set A to 123 set R to 12.34 set B to %1100 set M to A
set A to char(2, 1)
Note that the status parameters are macros, not strings, therefore they are not quoted. For example:
set A to status(channel)
The available status options are:
set A to status(cachesize)This will return how many cache entries are available for use by the script interpreter.
set A to status(channel)This returns the current channel preset, in the range 1 to 9.
set A to status(file)Windows: This returns the file handle of the user I/O file, or -1 if the file is not open. There is little you can do with this information as it is not a system-wide handle.
set A to status(framenum)This returns the true frame number, in the form &ppp00ss. There is not much use for this!
set A to status(frames)This will interrogate the cache and return the highest subframe number of the currently loaded page, or 0 if no frames exist.
selectframe(123) set A to status(frames) if (A = 0) error("Frame 123 is not cached.")
set A to status(pagefound)This returns 1 if the specified frame was found and cached, or 0 if the getframe() / getframes() command timed out.
set A to status(pagenum)This returns the page number of the currently selected page, in the range 100 to 899 (i.e. as a decimal number).
set A to status(progver)This returns the program version multiplied by 100; so WinTTX v1.51 is given as 151.
set A to status(scriptver)This returns the script interpreter version multiplied by 100. At time of writing, the latest RISC OS interpreter is 107 (v1.07) and the latest Windows interpreter is 108 (v1.08).
set A to status(channel)This returns the current channel preset, in the range 1 to 9.
set A to status(ttxon)This returns 1 if the teletext receiver is connected and operational, otherwise it returns 0.
set A to status(uhftune)This returns the current UHF tuning, in the range 21 to 69.
set A to status(riscos)Windows: This always returns 0.
set A to status(windows)Windows: This always returns 1.