The Level 4 server was Acorn's attempt to bring network facilities to RiscOS. As you can imagine,
it is many times faster than FileStore; though not much faster than an MDFS.
The server can run in a multi-tasking mode if required, with a single-tasking mode available for
less able machines. You can serve a number of different 'discs' by pointing the configuration to
various directories on the local filing system (a harddisc, CD-ROM, floppy, RAMdisc or even via
TCP/IP to a unix box).
Level 4 supports the following administration commands:
*NEWUSER <username> Creates a user account for the specified username. *PRIV <username> [S or L or or F none] Sets the user privilege... System, Locked, or Fixed, or Normal. *REMUSER <username> Removes the user account for the specified user. *FSSHUTDOWN Shuts down the server. Does not ask for confirmation.
Level 4's configuration is set within the server itself using the WIMP. You can set hidden objects, space accounting, minimum password length enforcement and logons allowed.
Information on accounting and hidden objects by Glenn Richards:
I think the command is something like "SetFree <user> <space>K"
to set the quota.
As for the hidden objects, that works like this, assuming that you are in a directory
to which you have Public access: