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FYI! Last read at 11:02 on 2025/02/21.

Rick's Statement on the UK Online Safety Act

Following the introduction of the idiotic UK Online Safety Act, I was required to close commenting to UK residents, as this is a one-person blog with zero budget, zero advertising, and no legal department to look for loopholes. Plus, comments come from maybe ten people. Not "at a time", in total. And, sadly, most of them are indeed UK resident. ☹

Continuing from that, I am going to examine the situation relative to the document about the seventeen categories of harm (PDF) such as terrorism, hate, harassement, child sex, etc.

Notice about what not to post

Prior to posting a comment, the desktop version of my blog states in small text at the start of the comment section:
Please note that while I check this page every so often, I am not able to control what users write; therefore I disclaim all liability for unpleasant and/or infringing and/or defamatory material. Undesired content will be removed as soon as it is noticed. By leaving a comment, you agree not to post material that is illegal or in bad taste, and you should be aware that the time and your IP address are both recorded, should it be necessary to find out who you are.

Short and sweet and to the point. This text is not present on the mobile version of the blog as, really, it ought to be obvious to not be an arsehole online, so I'm not inclined to want to clutter things up with legalese that nobody will read. The desktop version has more space so it's there.



There is no pre-post moderation. Automated moderation rarely works as there are so very many ways to get around it - for instance, guess the word: w@nkr
The only effective moderation is for me to preview each and every message prior to it being posted, and I don't have the time to do that, nor to try to futz together some sort of technical solution to make that work in the first place.

Every comment posted generates an email to me. This is an example from the comment that I posted yesterday:

Rick posted a comment on the 20250206 b.log entry. :-)

From: noname -at- given
IP  : 2a01:x:x:x:x:x:x:eda (
[!UK ticked]

I've linkified  your link. It's the same one as in the article.
[...snip text...]

"noname -at- given" is what it says when no email address is provided. The email address that you optionally provide is in case I want to contact you directly regarding a point that is raised.
And, of course, I've munged my own IP address.
Suffice to say, I'm notified when comments are posted.

If I feel that a comment is in very bad taste, potentially defamatory, or illegal then it will be deleted. Deletion is performed by way of a small script running on the server that allows me to edit the contents of the file holding comments. There is no audit log, no record of deletion. And adding such a thing isn't really feasible as comments are written to the file in plain text form, they aren't "records in a database". This blog does not use SQL or anything fancy like that.

Lesser infractions like excessive swearing or just being rude may push me to edit the content of a comment (along with an annotation saying that I did so), or in some cases fixing URLs given in text form into something that can be clicked upon. Note well that it is me making URLs by editing the underlying HTML that the comments are built from. Users can only post "text".

I sleep, obviously, like any human trying to pass itself off as vaguely normal. Also I work. In an environment where I don't get to check my phone every five minutes. So there may be a delay between a comment being posted and its removal. That delay could be as much as 12 hours, but would usually be less. It depends upon the time of day and what I'm doing.


Contact details

There is an email address given at the top of every page. A very small number of people have my phone number, I'm an introvert so I don't share.
There is no Twitter, SnapChat, Telegraph, WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Signal, Facetime, WeChat, Skype, Discord, or other sort of messaging service because I'm not on those.
Don't waste your time looking, I'm not there, and my neurodivergent introvert personality means that if you were to send me an "urgent" message, you would not get an urgent reply. Likewise, don't phone me. Not without prior arrangement.

I'm old-school. There's an email address. It works. Use it. And preferably just text, because this nonsense is just annoying:

What badly formatted emails look like.
If letters and numbers are good enough
for books, they're good enough for email.


Risk assessment

This site is low risk. While the blog often strays into politics and technical hackery, it's opinions (politics) and about knowing how things work (everything). There is nothing relating to ordinarily prohibited categories here. The most offensive things on this blog will depend entirely upon your morals (if you're somebody who believes in the magical sky fairy, this blog is not for you; if you're a right-wing nutter that supports Tory scum or, worse, idiots like Farage, this blog is not for you).

If, on the other hand, you are an actual adult who likes raping actual little girls, then public televised hanging is what you need. Just die.
[I don't think I can be any clearer than that]

In terms of user-provided content, it is text only. It isn't possible to create links, nor to attach pictures. Any links that you may see in the comments were made by me by editing the raw comment data. I've already mentioned this.


The seventeen 'harms'

From the PDF linked above.


Did I miss anything?


Storm damage

Following the storm that blew through here at the end of January, there as damage to two trees.

The first was to the big mass of weeping willow out front.

A piece of fallen tree.
It's actually a bit massive, isn't it?

Where the fallen tree piece done fallen from.
Don't look up!

The second was to... was this an old cherry? I don't recall. It wasn't growing straight and the wind just pushed a little too hard.

A decapitated tree.
Of all the trees, why this one?

Oh, and the plastic chair fell over. ☺



Your comments:

As of February 2025, commenting is no longer available to UK residents, following the implementation of the vague and overly broad Online Safety Act. You must tick the box below to verify that you are not a UK resident, and you expressly agree if you are in fact a UK resident that you will indemnify me (Richard Murray), as well as the person maintaining my site (Rob O'Donnell), the hosting providers, and so on. It's a shitty law, complain to your MP.
It's not that I don't want to hear from my British friends, it's because your country makes stupid laws.

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