, 07:14
I was thinking of advising you to buy HTC windows phone and was trying to access your web page on my phone, which is Touch Diamond 2, WM 6.5 but unfortunately, I couldn't access the page "", was redirected to Apache 2 test page. The Binary.LOGfile page and ARM assembler pages are forbidden, very strange. 
Where did this cherry blossom photo comes from?
joe, 10th April 2011, 07:18
The last sentence should reed: 
Where did this cherry blossom photo come from?
Rick, 10th April 2011, 11:35
Forbidden? How bizarre! Did it give any message or reason? 
Perhaps this is why you should get an Android phone? ;-) 
Usually, unless it says otherwise, the photos are mine. The entirety of Saturday's entry was created on my phone - including the photos. We have several cherry trees, that pictured was the nicest looking.
Gavin Wraith, 10th April 2011, 23:40
Nice to see that you are still around. I like the captcha system. It suggests some interesting variants that would filter out not just robots but all the canaille who do not share a particular interest. So, for example, if you want ARM enthusiasts you might have "please enter in hex digits the value of rsbne r0,lr,pc". Endless possibilities :).
Rick, 11th April 2011, 00:44
Hey Gavin! 
I like that captcha idea, though we'd need to decide if it would be RISC OS byte order, or Linux byte order. ;-) 
To pass go, please enter the hex code for EORNES R5, R4, #&07800000 ☺
Rick, 11th April 2011, 00:47
Although, I preferred "CDPLE CP14, 10, C11, C13, C15, 7", but that looks a little scary, no?
Gavin Wraith, 11th April 2011, 15:00
For mathematicians "enter in ascending order the orders of the elements of the smallest nonabelian simple group" (1,2,3,5). Mind you, a bit of googling will soon give you the answer, but could a bot do it? "Who first wore pink silk tights in Scotland?" (George III). The whole thing could be an online MasterMind.

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