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FYI! Last read at 02:15 on 2024/09/19.

Chronopost, the saga continues...

Sorting error
A sorting error.

They say the delivery has been deferred 24h because of a sorting error. They now estimate it'll get to me tomorrow. Well, will it get to me or will it be dumped at some nearby(ish) collection point?

I've just attached a message to my tracing report to say that my address is correct, you can find it on Google Maps.


I let Amazon know of the situation, following the email saying that it'll definitely get to me today. The person that wrote back said "We are unable to remedy this problem and we apologise for the inconvenience caused" and ask me to wait until the 6th of September before they'll either resend or refund. I guess they've lost interest in this. But me? No, I'm British. I can moan about it endlessly. There's a reason Aussies refer to us as "whinging poms" ☺

Now, it's not an important parcel, and this isn't really Amazon's fault. It's Chronopost being... well... Chronopost. There's a part of me that suspects the "sorting error" was because no truck is heading out this way so they just couldn't be bothered. Like I said, not the first time...


Speaking of whinging poms, does anybody else remember the "Winjin' Pom", a completely nutty puppet-programme from the early '90s where the title character is a talking flying van that's almost as depressed as Marvin. Though, in the early '90s I was more following Picket Fences...


So, then, same time tomorrow?



Your comments:

A tree-dwelling mammal, 7th September 2024, 13:14
"does anybody else remember the "Winjin' Pom", a completely nutty puppet-programme from the early '90s?" 
I remember seeing the trailers. Don't think I ever watched it, but bearing in mind I'd have probably been about 12 or 13 at the time.

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