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FYI! Last read at 06:42 on 2024/10/18.


I had a visitor this morning. First time in... since... wow, I don't remember.

So, I had to overcome my innate introversion ("hi, it's-nice-to-see-you-please-leave") and attempt to be sociable. So, a nice table out in the sunshine (it was about 4°C) with some lemon biscuits and chocolates. I knew Alison drinks coffee but wasn't sure which would be best so I got two choices. The obligatory hand gel, and of course, Simon and Garfunkel on the record player for some added ambience.

Attempting to be welcoming.
Attempting to be welcoming.

As it turns out, that record was the first one she ever bought. So a good choice.
We talked about various random things, I geeked out a little but she was polite enough not to say "oh, do be quiet". Then we walked around the land, and Anna was initially wary of this newcomer but soon decided that she was okay. I guess being allowed to sit on a human's shoulders makes that human acceptable in cat logic.

It was a pleasant visit. I'm back to work on the 4th, so I have three days to recharge. ☺

...that's the thing that a lot of people don't get about us introverts. We do not thrive on social interactions. As such, interacting with people can be emotionally draining. It isn't a complaint, I'd happily do the same thing again next week, it's just how we are. And that was one person. So I think it ought to be obvious why introverts are believers in the idea that two is company and three is a crowd.


Amazon parcel

I ordered a Stranger Things calendar. I usually get a few calendars, and this is the first year since perhaps 2011 that I've not had a calendar of scenes of Japan. The problem is, there are maybe 40 or so photos that do the rounds, so after nearly ten years, I think I've seen them in all sorts of combinations.

Anyway, looking at the list of calendars and not feeling terribly inspired, I picked a calendar tied in with the hit series set in the '80s. Well, why not? While it is drawings and designs rather than photos from the series, part of what sold me on it was that it was formatted correctly with Sunday on the right (where it belongs).

Post woman arrived this morning. Said there's a parcel for me. She's looking for it, so I tell her it's a calendar so it ought to be a flat envelope about so big.



A well wrapped calendar.
A well wrapped calendar.

I tore it open in front of her and pulled out the calendar. She burst out laughing and said "they do do that".


The year that was - 2020

Let's face it. 2020 was a shit year.

I said, back at the end of 2016:

2016 wasn't even a lame non-dress rehearsal by the understudies at 5am after a drunken night out, in comparison to the dismal qualities of 2020.

Indeed, 2020 was such a horrorshow that I'm glad mom wasn't around to see it. To think that it may have been her last year of life (had she not died of the medication) would...actually be unthinkable.














I would like to say "thank <Deity$Name> that this year is finally over", but this is tempered with the knowledge that things are not normal, they probably won't be normal for a long time, and the economic damage may end up with consequences for many people. Already there have been many job losses due to Covid, a lot of high street names folding and small businesses closing. Add to that the damage of Brexit.
I can't say that I feel there are things to celebrate about the end of 2020.

But, hey, at least I can decline meetings and such by saying I'm socially distancing, and be seen as some sort of hygiene hero rather than an outcast.
2020 - the year introverts ruled!


Final pictures of the year

Myself and a co-worker at a little Christmas thing that the workers committee put on. That my jumper exactly blends in is just co-incidence. Clearly a social distancing fail, but since she's the one who hugged me, it seemed a bit pointless worrying about such things now. ☺

Mother Christmas!
Mother Christmas!

My final day at work. With a penguin jumper, santa hat, and Christmas themed face mask. The bright orange gizmo is something I use for cleaning the floors. You don't think I scrub the tiles with a toothbrush do you? Had a life's fill of that sort of rubbish at boarding school...

My final day at work.
My final day at work.


Well, that's it.

Have a nice New Year, and I hope next year will be better.

It'd be hard to be wor.... wait... DON'T SAY IT!

Just say...






Your comments:

Zerosquare, 1st January 2021, 04:24
Happy New Year, Rick! 
Since you mention record players, did you see that recent video? It's pretty interesting, and the comments are too:
David Pilling, 1st January 2021, 23:13
"The WHO reports sex cases" I thought Keith Moon was back. 
Interesting to read the above, I'd forgotten about some things. I doubt the people involved will have forgotten. We could add floods in the UK to the start of the year, wonder what happened to those people. 
My best wishes for the New Year.

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