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FYI! Last read at 13:25 on 2024/10/18.

Mom's Death Day

Happy Death Day to you!
Happy Death Day to you!

No, wait, that's not right...


I'm not upset. Well, I am a little because I lost my best friend, but on the other hand it wasn't years of harrowing pain and suffering. So it's a bittersweet day, I guess.

But the main thing - the main shock... it's been five years.

Five Years.

Five. Effing. Years.

Okay, fair enough, the first couple of years of this particular decade are a sort of hazy black hole of inexistence, but still....bloody hell. I feel like I'm somersaulting towards my own grave. Metaphorically, of course, a dyspraxic middle aged git is only liable to somersault when being a assisted by the force of gravity. Off ladders, down stairs, that sort of thing. Complete with the requisite ragdoll physics.

I, of course, "celebrated" in true Rick style. I watched "Ghosts" on BBC One while eating Pringles dipped in Philadelphia, washed down with lashings of Tetley.
I somehow managed to go through the entire large size tub of... how do you define Philadelphia? It's not a cheese (cheese to me is cheddar). It's more like a peculiar cross between cream and a set yoghurt.
Whatever, I can't help but feel that I might end up regretting that...but that'll be a tomorrow problem. ☺


But, for right now, let's just raise a mug to the best person I ever met.



Your comments:

A tree-dwelling mammal, 28th September 2024, 11:25
I met Rick's mum (and Rick himself) some time back, I think it was over 25 years ago now. She was an amazing person. My only regret is that it was only the one time. 
I shall raise a glass later. *clink*
Gavin Wraith, 28th September 2024, 13:06
My mother died a quarter of a century ago. Still I often find myself thinking "That would interest her, I must tell her that". I am two years older than Rick's mother. Judging by pictures on Rick's webpages she was beautiful. What really impresses me is her foresight in moving to France.
David Pilling, 28th September 2024, 23:24
Well done Mom for Rick.
jgh, 1st October 2024, 09:11
GW: Ditto, my father died in May and my thought processes still run along rails of "Dad would like this, I'll mention it next time...." 
It would have been his birthday next week. 

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