; SWInames for ResFinder
; Thrown together by Rick. (^_^)
; You may want to change this for the "h.swinames" supplied with the DDE.
; This minimal version is for public EUPL release (the fancy version is
; part of the DDE...).
XBIT * 1 :SHL: 17
OS_WriteS * &00001 ; used when testing
OS_Write0 * &00002 ; for TrWrS
OS_NewLine * &00003 ; for TrWrS
OS_Byte * &00006 ; read country/keyboard
OS_File * &00008 ; directory exists?
OS_GetEnv * &00010 ; read command line
OS_EnterOS * &00016 ; go SVC mode
OS_ReadVarVal * &00023 ; read a system variable
OS_SetVarVal * &00024 ; set a system variable
OS_ReadArgs * &00049 ; parse command line
OS_ReadSysInfo * &00058 ; read system setup
OS_ConvertHex8 * &000D4 ; number -> 8 hex digits
OS_Hardware * &0007A ; talk to the HAL
Territory_Number * &43040 ; read current territory
Territory_NumberToName * &43043 ; convert country number to a name
; now for the don't-throw-a-wobbly versions
XOS_WriteS * &00001 + XBIT
XOS_Write0 * &00002 + XBIT
XOS_NewLine * &00003 + XBIT
XOS_Byte * &00006 + XBIT
XOS_File * &00008 + XBIT
XOS_GetEnv * &00010 + XBIT
XOS_EnterOS * &00016 + XBIT
XOS_ReadVarVal * &00023 + XBIT
XOS_SetVarVal * &00024 + XBIT
XOS_ReadArgs * &00049 + XBIT
XOS_ReadSysInfo * &00058 + XBIT
XOS_ConvertHex8 * &000D4 + XBIT
XOS_Hardware * &0007A + XBIT
XTerritory_Number * &43040 + XBIT
XTerritory_NumberToName * &43043 + XBIT
Created by ROView by Rick Murray.