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FYI! Last read at 18:38 on 2024/09/19.

Larder v0.06

A few things have turned up in the use of my larder management software, hence version 0.06.

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For RISC OS machines.


Winter is coming

Wednesday night was the first night I had to shut the shutters at night. As night falls like a creeping dark thing by nineish these days, I also dropped the little curtain down on the front door so it's all closed and obscured when the shutters are shut.
Also, this morning I got so much grass stuck to my shoes when I went to feed Anna. Recently cut grass, and it went down to 5.4°C so the ground was soaked with dew.

Yup, we're definitely on the arse-end of the year.

There is one good thing though. I was absentmindedly scrolling through stuff on Shein, to take a break from absentmindedly scrolling through stuff on BoredPanda, which itself was a break from absentmindedly scrolling through stuff on The Guardian...
...when I found a Halloween t-shirt that is absolutely me.

Like, boo, maybe?
Like, boo, maybe?


Dead dehumidifier

I went to make tea this morning and the little green light on my dehumidifier was not illuminated. No big, probably a brownout. It doesn't turn on automatically. So I pressed the button.


I checked the power supply block, logical first thing to do. 9.35V. When the device is turned on, this drops and then comes back up. Okay, that's... odd.

Obviously this means screwdrivers will be involved.

The Peltier Effect device
The Peltier Effect device.

The dehumidifier worked when the Peltier block was disconnected, but not when it was connected. So I removed the heatsink from the thing and, well, it looks fine. Nothing burnt out, no signs of damage...

I hooked the block directly to the power supply and the voltage dropped to barely half a volt. Which is not fine.

The power supply is 9V at 2.5A. Not something I happen to have around. The best I could manage was 12V at 2A for running the previous Livebox.

Running fine from the other power supply
Running fine from the other power supply.

I didn't want to run it for long, overvoltage and undercurrent, but the fan started and the Peltier block got notably colder, which pointed to the power supply being faulty.

More fool me for taking this apart in the kitchen, it shed crap all over the place so I stripped it right down and washed the casing. The constant passage of air makes it rather mucky, though astonishingly it wasn't that dirty inside.

The power brick inside
The power brick is exactly 16:9 proportion.

The inside of the power brick was some icky glue-gunk. Sorry, life is too short to want to deal with that.
I ordered a multi-voltage power brick from Amazon that has a 3A capacity and various sorts of connector. One type of connector is two little screw terminals, so I can cut the cord off of the original power supply and wire it up to the replacement.

That dehumidifier is not available any more. There are other models, but they seem to be more expensive and/or more powerful. One says "Low energy consumption: <1kW". Seriously? I don't call that low!

I also noticed one claiming to be a wireless dehumidifier. Well, technically correct, it was a plastic box into which you put one of those bags of silica granules.

I think the capacity of mine is... hang on, let me actually go measure... half a litre. When the temperature in here is good, which is from late spring to late autumn, it can fill that in two days.
Unfortunately, I can't run the dehumidifier in the winter when it needs it, since it is cold in the house, something that drops 15-20 degrees... well... it freezes up.



Some extras added to my YouTube channel. Link on the upper right (in desktop mode).

I'm now going to go make myself some chicken tikka on rice. Rice from a packet, tikka from a jar, and chicken from, well, a chicken - but cleverly disguised as a squishy sand/caramel/fawn lump within a persian blue pack so you can disassociate from the fact that it is chunks of flesh from a dead bird.
The tikka sauce, Pataks, looks to be a lovely sienna umber.
And I trust you know what white colour rice is. Clue in the name. Yes! That's right. It's "rice". ☺ No, seriously, that's an actual colour name. It's sort of between baby powder and merino. Or... rice coloured. It's doubly amusing in that the basmati that I'll be eating is quite close to white, jasmine rice is darker, parboiled long grain (think Uncle Ben's) is almost goldenrod but the semi-translucent shininess reminds me more of tooth enamel, and then there's red (more like cinnamon), black (which isn't, it's closer to dark chocolate), and wild (slightly darker than 'black' so maybe espresso?).

Sorry... got a bit carried away there. The kettle boiled many minutes ago, so I'd better toddle off and make this happen...



Your comments:

A tree-dwelling mammal, 17th September 2024, 20:57
It's getting chilly here in the mornings too. For the last few days my heating has been coming on for half an hour, at least until the sun comes up and warms everything up again, then it turns off. 
You can't call it "Uncle Ben's" any more. It's now "Ben's Original". Because apparently "Uncle Ben's" isn't woke enough. (I still call it Uncle Ben's and balls to wokery.)

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