Upgrading Voyager



Important notes regarding upgrading


Finally... DO NOT contact Argo support if you require any assistance with this version of NewsAgent. This is not their release, it is unfair to expect them to support it.

If you require support, send an email to <>. Be aware that it may be a while before I get your message. You might find writing me quicker!



The download

You will be required to submit a valid email address in order to download this software. This allows me to keep track of who is using this version of NewsAgent. You will not be entered onto any mailing list. I may contact you by email if something VERY important happens with respect to NewsAgent (or, at least, the version you've downloaded). It hasn't happened yet...

I know some people like to keep their privacy and anonimity. That's fine. No (valid) email address, no download.
Note that the download script verifies the email addresses, so typing something like 'nobody@here' won't work.


The latest version...

Download v0.84 [RickDev/11] now!



Previous versions are available from the 'full version downloads'...




To install this upgrade:
  1. Back up stuff.
  2. Drag the !Voyager in the archive on top of the one you already have.
That's it in a nutshell. The !Help file in the archive goes into a bit more detail...


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Copyright © 2002 Richard Murray