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FYI! Last read at 19:09 on 2024/12/03.


As I write this, Antenne Symphonic Rock is playing "Let's Build A Temple" by Therion.
I have the door open as it's warm outside (free warmth!).

A blackbird is sitting in the tree singing along with it.

The song has changed to "Shadowmaker" by Apocalyptica. Blackbird has gone, not interested.

So the wildlife (from a sample of one) has given a chirp of approval to Therion...

Later: It has come back to enjoy "Vienna" by the Trans Siberian Orchestra.

I can just imagine it with its wings slightly out, bobbing its head to the beat. A long time ago I had a budgie that used to do that to Meatloaf. 🤘


SimpleSeq v0.23

Loads of changes.

Oh, and I updated the user guide too. Whoo!
It's been a busy rainy day.

Here's the update for you:

Download (191.20K)
For RISC OS 5 machines with MIDI


Here is the updated, now 28 page, user guide for SimpleSeq v0.23.

Download sseq023_ug.pdf (2.75M)



Your comments:

David Pilling, 19th February 2024, 03:43
No midi, no musical talent, but I read the user guide, work of art.
Rick, 20th February 2024, 11:31
Thank you. It was your work of art that made it possible. ;)

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