; This source code in this file is licensed to You by Castle Technology
; Limited ("Castle") and its licensors on contractual terms and conditions
; ("Licence") which entitle you freely to modify and/or to distribute this
; source code subject to Your compliance with the terms of the Licence.
; This source code has been made available to You without any warranties
; whatsoever. Consequently, Your use, modification and distribution of this
; source code is entirely at Your own risk and neither Castle, its licensors
; nor any other person who has contributed to this source code shall be
; liable to You for any loss or damage which You may suffer as a result of
; Your use, modification or distribution of this source code.
; Full details of Your rights and obligations are set out in the Licence.
; You should have received a copy of the Licence with this source code file.
; If You have not received a copy, the text of the Licence is available
; online at www.castle-technology.co.uk/riscosbaselicence.htm
SUBT Arthur. File => &.Arthur.Econet.Module
TTL Econet for Arthur.
GET Hdr:ListOpts
GET Hdr:Macros
GET Hdr:System
GET Hdr:Symbols
GET Hdr:FSNumbers
GET Hdr:ModHand
GET Hdr:HostFS
GET Hdr:Debug
GET Hdr:Econet
GET Hdr:Services
GET Hdr:NewErrors
GET Hdr:Tokens
GET Hdr:MsgTrans
GET Hdr:Portable
GET Hdr:Podule
GET Hdr:PoduleReg
GET s.Macros
GET Time+Date
MySWIChunkBase * EconetSWI_Base
ASSERT MySWIChunkBase = Econet_CreateReceive
; Code configuration constants
BridgeWaitTime * 300 ; Three seconds
ClaimTime * 1000 ; Ten seconds
PowerDownTimeout * 1600 ; Sixteen seconds
MaxTxSize * 8192 ; 8Kbytes
; Code configuration variables
GBLL PerthPowerDown
GBLL UsePortableModule
GBLL PoduleCapable
GBLL ReceiveInBackground
GBLL BroadcastByHand
PerthPowerDown SETL (:LNOT: OldOs) :LAND: True
UsePortableModule SETL (:LNOT: OldOs) :LAND: True
PoduleCapable SETL (:LNOT: OldOs) :LAND: True
ReceiveInBackground SETL True
BroadcastByHand SETL ReceiveInBackground :LAND: True
; Debug code configuration variables
GBLL ErrorInfo
GBLL ControlBlocks
GBLL PortInfo
GBLL Variables
ErrorInfo SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: True
ControlBlocks SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: True
PortInfo SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: True
Variables SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: True
; Debugging controls
GBLL Debug
GBLL DebugFindHardware
GBLL DebugPowerDown
GBLL DebugFindLocalNet
GBLL NoAbandons
GBLL Host_Debug
GBLL Debug_MaybeIRQ
GBLL Analyser
Debug SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
DebugIRQ SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
DebugSWIs SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
DebugFindHardware SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: (:LNOT: OldOs) :LAND: False
DebugPowerDown SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: (:LNOT: OldOs) :LAND: False ; Using the border colours
DebugFindLocalNet SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
NoAbandons SETL Debug :LAND: ControlBlocks :LAND: False
Host_Debug SETL False
Debug_MaybeIRQ SETL True
Analyser SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
DebugFIQ SETL (:LNOT: ReleaseVersion) :LAND: False
GBLS Alignment
Alignment SETS "16, 12"
DCD 0 ; Start
DCD InitModule - Origin ; Initialisation
DCD KillModule - Origin ; Die
DCD Service - Origin
DCD ModuleTitle - Origin
DCD HelpString - Origin
DCD HelpTable - Origin ; Command Table
DCD MySWIChunkBase
DCD SVCEntry - Origin
DCD SWINameTable - Origin
GET s.Memory
SUBT Module entry stuff
OPT OptPage
DCB "Econet", 9, 9, "5.", CurrentVersion
[ ReleaseVersion
! 0, "Assembling Econet 5.$CurrentVersion$OsString"
DCB "/", CurrentIteration
! 0, "Assembling Econet 5.$CurrentVersion/$CurrentIteration$OsString"
DCB " (", CurrentDate, ")"
[ :LNOT: ReleaseVersion
DCB " assembled at ", CurrentTime, "."
DCB "$OsString", 0
DCB 7 ; Archimedes type byte
DCB 0 ; Acorn Computers
; The following converts a two character string expected to
; contain "00" to "99" to a BCD value ( in 'Vers' ).
GBLA Count
Count SETA 48 ; Ascii "0"
WHILE :CHR: Count <> CurrentVersion :LEFT: 1 ; Is Count the MS digit of CurrentVersion?
Count SETA Count + 1 ; Increment Count and try again
ASSERT Count>=48 :LAND: Count<=57
Vers SETA 16 * (Count - 48) ; Reduce to binary and put in MS BCD digit
Count SETA 48 ; Ascii "0"
WHILE :CHR: Count <> CurrentVersion :RIGHT: 1
Count SETA Count + 1
ASSERT Count>=48 :LAND: Count<=57
Vers SETA Vers + (Count - 48)
[ ReleaseVersion ; On release version use Vers
DCB Vers
| ; Otherwise use Vers + 01
[ ( Vers :AND: &F ) = 9 ; So that this has the same number
DCB Vers + 7 ; as the release version to follow
DCB Vers + 1
SUBT Initialisation code
OPT OptPage
InitModule ROUT
Push lr
; R0-R6 ==> Trashable
; R7-R9 ==> Must be preserved
; R10 ==> Pointer to environment string
; R11 ==> I/O base or instantiation number
; R12 ==> Pointer to private word
; R13 ==> Valid stack pointer
MOV r6, r10 ; Save the environment string
[ :LNOT: OldOs
MOV r0, #PortableControl_EconetEnable
MVN r1, #PortableControl_EconetEnable
SWI XPortable_Control ; Ignore possible error
PHPSEI r5 ; Check for the hardware
[ DebugFindHardware
MOV r4, #0
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r10, =Podule_BaseAddressANDMask
AND r10, r11, r10 ; Get the pure base address
[ DebugFindHardware
DREG r10, "Separated hardware address = &"
CMP r10, #&03000000
BGT AddressKnown
SWI XPodule_ReturnNumber
BVS AddressUnknown
MOV r3, r0 ; Number of podules
BMI AddressUnknown
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r3, "Podule_ReadInfo: R3 = &"
MOV r0, #Podule_ReadInfo_SyncBase + Podule_ReadInfo_ID + Podule_ReadInfo_Type
MOV r11, #-1
Push "r10, r11, r14" ; Create a stack frame
MOV r1, sp
MOV r2, #12
SWI XPodule_ReadInfo
Pull "r10, r11, r14"
[ DebugFindHardware
DREG r10, "Syncronous base address = &"
BREG r11, "ID = &"
DREG r14, "Type = &"
BVS FindPoduleLoop
TEQ r11, #SimpleType_Econet * 8
BEQ AddressKnown
TEQ r11, #0
TEQEQ r14, #ProdType_Econet
BEQ AddressKnown
B FindPoduleLoop
LDR r10, =EconetController ; If not from a podule
[ DebugFindHardware
DREG r10, "Address we are using = &"
LDR r10, =EconetController
MOV r0, #2_11111000 ; TxRst, RxRst, FrDisc, TxDataSrvRq, RxDataSrvRq, -TIE, -RIE, -AC
STRB r0, CReg1
MOV r0, #2_01111111 ; -RTS, ClrTxSt, ClrRxSt, TxLast, FrComp, Flag, 2Byte, PSE
STRB r0, CReg2
LDRB r1, SReg1
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r1, "Test #1 SReg1 = &"
TST r1, #2_11101101 ; IRQ, FC, TxU, -CTS, FlagDet, Loop, -SR2Rq, RDA
[ DebugFindHardware
MOVNE r4, #"1"
BNE NoHardware ; Any of these bits means no hardware
MOV r0, #2_01111111 ; -RTS, ClrTxSt, ClrRxSt, TxLast, FrComp, Flag, 2Byte, PSE
STRB r0, CReg2
LDRB r2, SReg2
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r2, "Test #2 SReg2 = &"
TST r2, #2_11011011 ; RxDataAvail, RxOverrun, -DCD, FCSErr, RxAbort, -Idle, FV, AP
[ DebugFindHardware
MOVNE r4, #"2"
BNE NoHardware ; Any of these bits means no harware
MOV r0, #0 ; Write a zero out onto the bus
STR r0, CReg4
LDRB r0, SReg1 ; Read them back in
LDRB r1, SReg2 ; One by one to see
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r0, "Test #3 SReg1 = &"
BREG r1, "Test #3 SReg2 = &"
TEQ r0, r1 ; If they are all the same
BNE Hardware ; If they aren't then there is something there
LDRB r1, RxByte
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r1, "Test #3 RxByte = &"
TEQ r0, r1
BNE Hardware
LDRB r1, CReg4
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r1, "Test #3 RxByte = &"
TEQ r0, r1
BNE Hardware
TEQ r0, #0 ; Were they all zero ?
[ DebugFindHardware
MOVNE r4, #"3"
BNE NoHardware ; All zero means that there was nothing there but empty space
MOV r0, #2_10000010 ; TxReset, RxIE, AC=0
STRB r0, CReg1
MOV r0, #2_11100101 ; RTS, ClrTxStatus, ClrRxStatus, FlagIdle, 1Byte, PSE
STRB r0, CReg2
MOV r0, #&100000 ; A delay is needed here
26 ; for the turning on of RTS to take effect ??
BNE %26
LDRB r1, SReg1
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r1, "Test #4 SReg1 = &"
TST r1, #2_11101101 ; IRQ, FC, TxU, -CTS, FlagDet, Loop, -SR2Rq, RDA
BNE Hardware ; Any bits set means there was something there
LDRB r2, SReg2
[ DebugFindHardware
BREG r2, "Test #4 SReg2 = &"
TST r2, #2_11011011 ; RxDataAvail, RxOverrun, -DCD, FCSErr, RxAbort, -Idle, FV, AP
BNE Hardware ; Any bits set means there was something there
[ DebugFindHardware
MOV r4, #"4"
PLP r5
[ UseMsgTrans
[ DebugFindHardware
TEQ r4, #0
BEQ %92
Push "r1, r2"
DEC sp, 12
DCB "SReg1 = &", 0
LDR r0, [ sp, #12 ]
MOV r1, sp
MOV r2, #11
SWI OS_ConvertHex2
SWI OS_Write0
DCB 13, 10, "SReg2 = &", 0
LDR r0, [ sp, #16 ]
MOV r1, sp
MOV r2, #11
SWI OS_ConvertHex2
SWI OS_Write0
INC sp, 12
Pull "r1, r2"
DCB 13, 10, "Failure #", 0
MOV r0, r4
DCB ". Press a key to continue.", 13, 10, 0
DEC sp, ?MessageBlock
MOV r0, sp ; Address of the temporary block
ADRL r1, MessageFileName
MOV r2, #0 ; Use the file where it is
SWI XMessageTrans_OpenFile
BVS ExitNoHardware ; Very tragic, exit immediately
ADR r0, ErrorNoHardware
MOV r1, sp ; Address of the temporary block
MOV r2, #0 ; Allocate a buffer for me
MOV r4, #0
MOV r5, #0
MOV r6, #0
MOV r7, #0
[ False ; Debug
DREG r0, "R0 = &", cc
DREG r1, " R1 = &", cc
DREG r2, " R2 = &", cc
DREG r3, " R3 = &"
DREG r4, "R4 = &", cc
DREG r5, " R5 = &", cc
DREG r6, " R6 = &", cc
DREG r7, " R7 = &"
SWI XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup ; Always returns an error
MOV r7, r0 ; Keep the error pointer
MOV r0, sp ; Address of the temporary block
SWI XMessageTrans_CloseFile
MOV r0, r7 ; Get back the translated error
INC sp, ?MessageBlock ; Restore the stack
Pull pc
DCD ErrorNumber_NoHardware
DCB "NoHware", 0
ADR Error, ErrorNoHardware
Pull pc
Err NoHardware
PLP r5
; R0-R5 ==> Trashable
; R6 ==> Trashable, but contains the environment string pointer
; R7-R9 ==> Must be preserved
; R10 ==> Pointer to the hardware
; R11 ==> Trashable
; R12 ==> Pointer to private word
; R13 ==> Valid stack pointer
[ DebugFindHardware
DLINE "Hardware detected"
LDR r3, [ r12 ] ; Private word
TEQ r3, #0
MOVNE wp, r3
BNE ReInitialisation
MOV r0, #ModHandReason_Claim
LDR r3, =TotalRAMRequired
SWI XOS_Module
Pull pc, VS
STR r2, [ r12 ]
MOV wp, r2
[ Debug
LDR r1, =TotalRAMRequired
STR r0, [ wp, r3 ]
BNE StoreInitLoop
B SkipReInitStore
LDR r1, =TotalRAMRequired
STR r0, [ wp, r3 ]
BNE StoreReInitLoop
[ Debug
DREG wp, "Store claimed at &"
MOV r0, #0
ST r0, SWILock
[ UseMsgTrans
ST r0, MessageBlockAddress ; Mark message file as closed
[ PoduleCapable
STR r10, HardwareAddress
ADD r0, r0, #IOCFIQMSK ; Defaults for internal hardware
MOV r1, #econet_FIQ_bit
Push "r0, r1"
MOV r0, #Podule_ReadInfo_FIQMask + Podule_ReadInfo_FIQValue
MOV r1, sp
MOV r2, #8
MOV r3, r10 ; Something podule specific
SWI XPodule_ReadInfo ; Ignore error
Pull "r0, r1"
ST r0, InterruptAddress
ST r1, InterruptMask
[ Debug
DREG r0, "FIQ Interrupt mask reg is at &"
BREG r1, "FIQ Interrupt mask value is &"
[ Debug
ADRL r14, NetErrorList
STR r14, NetErrorListPointer
MOV r14, #-1 ; Initialise the first record
STR r14, NetErrorList
MOV r0, #ReadCMOS
MOV r1, #ProtectionCMOS
; The protection stored in CMOS doesn't have values for
; MachinePeek and Continue.
; The protection bits are stored in the protection word
; with the bits for MachinePeek and Continue always clear
; So; CMOS bits [ 0..5 ] go to Protection bits [ 0..5 ]
; Protection bits [ 6, 7 ] are 0
; CMOS bits [ 6, 7 ] go to Protection bits [ 8, 9 ]
TST r2, #BitSix ; GetRegs protection
EORNE r2, r2, #BitEight :OR: BitSix ; Set BitEight, clear BitSix
TST r2, #BitSeven ; Protection extra bit
EORNE r2, r2, #BitNine :OR: BitSeven ; Set BitNine, clear BitSeven
STRVC r2, Protection
MOVVC r0, #ReadCMOS ; Read the actual station number
MOVVC r1, #NetStnCMOS ; Station number
Pull pc, VS
TEQ r2, #0
TEQNE r2, #255
BNE StationNumberValid
[ UseMsgTrans
[ Debug
ADRL r1, TokenBadConfig
ADR r1, TokenBadConfig
BL PrettyPrintToken
[ Debug
ADRL r0, UsingOneInstead
ADR r0, UsingOneInstead
SWI XOS_PrettyPrint
Pull pc, VS
MOV r2, #1
ST r2, LocalStation
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 1, WP = &"
[ :LNOT: OldOs
LDR r5, MachineVersionNumber
MOV r0, #2
SWI XOS_ReadSysInfo
BVS DefaultMachineType
AND r0, r0, #&0000FF00 ; Check type of IO chip
TEQ r0, #&00000100 ; Is it IOMD?
ADDEQ r5, r5, #15-7 ; Change the machine type byte
ST r5, MachinePeekData
SetTicker ; Branched to at Service_Reset
PHPSEI r5 ; Must be atomic
MOV r1, #FIQ_Released
ST r1, FIQStatus
MOV r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ ; Now claim the exclusive use of FIQ
SWI XOS_ServiceCall ; away from the Kernel
Pull pc, VS, ^
[ PerthPowerDown
MOV r0, #PowerDownTimeout
ST r0, PowerDownTime ; So it won't go down on me
[ DebugPowerDown
LDR r0, =Border_Yellow
STR r0, [ r14, #0 ]
MOV r0, #0
ASSERT FIQ_Owner = 0
ST r0, FIQBusy ; Mark as busy
ST r0, FIQStatus ; We own it
ST r0, Time
ST r0, LockOut ; Set no lock out state
ST r0, CurrentHandle ; Initialise 'handle manager'
ST r0, PeekPokeFlag
ST r0, EventSequenceNumber
[ ReceiveInBackground
ST r0, BridgeRxHandle
[ BroadcastByHand
ST r0, BroadcastTime
MOV r1, #NIL ; Means it's the end of the list
ST r1, RxCBList ; Initialise the RxCBList & the TxCBList
ST r1, TxCBList
PLP r5 ; Restore the interrupt state
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 2, WP = &"
MOV r0, #TickerV
ADRL r1, Pacemaker ; The entry address
MOV r2, wp ; The value of R12 on entry
MOVVC r0, #IrqV
ADRVCL r1, Interrupt ; The entry address
MOVVC r2, wp ; The value of R12 on entry
MOVVC r0, #EventV
ADRVCL r1, Event ; The entry address
MOVVC r2, wp ; The value of R12 on entry
MOVVC r0, #14
MOVVC r1, #Event_Econet_OSProc
SWIVC XOS_Byte ; Turn on the relevant event
Pull pc, VS
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 3, WP = &"
MOV r0, #2_11 ; Initialise the Port allocation
ADR r2, PortTable
STR r0, [ r2 ], #4
MOV r0, #0
MOV r1, #0
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
STMIA r2!, { r0, r1 }
MOV r0, #2_11 :SHL: 30
STR r0, [ r2 ]
MOV r0, #Port_AllocationMinimum
ST r0, PortHint
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 4, WP = &"
[ ErrorInfo
ADRL r0, ErrorLogArea
ADRL r2, ErrorLogAreaEnd
STR r1, [ r0 ], #4
TEQ r0, r2
BNE InitErrorsLoop
MOV r0, #UKSWIV ; Look for SWIs whilst not linked in
ADR r1, MySWIRoutine
MOV r2, wp
MOVVC r1, #Service_ReAllocatePorts
SWIVC XOS_ServiceCall
ADRVC r1, MySWIRoutine
MOVVC r2, wp
Pull pc, VS
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 5, WP = &"
BL DoReset ; Corrupts R0
[ DebugFIQ
Push "r0-r2"
ADR r0, DebugSpace
STR r0, [ r0, #DebugSpacePointer - DebugSpace ] !
DREG r0, "Debug space starts at &", cc
MOV r1, #0
ADR r2, DebugSpaceEnd
STR r1, [ r0, #4 ] !
CMP r0, r2
BLT DebugInitLoop
DREG r2, " and ends at &"
Pull "r0-r2"
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 6, WP = &"
BL FindLocalNet ; Doesn't return errors, preserves all
[ Debug
DREG r12, "Initialisation, stage 7, WP = &"
Pull pc,, ^
[ UseMsgTrans
DCB "BadConf", 0
DCB 13
DCB "Configured station number is invalid, using 1 instead."
DCB 13, 0
MySWIRoutine ; Entered when not properly linked in
LDR r10, =Econet_ClaimPort
TEQ r10, r11
Pull lr, EQ
[ Debug
BNE %81
BREG r0, "ReAllocate calls ClaimPort &"
BEQ ClaimPort
LDR r10, =Econet_AllocatePort
TEQ r10, r11
Pull lr, EQ
[ Debug
BNE %82
DLINE "ReAllocate calls AllocatePort"
BEQ AllocatePort
LDR r10, =Econet_CreateReceive
TEQ r10, r11
Pull lr, EQ
[ Debug
BNE %83
DLINE "ReAllocate calls CreateReceive"
BEQ CreateReceive
LDR r10, =Econet_HardwareAddresses
TEQ r10, r11
Pull lr, EQ
[ Debug
BNE %84
DLINE "ReAllocate calls HardwareAddresses"
BEQ HardwareAddresses
MOV pc, r14
KillModule ROUT ; Ignore all errors
Push lr
LDR wp, [ r12 ]
MOV r0, #TickerV
ADRL r1, Pacemaker ; The entry address
MOV r2, wp ; The value of R12 on entry to Pacemaker
SWI XOS_Release
MOV r0, #13
MOV r1, #Event_Econet_OSProc
SWI XOS_Byte ; Turn off the relevant event
MOV r0, #EventV
ADRL r1, Event ; The entry address
MOV r2, wp ; The value of R12 on entry
SWI XOS_Release
MOV r0, #IrqV
ADRL r1, Interrupt
MOV r2, wp
SWI XOS_Release
[ UseMsgTrans
LD r0, MessageBlockAddress ; Is it open?
MOV r1, #0
ST r1, MessageBlockAddress ; Mark it as closed
TEQ r0, #0
SWINE XMessageTrans_CloseFile ; Close it if it was open
] ; UseMsgTrans
LD r1, FIQStatus
TEQ r1, #FIQ_Owner ; Do we own FIQ?
MOVEQ r0, #1 ; Not able to do SWIs to myself no more
MOVEQ r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ ; Claim FIQ away if we own it
BLEQ ServiceBodge
TrashAllCBs ; JMP'd to, expects LR at [ SP ]
MOV r1, #Service_EconetDying
SWI XOS_ServiceCall
ADR r2, TxCBList - Offset_Link
LDR r2, [ r2, #Offset_Link ]
TxDieLoop ; DeAllocate all TxCBS
TEQ r2, #NIL
LDR r3, [ r2, #Offset_Link ]
MOV r0, #ModHandReason_Free
SWI XOS_Module
BVS RxDie ; Any errors cause us to stop
MOV r2, r3
B TxDieLoop
ADR r2, RxCBList - Offset_Link
LDR r2, [ r2, #Offset_Link ]
RxDieLoop ; DeAllocate all RxCBS
TEQ r2, #NIL
Pull pc, EQ, ^
LDR r3, [ r2, #Offset_Link ]
MOV r0, #ModHandReason_Free
SWI XOS_Module
Pull pc, VS, ^ ; Any errors cause us to stop
MOV r2, r3
B RxDieLoop
Service ROUT
TEQ r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ
TEQNE r1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
TEQNE r1, #Service_ClaimFIQinBackground
TEQNE r1, #Service_Reset
TEQNE r1, #Service_Portable
BICNES pc, lr, #VFlag
LDR wp, [ r12 ]
Push lr
[ False ;Debug
BREG r1, "Service_&", cc
DREG r0, " R0 = &", cc
DREG r2, " R2 = &", cc
DREG r3, " R3 = &", cc
DREG r4, " R4 = &"
TEQ r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ
TEQ r1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
BEQ ReleaseFIQ
TEQ r1, #Service_ClaimFIQinBackground
BEQ BackgroundClaimFIQ
TEQ r1, #Service_Portable
BEQ PowerUpOrDown
ServiceReset ; Note the fall through
Push "r0-r6"
MOV r0, #0 ; Clear SWI lock on reset
ST r0, SWILock
MOV r0, #253 ; Now check reset was NOT hard
MOV r1, #0
MOV r2, #255
SWI XOS_Byte ; Read last reset type
BVS ExitReset ; Only do reset when it was soft
CMP r1, #0
BNE ExitReset ; Nowt to do, not a soft reset
[ Debug
DLINE "Actually doing Service_Reset"
Push r3
JumpAddress lr, ReturnFromTrashCBs, Forward
Push lr
B TrashAllCBs ; Returns with Pull PC
Pull r3
JumpAddress lr, ExitReset, Forward
Push lr
B SetTicker ; Returns with Pull PC
Pull "r0-r6, pc", ,^
[ PerthPowerDown
PowerUpOrDown ROUT
TST r3, #PortableControl_EconetEnable ; Is this for our hardware?
Pull pc, EQ ; No so return ASAP
TEQ r2, #ServicePortable_PowerUp
BEQ DoPowerUpSequence
TEQ r2, #ServicePortable_PowerDown
BEQ DoPowerDownSequence
Pull pc
[ Debug
DLINE "Power up"
[ True
Push "r0" ; Delay to ensure the hardware is alive
MOV r0, #19
MOV r0, #19
Pull "r0"
PHPSEI r2 ; Must be atomic
MOV r14, #FIQ_Released
ST r14, FIQStatus
MOV r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ ; Back from the kernel
SWI XOS_ServiceCall ; Ignore errors
[ Debug
DREG r1, "Service_ClaimFIQ (from kernel) returns &"
MOV r14, #FIQ_Owner
ST r14, FIQStatus ; We own FIQ
BL DoReset ; Trashes R1
PLP r2
MOV r2, #ServicePortable_PowerUp
B ExitChangePower
LD r14, FIQStatus
TEQ r14, #FIQ_Owner
BNE ExitDoPowerDown ; Nothing to do if not FIQ owner
[ Debug
DLINE "Power down, we own FIQ"
BL ClaimFIQBodge ; Trashes R1
MOV r1, #FIQ_PoweredDown
ST r1, FIQStatus
MOV r1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ ; Back to the kernel
SWI XOS_ServiceCall ; Ignore errors
[ Debug
DREG r1, "Service_ReleaseFIQ (to kernel) returns &"
MOV r1, #FIQ_PoweredDown
ST r1, FIQStatus
MOV r2, #ServicePortable_PowerDown
MOV r1, #Service_Portable
[ False ; Debug
BREG r1, "Exit Service_&", cc
DREG r0, " R0 = &", cc
DREG r2, " R2 = &", cc
DREG r3, " R3 = &", cc
DREG r4, " R4 = &"
Pull "pc"
| ; PerthPowerDown
PowerUpOrDown ROUT
TST r3, #PortableControl_EconetEnable ; Is this for our hardware?
Pull pc, EQ ; No so return ASAP
TEQ r2, #ServicePortable_PowerDown ; Is someone trying to power us down?
BICEQS r3, r3, #PortableControl_EconetEnable ; Yes, so don't allow it
MOVEQ r1, #Service_Serviced ; And if there are no more bits set
Pull pc ; Then claim the service to save time
LD r14, FIQStatus
TEQ r14, #FIQ_Released
TEQNE r14, #FIQ_Owner
[ Debug
BEQ %06
BREG r14, "Service_ReleaseFIQ not accepted; FIQStatus = &"
Pull "pc", NE ; Nothing to do
[ Debug
DLINE "Service_ReleaseFIQ accepted; FIQ taken from releasor"
Push "r0"
MOV r14, #FIQ_Owner
ST r14, FIQStatus ; We own FIQ
BL DoReset ; Trashes R1
B ExitServiced
ClaimFIQBodge ; Called with BL
Push lr
LD r14, FIQStatus
TEQ r14, #FIQ_Owner
[ Debug
BEQ %07
BREG r14, "Service_ClaimFIQ not accepted; FIQStatus = &"
Pull "pc", NE ; Nothing to do
[ Debug
DLINE "Service_ClaimFIQ accepted; FIQ released to claimant"
Push "r0"
MOV r1, psr
BIC r1, r1, #FFlag
TEQP psr, r1
LD r1, FIQBusy
TEQ r1, #0
BNE WaitForNotBusy
MOV r1, psr
ORR r1, r1, #FFlag
TEQP psr, r1
LD r1, FIQBusy
TEQ r1, #0
BNE TryForNotBusy
DoClaimFIQ ; Expects R0, LR on the stack
MOV r14, #FIQ_Released
ST r14, FIQStatus ; Show that we have released to the claimant
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r1, HardwareAddress
LDR r1, =EconetController
MOV r0, #2_11000000 ; TxReset, RxReset
STRB r0, [ r1, #:INDEX: CReg1 ]
[ PoduleCapable
LD r0, InterruptAddress
LD r1, InterruptMask
LDRB r14, [ r0, #0 ]
BIC r14, r14, r1
STRB r14, [ r0, #0 ]
LDRB r0, [ r1, #IOCFIQMSK ] ; FIQ Mask register
BIC r0, r0, #econet_FIQ_bit
STRB r0, [ r1, #IOCFIQMSK ] ; FIQ Mask register
MOV r1, #Service_Serviced
Pull "r0, pc"
LD r14, FIQStatus ; Check that we do own FIQ
TEQ r14, #FIQ_Owner
LD r14, SWILock, EQ ; See if we are executing a SWI
TEQEQ r14, #0
LDREQB r14, [ r14, #IOCIRQREQA ] ; IRQ Request register
TSTEQ r14, #force_bit ; If FIQ downgrade pending do not release FIQ
Pull "pc", NE
Push "r0"
LD r14, FIQBusy
TEQ r14, #0 ; Is it busy?
BNE BackgroundClaimFails ; Yes
MOV r14, psr
ORR r14, r14, #FFlag ; Disable FIQ
TEQP psr, r14
LD r14, FIQBusy
TEQ r14, #0 ; Is it still not busy?
BEQ DoClaimFIQ ; Yes
MOV r14, psr
BIC r14, r14, #FFlag ; Re-enable FIQ because something has just started
TEQP psr, r14
MOV r1, #Service_ClaimFIQinBackground
Pull "r0, pc"
DoReset ROUT ; Install the FIQ code
ADR r1, ModuleWorkspace ; Stored where FIQ code can find it
STR wp, [ r1 ]
MOV r1, lr ; The return address, for RTFIQ (from SVC 'lr')
TEQP psr, #( FFlag + IFlag + FIQ_mode ) ; Set FIQ flag and goto FIQ mode
ADD lr, r1, #4 ; The return address, for RTFIQ (to FIQ 'lr')
ADR r12, ModuleWorkspace
LDR r12, [ r12 ] ; FIQ_R12 points to Econet's workspace
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r10, HardwareAddress
[ Debug
MOV r13, #&F0 ; A bodge stack
DREG r10, "H/W = &"
LDR r10, =EconetController ; Initialise FIQ_R10
MOV r13, #NIL
STR r13, Record
MOV r13, #2_11000000 ; TxReset, RxReset, AC=0
STRB r13, CReg1
[ PoduleCapable
LD r10, InterruptAddress
LD r11, InterruptMask
[ Debug
MOV r13, #&F0 ; A bodge stack
DREG r10, "FIQ reg = &"
BREG r11, "FIQ msk is = &"
LDRB r13, [ r10, #0 ]
ORR r11, r13, r11
STRB r11, [ r10, #0 ]
[ Debug
MOV r13, #&F0 ; A bodge stack
BREG r11, "Msk reg now = &"
ADR r11, IOC ; Now allow ADLC interrupts to actually give FIQs
LDRB r13, [ r11, #IOCFIQMSK ] ; FIQ Mask register
ORR r13, r13, #econet_FIQ_bit
STRB r13, [ r11, #IOCFIQMSK ] ; FIQ Mask register
ReInit ; Violently re-initialise things, take no chances
; Note that this and the next entry point are
; also used as an exit from FIQ code after an
; error so it has to EXIT with RTFIQ
[ PoduleCapable
ADR r12, ModuleWorkspace
LDR r12, [ r12 ] ; FIQ_R12 points to Econet's workspace
LDR r10, HardwareAddress
LDR r10, =EconetController ; Initialise FIQ_R10
MOV r13, #2_11000001 ; TxReset, RxReset, AC=1
ST r13, CReg1
MOV r13, #2_00011110 ; NRZ, Rx8bits, Tx8bits
ST r13, CReg4
MOV r13, #2_00000000 ; DTR, NONLOOP
ST r13, CReg3
Reset ; Resets the world to the normal quiescent state
[ Analyser
MOV r13, #2_10000011 ; TxReset, RxIE, AC=1
ST r13, CReg1
MOV r13, #2_00000000 ; -DTR, NONLOOP
ST r13, CReg3
[ DebugFIQ
LDR r13, =Border_Grey
STR r13, [ r10, #0 ]
[ PoduleCapable
ADR r12, ModuleWorkspace
LDR r12, [ r12 ] ; FIQ_R12 points to Econet's workspace
LDR r10, HardwareAddress
LDR r10, =EconetController ; Initialise FIQ_R10
MOV r13, #2_10000010 ; TxReset, RxIE, AC=0
ST r13, CReg1
MOV r13, #2_01100111 ; ClrTxStatus, ClrRxStatus, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
ST r13, CReg2
LD r13, SReg2 ; Ensure that we keep Status2 up-to-date
ST r13, Status2
Ready ; Restores FIQ_R10 and FIQ_R12
ADR r12, ModuleWorkspace
LDR r12, [ r12 ] ; FIQ_R12 points to Econet's workspace
MOV r13, #0
ST r13, FIQBusy ; Show that FIQ is not busy, by storing a zero
SetFIQ StartReception, r8, r9, Long, Init, r10 ; Inits the LDR pc, .+4 instruction as well
[ PoduleCapable
LDR r10, HardwareAddress
LDR r10, =EconetController ; Initialise FIQ_R10
RTFIQ ; Now wait patiently
FindLocalNet ROUT
Push "r0-r11, lr" ; Save the interrupt state psr/lr on the stack
TEQP psr, #(IFlag + SVC_mode) ; Enable all interrupts (SVC mode assumed)
MOV r8, #0 ; Initialise the two handles to empty
MOV r9, #0
MOV r0, #Port_Bridge
MOV r1, #0 ; Any
MOV r2, #0 ; Any
ADR r3, LocalNetwork
MOV r4, #2 ; Local net and version numbers
ST r1, LocalNetwork ; Initialise to the state of a lonely net
[ ReceiveInBackground
ST r1, BridgeRxHandle ; Initialise handle
BL CreateReceive ; Use internal routines directly
[ DebugFindLocalNet
BVS ExitLocalNet
DREG r0, "Rx handle = &"
[ ReceiveInBackground
ST r0, BridgeRxHandle, VC
MOVVC r8, r0 ; Save the handle
[ BroadcastByHand ; Do broadcast by hand
[ DebugFindLocalNet
LDR r0, =Border_Black
STR r0, [ r1, #0 ]
BVS ExitLocalNet
MOV r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ ; Claim FIQ away if we own it
BL ServiceBodge
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "FIQ Claimed"
[ PoduleCapable
ADR r7, HardwareAddress
LDMIA r7, { r7, r8, r9 }
MOV r10, r7
ADR r11, IOC
| ; PoduleCapable
ADR r11, IOC
MOV r9, #econet_FIQ_bit
LDR r10, =EconetController
] ; PoduleCapable
LDRB r14, [ r8, #0 ] ; FIQ Mask register
BIC r14, r14, r9 ; Disable FIQ from the ADLC
STRB r14, [ r8, #0 ] ; FIQ Mask register
ADD r8, r8, #IOCFIQSTA - IOCFIQMSK ; Now point at the Status register
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r11, "IOC Timers are at &"
DREG r10, "ADLC is at &"
DREG r8, "FIQ Status register is at &", cc
BREG r9, " and the mask value is &"
; R0 = Data byte
; R1 = Status register 1
; R2 = Status register 2
; R3 = Control values
; R4 = Timer0 start value
; R5 = Timer0 recent value (will be less than R4)
; R6 = Pointer to byte to broadcast
; R7 = Number of bytes remaining to broadcast
; R8 = Address of FIQ Status register
; R9 = Mask for FIQ Status register
; R10 = Address of ADLC
; R11 = Address of IOC/IOMD
MOV r3, #2_10000010 ; TxReset, RxIE, AC=0
ST r3, CReg1
MOV r3, #2_01100111 ; ClrTxStatus, ClrRxStatus, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
ST r3, CReg2
LD r2, SReg2 ; Ensure that we keep Status2 up-to-date
ST r2, Status2
TST r2, #DCD
BEQ BroadcastHasClock
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "Broadcast for bridge detects no clock"
BREG r2, "Status register 2 is &"
LD r0, BridgeRxHandle
MOV r14, #0
ST r14, BridgeRxHandle
BL AbandonAndReadReceive
B ExitLocalNet
STRB r14, [ r11, #Timer0LR ] ; Latch the timer
LDRB r14, [ r11, #Timer0CH ]
LDRB r4, [ r11, #Timer0CL ]
ORR r4, r4, r14, LSL #8 ; Now a single 16 bit value
[ DebugFindLocalNet
ST r4, InitTimer0
MOV r0, #0
MOV r5, r4
LD r2, SReg2 ; Note R10 is always the address of the ADLC
TST r2, #RxIdle ; Now the line access stuff
BEQ BroadcastNoLineAccess ; Line not idle
TST r2, #RxAbort
BEQ BroadcastLineAccess
BL GetTimerValue ; Returns ticks in R0
CMP r0, #400 ; 200 micro-seconds
BLT WaitForLineAccess
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "Broadcast for bridge detects no line access"
BREG r2, "Status register 2 is &"
; *************
B BroadcastFails
[ False ; DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r0, "Line access took &", cc
DLINE " ticks."
MOV r4, r5 ; Throw that time away
MOV r3, #2_11100111 ; RTS, CLRTxST, CLRRxST, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
ST r3, CReg2
MOV r3, #2_01000100 ; RxRS, TxIE
ST r3, CReg1
[ DebugFindLocalNet
ADRL r6, BridgeData
ADR r6, BridgeData
MOV r7, #BridgeDataSize
BL GetTimerValue ; Returns ticks in R0
LDRB r1, [ r8, #0 ] ; Is there an interrupt?
TST r1, r9 ; From the ADLC?
BNE InterruptOK
CMP r0, #60 ; 30 micro-seconds
BLT WaitForFirstInterrupt
[ DebugFindLocalNet
BREG r1, "No Interrupt: last Status read was &"
LD r3, InitTimer0
DREG r3, "Initial value of Timer0 was &"
DREG r4, "R4 = &"
DREG r5, "Timer0 is now &"
DREG r0, "Ticks = &"
; ***********************
; Error return with Interrupt failure
B BroadcastFails
[ False ; DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r0, "First interrupt took &", cc
DLINE " ticks."
DREG r5, "Timer0 is now &"
LD r1, SReg1
BEQ BroadcastNetError
LDRB r0, [ r6 ], #1
TEQ r0, #254 ; Special value?
LD r0, LocalStation, EQ
ST r0, TxByte
BEQ BroadcastFinished
LDRB r14, [ r8, #0 ] ; Is there an interrupt?
TST r14, r9
BNE InterruptOK
BL GetTimerValue ; Returns ticks in R0
CMP r0, #6016 ; 3 milli-seconds
BLT WaitForNextInterrupt
B InterruptTookTooLong
[ DebugFindLocalNet
BREG r1, "Status register 1 = &"
LDR r0, =Border_Blue
STR r0, [ r1, #0 ]
B BroadcastFails
; R4 ==> Start value of Timer0
; R5 ==> Most recent value of Timer0
; R0 <== Number of ticks since Start value
; R3 Trashed
; R4 <== Updated if Timer0 wrapped
; R5 <== This value of Timer0
STRB r0, [ r11, #Timer0LR ] ; Latch the timer
LDRB r0, [ r11, #Timer0CH ]
LDRB r3, [ r11, #Timer0CL ]
ORR r3, r3, r0, LSL #8 ; Now a single 16 bit value
CMP r3, r5 ; Current and previous
ADDGT r4, r4, r3 ; Account for the clocking of Timer0
MOV r5, r3 ; Update most recent value into R5
[ DebugFindLocalNet
LDRGT r0, =Border_Lime
STRGT r0, [ r3, #0 ]
SUB r0, r4, r5 ; How many ticks there have been now
MOV pc, lr
LDR r1, =2_00111111 ; -RTS, ClrRxST, TxLast, FC, FlagIdle, 2Byte, PSE
ST r1, CReg2
LDRB r14, [ r8, #0 ] ; Is there an interrupt?
TST r14, r9
BNE FinalInterrupt
BL GetTimerValue ; Returns ticks in R0
CMP r0, #6016 ; 3 milli-seconds
BLT WaitForFinalInterrupt
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "Interrupt took too long"
LD r3, InitTimer0
DREG r3, "Initial value of Timer0 was &"
DREG r4, "R4 = &"
DREG r5, "Timer0 is now &"
DREG r0, "Ticks = &"
LDR r0, =Border_Yellow
STR r0, [ r1, #0 ]
B BroadcastFails
LD r1, SReg1
TSTS r1, #FrameComplete
BEQ BroadcastNetError
MOV r1, #37 ; Magic value determined emperically
DivRem r2, r0, r1, r14
INC r2
ASR r2, 1
ST r2, BroadcastTime ; In quarters of a micro second
[ False ; DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "Final interrupt OK"
LD r3, InitTimer0
DREG r3, "Initial value of Timer0 was &"
DREG r4, "R4 = &"
DREG r5, "Final value of Timer0 is now &"
SUB r1, r4, r5
DREG r1, "Ticks = &"
DLINE "Econet Clock frequency = ", cc
MOV r1, #4000
DivRem r0, r1, r2, r14
ADR r1, SmallTextBuffer
MOV r2, #?SmallTextBuffer
SWI OS_ConvertCardinal2
SWI OS_Write0
| ; BroadcastByHand
MOVVC r0, #2 ; Command code for "determine local net number"
MOVVC r1, #Port_Bridge
MOVVC r2, #255
MOVVC r3, #255
ADRVC r4, BridgeData
MOVVC r5, #BridgeDataSize
MOVVC r6, #5
MOVVC r7, #5
BLVC StartTransmit ; Use internal routines directly
BVS ExitLocalNet
MOV r9, r0 ; Save the handle
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r9, "Tx handle = &"
MOV r0, r9
BL PollTransmit ; Use internal routines directly
BVS ExitLocalNet
TEQ r0, #Status_TxReady
TEQNE r0, #Status_Transmitting
[ DebugFindLocalNet
BREG r0, "Transmit Status is &"
DREG psr, "PSR = &"
BEQ WaitForLocalNetTx
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r0, "Tx finishes, status = &"
] ; BroadcastByHand
[ ReceiveInBackground
[ BroadcastByHand
MOV r1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ ; Restore normal working
BL ServiceBodge
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "FIQ Released"
Pull "r0-r11, pc",, ^ ; Restore interrupt state
| ; ReceiveInBackground
MOV r0, r8
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DREG psr, "PSR = &"
DREG r0, "ExamineReceive of &", cc
BL ExamineReceive ; Use internal routines directly
BVS ExitLocalNet
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DREG r0, " returns &"
Push "r0-r2"
MOV r0, #19
Pull "r0-r2"
TEQ r0, #Status_Received
BEQ ExitLocalNet
LD r0, Time
[ DebugFindLocalNet
CMP r0, #20
CMP r0, #200 ; Wait only two seconds at the most
BLT WaitForLocalRx
[ DebugFindLocalNet
DLINE "Rx times out"
MOVS r0, r8 ; Test the receive handle
BLNE AbandonAndReadReceive ; Use internal routines directly
] ; ReceiveInBackground
[ :LNOT: BroadcastByHand
MOVS r0, r9 ; Same for the transmit handle
BLNE AbandonTransmit ; Use internal routines directly
Pull "r0-r11, pc",, ^ ; Restore interrupt state
] ; BroadcastByHand
[ BroadcastByHand
DCB 255, 255 ; Broadcast
DCB 254 ; Special, means local station here
DCB 0 ; Local net
DCB &82 ; Bridge command
DCB Port_Bridge ; Transmit port
DCB "Bridge" ; Identifier
DCB Port_Bridge ; Reply port
DCB 0 ; Filler
BridgeDataSize * . - BridgeData
[ UseMsgTrans
PrintBanner ROUT
Push "r1, lr"
LD r1, Status2
TST r1, #DCD ; Test the NoClock bit
ADREQ r1, Token_Banner
ADRNE r1, Token_BannerNoClock
BL PrettyPrintToken
Pull "r1, pc"
DCB "AcrnEco", 0
DCB "EcoNClk", 0
PrettyPrintFrame * 100
Push "r0-r4, lr"
DEC sp, PrettyPrintFrame ; Put the string into the stack
MOV r2, sp
MOV r3, #PrettyPrintFrame - 1
MOV r4, #0 ; No parameters
BL MessageTransGSLookup
MOVVC r0, r2 ; The passed buffer
MOV r1, r3 ; Length of the resultant string
SWIVC XOS_PrettyPrint
INC sp, PrettyPrintFrame ; Clear the message away
STRVS r0, [ sp, #0 ]
Pull "r0-r4, pc"
MakeError ROUT
Push "r1-r4, lr"
MOV r4, #0
MOV r2, #0 ; Make MessageTrans give me the space
MOV r3, #0
BL MessageTransErrorLookup
Pull "r1-r4, pc"
Push "r1-r4, lr"
ADR r4, ModuleTitle
B DoMakeError1
Push "r5, lr"
BL MessageTransGSLookup2
Pull "r5, pc"
Push "r6, r7, lr"
LD r0, MessageBlockAddress
CMP r0, #0 ; Clears V
BNE DoGSLookup
Push "r1, r2"
ADR r0, MessageBlock
ADR r1, MessageFileName
MOV r2, #0 ; Use the file where she lies
SWI XMessageTrans_OpenFile
ADRVC r0, MessageBlock
STRVC r0, MessageBlockAddress
Pull "r1, r2"
MOV r6, #0
MOV r7, #0
SWIVC XMessageTrans_GSLookup
Pull "r6, r7, pc"
Push "r5, r6, r7, lr"
LD r1, MessageBlockAddress
CMP r1, #0 ; Clears V
BNE DoErrorLookup
Push "r0, r2"
ADR r0, MessageBlock
ADR r1, MessageFileName
MOV r2, #0 ; Use the file where she lies
SWI XMessageTrans_OpenFile
ADRVC r1, MessageBlock
STRVC r1, MessageBlockAddress
Pull "r0, r2" ; Preserve R0 even in the error case
MOV r5, #0
MOV r6, #0
MOV r7, #0
SWIVC XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup
Pull "r5, r6, r7, pc"
DCB "Resources:$.Resources.Econet.Messages", 0
PrintBanner ROUT
MOV r11, lr
Push r0
ADRL r0, BannerString
SWI XOS_Write0
LD r10, Status2
TST r10, #DCD ; Ignore V for the moment ...
BEQ %10 ; Clock OK
MOVVC r10, r0
ADRVCL r0, NoClockString
MOVVC r0, r10
ADDVS sp, sp, #4
Pull r0, VC
MOV pc, r11
] ; UseMsgTrans
GET s.Interface
GET s.Commands
GET s.Receive
GET s.Transmit
GET s.Background
[ :LNOT: ReleaseVersion