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FYI! Last read at 18:01 on 2024/09/19.

Reinvigorating the larder

Well, I didn't think this would have happened so soon, but I pulled myt finger out and threw out more stuff and was able to move that old wooden bench (it's a bit like an old fashioned church pew) so I could clean the walls and that bit of floor with bleach, and then move the shelves to be against the wall.
I make it sound simple. It wasn't, really, as I needed to clean the shelves before I moved them. Have everything in good state. Here I cheated and used the pressure cooker. No, I didn't. I used the pressure washer. Sorry, I've not had anything to eat or drink since my morning cuppa at 6am. Yeah, only one tea today. No wonder I have a bloody headache.

As I put the items back on the shelves, I entered them into my Larder app. It became apparent quite quickly that it would be a pain to add ten items if they had to be done one by one, so I added a prompt asking how many. Email me if you want that version, I'm not going to put it up here, too shattered.

Actually, I think I'll make myself a nice bowl of linguine and go to bed with that, a bunch of yoghurts (for the sugar), and whatever is on Netflix that takes my interest. I'm not in any fit state for something that requires concentration, so I'm leaning towards "Exploding Kittens" (which is pretty funny) or "Cunk On Earth" (which is a brilliant send-up of overly serious documentaries).

Anyway, here's a picture.

Yes, I know the date is wrong...
The shelves in their new position.



Your comments:

jgh, 21st August 2024, 12:52
"a brilliant send-up of overly serious documentaries" 
Have you seen "German Fork-lift Safety Film"? 
A tree-dwelling mammal, 21st August 2024, 18:34
Never mind forklifts. I was trying to find a link to the actual video, but it doesn't appear to work. So here's the Wikipedia page: 
(Rick - can you make that into a link, thanks) 
I did suggest at an event a short while back that Network Rail starts showing that film again. Warning (if you do find a 'live' link to watch it) - it's quite graphic!

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