NewsFudge v1.17

Open Source Software
NewsFudge is a utility for !Voyager that can: This software was nominally designed to replace VinceH's AddTime, AddSeq and AddTags; with a few more features added...

This version (1.17) is the fourth proper release, and it comes complete with a nice little installer application.

Image; 10K GIF
The installer


Image; 26K GIF
NewsFudge has many configuration options



The source code for NewsFudge is available under the concept of Open Source Software, with the proviso that:

This allows you the opportunity to correct any glitches you come across, and the opportunity to add/modify the program to perform the exact features that you require. Besides, it is good for a little hack value. :-)

Please note, if you download the source, you will also need the regular distribution for things like the sprites, templates, et cetera.



Software status:

  Software name        : NewsFudge
  Latest version       : 1.17

  Archive size         : 34668 bytes (source archive is 28878 bytes)
  Classification       : Freeware
  Registration cost    : None

  RISC OS 2 compatible : No
  RISC OS 3 compatible : Yes
  WIMP 3.98 compatible : Yes
  RISC OS 4 compatible : Untested, should work okay

  Written in           : C, compiled with Norcroft C 4
  Libraries            : Standard, & DeskLib 2.30

                         Source is available

NewsFudge download (39K) Version 1.17
NewsFudge v1.17 normal distribution, with installer. (49K) Version 1.17
NewsFudge v1.17 sources.
Requires the normal distribution as well.
This software requires RISC OS running on the ARM chipset
If your computer is different, don't bother downloading this software!


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Copyright © 1999 Richard Murray