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SUBT Interupt handler and Event generator. ==> &.Arthur.Econet.Background
ALIGN $Alignment
Interrupt ROUT
Push "lr"
ADR r14, IOC
LDRB r14, [ r14, #IOCIRQREQA ] ; IRQ Request register
TST r14, #force_bit ; IRQ forced from FIQ
Pull "pc", EQ ; If it wasn't an FIQ to IRQ down-grade
LD r14, FIQStatus
TEQ r14, #FIQ_Owner ; Are we the owner of FIQ?
Pull "pc", NE ; If it wasn't us who did it, give it back
TEQP psr, #( IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Goto SVC
Push "r0-r4, lr" ; On supervisor stack
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_Pink
STR r2, [ r3, #0 ]
TEQP psr, #( FFlag + IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Disable FIQ
ADR r1, IOC ; Not mode dependent
LDRB r0, [ r1, #IOCIRQMSKA ] ; IRQ Mask register
BIC r0, r0, #force_bit ; Must clear it first in case it happens again!
STRB r0, [ r1, #IOCIRQMSKA ] ; IRQ Mask register
TEQP psr, #( IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Enable FIQ
NOP ; Next instruction uses wp hence it's mode dependent
LD r0, PeekPokeFlag ; First look for a peek or a poke memory check
TEQ r0, #0 ; Are we down grading a peek or a poke?
BEQ InterruptImmediate
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_Grey
STR r2, [ r3, #0 ]
MOV r3, #0
ST r3, PeekPokeFlag ; Clear the flag
ADR r2, ScoutBuffer + 4 ; Here lies the start and end address+1
LDMIA r2, { r0, r1 }
SWI XOS_ValidateAddress
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r1, HardwareAddress
LDR r1, =EconetController ; Get the address of our chip
BVS DontAllowPeekOrPoke
BCS DontAllowPeekOrPoke
MOV r0, #2_11100111 ; RTS, CLRTxST, CLRRxST, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg2 ]
MOV r0, #2_01000100 ; RxRS, TxIE ; Start the transmitter interrupting
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg1 ]
B InterruptLoop
; This code is similar to the sequence in the ReInit routine
; but it is executed in SVC mode and doesn't exit with RTFIQ
; Violently re-initialise things, take no chances
MOV r0, #2_11000001 ; TxReset, RxReset, AC=1
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg1 ]
MOV r0, #2_00011110 ; NRZ, Rx8bits, Tx8bits
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg4 ]
MOV r0, #2_00000000 ; DTR, NONLOOP
ST r0, FIQBusy ; Show that FIQ is not busy, by storing a zero
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg3 ]
MOV r0, #2_10000010 ; TxReset, RxIE, AC=0
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg1 ]
MOV r0, #2_01100111 ; ClrTxStatus, ClrRxStatus, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX:CReg2 ]
SetFIQ StartReception, r0, r1, Long, Init, r2
B InterruptLoop
InterruptImmediate ; Then look for an immediate operation
LD r0, LockOut ; Get the lockout state
TEQ r0, #0
BEQ InterruptTxOrRx ; No immediate operation outstanding
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_Beige
STR r2, [ r1, #0 ]
LDRB r0, ImmediateRecord + Offset_Control
ADRL r1, ArgumentsSize
LD r2, ArgumentsAddressOrNumber ; Procedure number or Call address
LDRB r3, ImmediateRecord + Offset_Station
LDRB r4, ImmediateRecord + Offset_Network
TEQ r0, #BitSeven + Econet_JSR
ASL r2, 16
ASR r2, 16 ; Clear the top 16 bits of the procedure number
TEQ r0, #BitSeven + Econet_UserProcedureCall
MOVEQ r0, #Event_Econet_UserRPC
MOVNE r0, #Event_Econet_OSProc
[ False ; Debug
DREG r0, "XOS_GenerateEvent called, R0 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R1 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R2 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R3 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R4 = &"
SWI XOS_GenerateEvent
MOV r1, #0
ST r1, LockOut ; Clear the lockout state
B InterruptLoop ; Start again
CMP r2, #-1 ; If the call address is -1 then call the buffer
ADDEQ r2, r1, #4
ADR lr, CancelLockOut
MOV pc, r2
InterruptTxOrRx ; Scan both the Tx and Rx lists looking for
; the oldest outstanding CB that needs eventing
; R0 => Event number to use
; R1 => Pointer to the CB to do
; R2 => Event sequence number
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_Blue
STR r2, [ r1, #0 ]
MOV r1, #0
MOV r2, #Event_NotReady
ADR r14, TxCBList - Offset_Link
LDR r14, [ r14, #Offset_Link ]
TEQ r14, #NIL ; Check for an empty list
BEQ InterruptRx
LDR r3, [ r14, #Offset_Event ]
CMP r3, r2
MOVLO r1, r14 ; Ready to be evented
MOVLO r0, #Event_Econet_Tx
MOVLO r2, r3 ; The number of the lowest encountered so far
B InterruptTxLoop
ADR r14, RxCBList - Offset_Link
LDR r14, [ r14, #Offset_Link ]
TEQ r14, #NIL ; Check for an empty list
BEQ CheckForEvent
LDR r3, [ r14, #Offset_Event ]
CMP r3, r2
MOVLO r1, r14 ; Ready to be evented
MOVLO r0, #Event_Econet_Rx
MOVLO r2, r3 ; The number of the lowest encountered so far
B InterruptRxLoop
MOVS r14, r1 ; Possible CB pointer
BEQ InterruptFinished ; No CBs outstanding so start again
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_White
STR r2, [ r3, #0 ]
MOV r1, #Event_Done ; Event processed
STR r1, [ r14, #Offset_Event ]
LDR r1, [ r14, #Offset_Handle ]
LDRB r2, [ r14, #Offset_Status ]
LDRB r3, [ r14, #Offset_Port ]
[ False ; Debug
DREG r0, "XOS_GenerateEvent called, R0 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R1 = &", cc
DREG r2, ", R2 = &", cc
DREG r3, ", R3 = &", cc
DREG r4, ", R4 = &"
SWI XOS_GenerateEvent
B InterruptLoop ; Start again
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r2, =Border_Yellow
STR r2, [ r3, #0 ]
Pull "r0-r4, lr" ; Off supervisor stack
TEQP psr, #IFlag + IRQ_mode ; Return to original mode
Pull "lr, pc" ; Off IRQ stack
ALIGN $Alignment
Event ROUT
; This is the stuff that actually handles to OSRPCs
; This code will be entered in SWI mode because I called it from SWI mode
; so there is no need to go to SWI mode to preserve R14 in SWIs
TEQ r0, #Event_Econet_OSProc
MOVNES pc, lr
TEQ r2, #Econet_OSCharacterFromNotify ; Bottom byte of RPC number is what to do
BEQ InsertCharacter
TEQ r2, #Econet_OSCauseFatalError
BEQ CauseFatalError
MOV r0, #Event_Econet_OSProc
BICS pc, lr, #VFlag
[ False ; Debug
DREG r0, "InsertCharacter called, R0 = &", cc
DREG r1, ", R1 = &", cc
DREG r2, ", R2 = &", cc
DREG r3, ", R3 = &", cc
DREG r4, ", R4 = &"
MOV r0, #138
LDRB r2, [ r1, #4 ] ; Pick up the character from the buffer
MOV r1, #0
MOV r3, lr
MOV pc, r3
MOV r1, #0
ST r1, LockOut ; Clear the lockout state
ADR r0, ErrorRemoted
[ UseMsgTrans
ADR lr, ExecuteFatalError
B MakeError
SWI OS_GenerateError
DCD ErrorNumber_Remoted
DCB "Remoted", 0
SWI OS_GenerateError
Err Remoted
OPT OptPage
ALIGN $Alignment
Pacemaker ROUT
; Entered from the Ticker vector
; And wp has the expected value, and doesn't need to be preserved
; We will be in either IRQ or SVC mode with a valid stack
Push "r6, r7, lr" ; Note use of Non FIQ registers
LD r6, Time ; Also saves the IRQ state, which isn't assumed
INC r6
ST r6, Time
LD r7, FIQStatus
TEQ r7, #FIQ_PoweredDown ; Is it OK to do anything?
Pull "r6, r7, pc", EQ ; No we aren't even alive
Push "r2-r5"
MOV r5, psr ; Save mode in r5, should be IRQ might just be SVC
LD r7, TxCBList ; Now check the transmit queue to see what needs restarting
B %30
LDRB r14, [ r7, #Offset_Status ]
TEQ r14, #Status_TxReady
BNE %20
LDR r14, [ r7, #Offset_Time ]
CMP r6, r14
BPL RestartRecord
LDR r7, [ r7, #Offset_Link ]
TEQ r7, #NIL
BNE CheckTxList
[ PerthPowerDown
; Now check if it is Power Down time yet
LDR r7, PowerDownTime
CMP r7, r6
BGT NoPowerDownYet ; Not time yet
LDR r7, TxCBList
TEQ r7, #NIL
BEQ %50 ; No TxCBs, check for RxCBs
LDRB r14, [ r7, #Offset_Status ]
TEQ r14, #Status_TxReady
TEQNE r14, #Status_Transmitting ; If they are active then
BEQ %60 ; Nothing we can do here
LDR r7, [ r7, #Offset_Link ]
B %40
LDR r7, RxCBList
TEQ r7, #NIL
BEQ %70 ; Its OK, so lets do it
TEQP psr, #( IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Goto SVC
MOV r2, #ServicePortable_TidyUp ; Lets beg for it (non-mode dependent register)
Push "r1, lr" ; This may cause SWIs, which will change PowerDownTime
MOV r1, #Service_Portable
SWI XOS_ServiceCall
Pull "r1, lr"
TEQP psr, r5 ; Restore mode and interrupt state
LDR r7, RxCBList
TEQ r7, #NIL
ADDNE r7, r6, #PowerDownTimeout ; Calculate time to try again
STRNE r7, PowerDownTime
Pull "r2-r7, pc", NE ; Still got things to do
[ DebugPowerDown
LDR r7, =Border_Magenta
STR r7, [ r14, #0 ]
TEQP psr, #( IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Goto SVC
[ UsePortableModule
Push "r0, r1, lr" ; On supervisor stack
MOV r0, #0 ; Turn it off
MVN r1, #PortableControl_EconetEnable
SWI XPortable_Control
Pull "r0, r1, lr"
Push "r1-r3, lr" ; On supervisor stack
MOV r1, #Service_Portable
MOV r2, #ServicePortable_PowerDown
MOV r3, #PortableControl_EconetEnable
SWI XOS_ServiceCall
Pull "r1-r3, lr"
TEQP psr, r5 ; Restore mode and interrupt state
[ ReceiveInBackground
LD r2, BridgeRxHandle
TEQ r2, #0
BEQ %90 ; Bridge handle already abandoned
CMP r6, #BridgeWaitTime
BLS %90 ; Not time to abandon yet, unsigned CMP
TEQP psr, #SVC_mode ; Goto SVC, needed to call AbandonAndReadReceive
Push "r0, r1, r5, r10, r11, lr"
MOV r0, #0
ST r0, BridgeRxHandle
ADDS r0, r0, r2 ; MOV r0, r2, clearing V: R2 is the handle to abandon
BL AbandonAndReadReceive ; Ignore errors returned
[ DebugFindLocalNet
BVS %97
TEQ r0, #Status_Received
LDRNE r0, =Border_Grey
LDREQ r0, =Border_Brown
STR r0, [ r1, #0 ]
Pull "r0, r1, r5, r10, r11, lr"
TEQP psr, r5 ; Restore mode and interrupt state
Pull "r2-r7, pc"
RestartRecord ROUT ; Called from StartTransmit and TickerV
; R5 => Mode and flags to restore at the end
; R6 => Time
; R7 => Pointer to the record
; SP => Has r2-r7, and the return address already pushed
LD r4, FIQStatus ; Test again because of being jumped to
TEQ r4, #FIQ_Owner ; Is it OK to do anything?
BNE ExitRestartRecord
LDRB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Station ]
LD r4, LocalStation ; Is it the same station number?
TEQ r2, r4 ; If it is then check the network number as well
LDREQB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Network ]
TEQEQ r2, #0 ; Is it this network?
LDRNEB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Broadcast ]
TEQNE r2, #0
BNE SendToWire ; Not for local loopback
LDRB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Port ]
TEQ r2, #0 ; Is this an immediate operation?
LDRNEB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Local ] ; Have we already done this?
TEQNE r2, #0
BEQ SendToWire ; Yes, so "No way Hose!"
LDR r2, RxCBList ; Now compare the TxRecord with the RxList
TEQ r2, #NIL
BEQ LocalNotListening
LDRB r3, [ r2, #Offset_Status ]
TEQ r3, #Status_RxReady
BNE SkipToNextRx ; Not ready, so it can't be this one
LDRB r3, [ r2, #Offset_RxPort ]
TEQ r3, #255
LDRNEB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Port ] ; The transmission port
TEQNE r3, r4
BNE SkipToNextRx ; No port match or no wild reception port
LDRB r3, [ r2, #Offset_RxStation ]
TEQ r3, #255
LD r4, LocalStation, NE
TEQNE r3, r4
BNE SkipToNextRx ; No station match or no wild reception station
LDRB r3, [ r2, #Offset_RxNetwork ]
TEQ r3, #255
TEQNE r3, #0
BNE SkipToNextRx ; No network match or no wild reception network
; Now check that there is room for the transfer to take place
LDR r3, [ r2, #Offset_Size ]
LDR r4, [ r7, #Offset_Size ]
CMP r3, r4 ; Check the two buffer sizes
MOVLT r4, #Status_NetError
BLT LocalNetError ; No, not enough room
Push "r0, r1"
[ DebugIRQ
LDR r0, =Border_Lime
STR r0, [ r1, #0 ]
LDR r0, [ r2, #Offset_Start ]
LDR r1, [ r7, #Offset_Start ]
LDRB r3, [ r1 ], #1
STRB r3, [ r0 ], #1
BNE LocalCopyLoop
Pull "r0, r1"
LDRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Station ]
LDR r4, [ r7, #Offset_Size ]
STR r4, [ r2, #Offset_RxSize ]
LD r4, LocalStation
STRB r4, [ r2, #Offset_Station ]
MOV r4, #0
STRB r4, [ r2, #Offset_Network ]
LDRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Port ]
STRB r4, [ r2, #Offset_Port ]
LDRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Control ]
STRB r4, [ r2, #Offset_Control ]
MOV r4, #Status_Received ; Mark the reception as completed
STRB r4, [ r2, #Offset_Status ]
MOV r4, psr ; Save interrupt state
TEQP psr, #( FFlag + IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Disable all interrupts
NOP ; Note; WP *IS* a mode dependent register
LD r3, EventSequenceNumber
INC r3 ; Get an event number
ST r3, EventSequenceNumber
TEQP psr, r4 ; Restore interrupts and mode
LDRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Broadcast ]
TEQ r4, #0 ; Is this a broadcast?
MOVNE r4, #Status_Transmitted ; Mark a normal transmit as completed
STRNEB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Status ]
STRNE r3, [ r7, #Offset_Event ] ; Transmit event
MOVNE r7, r2 ; The RxCB
BNE DoEventAndExit ; And exit marking the RxCB for eventing
STRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Local ] ; Mark that we have done a local reception (0)
STR r3, [ r2, #Offset_Event ] ; Receive event, will be triggered with the Tx
B SendToWire ; Now send the broadcast out on the wire as well
LDR r2, [ r2, #Offset_Link ]
B ScanRxLoop ; Check the next RxRecord
LocalNotListening ; No match on any RxCB
MOV r4, #Status_NotListening
LDRB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Broadcast ]
TEQ r2, #0 ; If its a broadcast, send it out
BEQ SendToWire
LDR r2, [ r7, #Offset_Count ]
STRLEB r2, [ r7, #Offset_Status ] ; Write the status if this was the last one
BLE DoEventAndExit ; Transmit is now complete
STR r2, [ r7, #Offset_Count ]
LDR r4, [ r7, #Offset_Delay ]
LDR r2, [ r7, #Offset_Time ]
ADD r2, r2, r4 ; Compute next start time
STR r2, [ r7, #Offset_Time ]
; Note that there is no need to adjust the ClaimTime
B ExitRestartRecord
[ False ; **************** Bodge ****************
! 0, " **** Bodge code assembled in SendToWire ****"
Push r10
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r10, HardwareAddress
LDR r10, =EconetController
LDRB r10, SReg2
ST r10, Status2
Pull r10
LD r4, Status2
TST r4, #DCD
MOVNE r4, #Status_NoClock
STRNEB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Status ]
BNE DoEventAndExit ; No mode change yet
TEQP psr, #( FFlag + IFlag + FIQ_mode ) ; Goto FIQ mode, disable all interrupts
NOP ; Note; WP *IS* a mode dependent register
LD r4, FIQBusy ; Get the FIQBusy flag
TEQ r4, #0 ; Test it
BNE ExitRestartRecord
ST r7, Record ; Save the address of the transmit control block
[ StrongARM
MOV r4, #3
ST r4, FIQBusy ; Can't STRB PC in ARMv4
ST pc, FIQBusy ; Set the FIQ flag <> 0 (Mode = SVC)
LDRB r4, [ r7, #Offset_Station ] ; Now set up the TxMode flags
EORS r4, r4, #255 ; Z if it is 255 ==> broadcast
ORREQ r4, r4, #BroadcastBit
BEQ StoreModeWord
LDRB r9, [ r7, #Offset_Port ]
TEQ r9, #0
BNE StoreModeWord
LDRB r9, [ r7, #Offset_Control ] ; This has bit seven set
ADR r13, ImmediateModeBits - ( BitSeven + Econet_Peek )
LDRB r9, [ r13, r9 ]
ORR r4, r4, r9, LSL #24
ST r4, TxMode
LD r13, SReg2 ; Note R10 is always the address of the ADLC
TST r13, #RxIdle ; Now the line access stuff
BEQ NoLineAccess ; Line not idle
TST r13, #RxAbort
BNE NoLineAccess
MOV r13, #Status_Transmitting ; Now mark the record as Transmitting
STRB r13, [ r7, #Offset_Status ] ; Now we can start to prod the chip into action
MOV r13, #2_11100111 ; RTS, CLRTxST, CLRRxST, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
ST r13, CReg2
MOV r13, #2_01000100 ; RxRS, TxIE
ST r13, CReg1
[ Debug
LDR r8, =Border_Green ; Access to wire
STR r8, [ r9, #0 ]
SetFIQ TxFromMe, r8, r9, Long, Init, r13
SetJump TxControlAndPort, r8, r9, Long
TEQP psr, r5 ; Return to correct mode, and interrupt state
NOP ; Restores NZCVIF and the mode bits
Pull "r2-r7, pc"
ImmediateModeBits ; Stored as bytes to be put in the top bits
DCB 2_00011010 ; Peek
DCB 2_00011000 ; Poke
DCB 2_00010000 ; JSR
DCB 2_00010000 ; UserProcedureCall
DCB 2_00010000 ; OSProcedureCall
DCB 2_00010101 ; Halt
DCB 2_00010101 ; Continue
DCB 2_00010010 ; MachinePeek
DCB 2_00010110 ; GetRegisters
NoLineAccess ; Line jammed ??
LDR r8, [ r7, #Offset_ClaimTime ]
CMP r8, r6 ; Has the claim time expired ??
ST r13, Status2, MI ; Retain for later examination
MOVPL r6, #Status_TxReady ; Still keep trying
MOVMI r6, #Status_LineJammed ; Give up
STRB r6, [ r7, #Offset_Status ]
MOV r6, #0
ST r6, FIQBusy ; Must clear this since it is NOT busy no more
BPL ExitRestartRecord
; Last time so must flag the event
; R7 <= Pointer to CB to event
; Trashes R3 and R4
MOV r4, psr ; Save interrupt state
TEQP psr, #( FFlag + IFlag + SVC_mode ) ; Disable all interrupts
NOP ; Note; WP *IS* a mode dependent register
LD r3, EventSequenceNumber
INC r3
ST r3, EventSequenceNumber
TEQP psr, r4 ; Restore interrupts and mode
STR r3, [ r7, #Offset_Event ]
LDRB r3, [ r4, #IOCIRQMSKA ] ; IRQ Mask register
ORR r3, r3, #force_bit
STRB r3, [ r4, #IOCIRQMSKA ] ; IRQ Mask register
B ExitRestartRecord