Hello dear reader,
here you can read my thoughts on the DVDs in my humble collection. What I think of each movie,
and other bits and pieces along the way.
The images are designed to be vaguely representative of the item in question. I try to go for
'different' shots. Like American Pie 2. I could have gone for the 'glue-not-lubricant' scene, but
instead I go for a band camp shot! Of course, a smartly dressed Alyson might possibly have swayed
my decision, I'm not gonna say. :-)
Please note that these reviews may well include spoilers, though I try not to as a rule.
And, finally, I must say this...
My top movies:
![]() |
In an attempt to cure herself of her fear, she talks a university professor into enroling her in
his programme designed to conquer a fear of heights by presenting it to you face-on, like
going up in high places.
Very unfortunately, people start to die in bizarre circumstances. Is the professor not all that he seems, or has Carla's sister returned to exact revenge? |
Verdict: More a psycho-thriller than a horror, in the style of Hitchcock. Megan Ward does a brilliant job of looking like she'll wet herself or throw up any moment now... |
DVD #2 | Air Control (1999?) | No image yet, sorry. |
Languages | English and French? | |
Length | ~95 minutes? | Rating | ? |
My score | 7 | |
This is basically a Keifer Sutherland movie in which he sits and stares at a radar screen to
direct air traffic while a series of mishaps occur. Considering the amazingly low budget this
film must have had (an awful lot of it is Keifer and his monitor talking in a darkened room), and
the fact that they only use about four sets and two locations, this film does actually hold some
Keifer's character, years ago, was involved in the loss of a plane. Somehow he got laid off as a
result of it, and he went in to software. A friend asks him to drop by the control room to help
out on a busy holiday (Christmas?) and he does so reluctantly. His friend hands him a bunch of
paper strips to give out - that's like one step up from making coffee. Then, as people leave (or
freak out) and incidents happen, he finds himself getting plugged in to control traffic. Can he
hack it? Will he fall apart under the pressure? Of course he'll be okay, the movie will have a
happy ending, you can just 'tell' it is one of those types of movie. Verdict: I'd recommend it for less than a tenner (in euros), but otherwise leave it until ITV shows it at half one in the morning on a cold winter's night... |
DVD #3 | Alerte Finale (2000) [Critical Mass] | ![]() 1.33:1 |
Languages | English, French 2.0 | |
Length | 93 minutes | |
Rating | FR TP | |
My score | 7 | |
An old nuclear processing plant is being shut down. A security guard (Treat Williams) is showing
around a group of journalists accomanying a Senator as he tours the plant with some dumb
political agenda. His PA is Lori Loughlin, who is a much more interesting character than the
slime Senator.
Meanwhile, Udo Kier plans to set off a bomb in the plant. There's enough nuclear material lying
around to make a large chunk of the US uninhabitable for quite a while. |
There's history and backstory abound; amazingly inept Pentagon-Chief-Of-Security types (the US will not negotiate with terrorists...even if they have the ways and means to wipe out a large area in a matter of hours; there's also a cute Pentagon-Chief-Of-Security's aide who acts as a mouthpiece for all the thoughts we want to shout at the TV (are they crazy? these terrorists will kill thousands of people, we must try to negotiate!), though it would be more believable if she was dressed the part (her attire is too 'look, I'm sexy'); not to mention our terrorist has some of the most inept accomplices since America's Dumbest Criminals... | ![]() |
All in all, and without giving anything away, this is sorta like a filmed The-Famous-Five-Go-On-A-Nuke-Hunt-And-Stuff-Gets-Blown-Up-Along-The-Way. Before you email me and say 'the ending was kinda stupid', the entire film was kinda stupid, so don't go expecting a classy ending... It is a shame that Lori Laughlin was not better used. Her main role, it seems, was to follow the hunky security guard and act like a stereotypical-woman-in-an-action film; though to be fair she gets to fire a machine gun (with amazing accuracy) while her eyes are squeezed shut and her head is turned away... Verdict: It's great fun - perfect for sharing with beer and pizza and watching with your tongue ever-so-slightly ripping a hole in your cheek. |
DVD #4 | Ally McBeal season 4 part 1 (2000) | ![]() 1.33:1 |
Languages | English, French 2.0; subtitled | |
Length | Approx. 504 minutes (2 x ~42) | |
Rating | BBFC 15/12/12 | |
My score | 7 | |
So, call me crazy if I happen to like Ally McBeal. Sure, it has changed a little, but Ally is
still the insecure and fidgety master of run-on sentences. And for the price (season four is
split into two box sets, that combined add up to roughly half of the cost of a season
of Buffy), you can't go wrong with some twenty hours of Ally. Verdict: An inexpensive way to enjoy a few evenings. And why not? |
DVD #5 | Ally McBeal season 4 part 2 (2000) | No image yet, sorry. |
Languages | English, French 2.0; subtitled | |
Length | Approx. 462 minutes (~42 x 11) | |
Rating | BBFC 15/12/12 | |
My score | 7 | |
Well, as you'd expect it sags a little in the middle. But you have to see the 'Richard and John
do LA' episode to believe it. It is nice to see a return of the baby, even if it is old and
wrinkly and limps along with a zimmer frame. In fact, the only quibble I have is the final episode. It just... you know... stops. It's like there's a third part, or another episode to follow. But, alas, no. That's kinda weird, you'd have expected maybe some sort of cliffhanger. Okay, not like Buffy jumping to her death, but something, yeah? Verdict: As for part one, it doesn't cost much, it is fun. So why not, huh? |
DVD #7 | American Pie (1999) | ![]() |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 91 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 6½ | |
Truth be told, I watched this in the cinema because a certain actress was in it, and it wasn't
very good. So, on a whim, and 'cos it was a nice price, I decided to pick up the DVD. This
version, sold as the 'uncut' version, was so much better. References and little things in the
film made sense. It was funny. In fact, I'm still a little pissed that it was cut around so much
for the cinema release. Like, what, was it really necessary to cut out the boy having sex
with an apple pie? For God's sake, so many mundane films have 'sex scenes', you'd have thought
they'd laugh at an sex-with-pie scene, not cut it! No wonder the cinema version wasn't good! It's an okay movie if you like this sort of grossish comedy. Verdict: Okay, but the sequel is better. |
DVD #10 | Backdraft (1991) | ![]() 2.02:1 |
Languages | English 5.1. French/German/Italian/Spanish in Surround; subtitled | |
Length | 132 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 7 | |
A slow burning (look at the length!) movie about firemen facing up to an arsonist. The fire
scenes are spectacular, and unlike some films you aren't going to spend your time willing them
to pick up the pace. I feel this movie was, in part, made as a tribute to the fire fighters who
deal with things like this (but possibly not this dramatic) on a regular basis - and it certainly
gives you an appreciation of what their jobs must be like on the hairier days. Verdict: Not bad. |
DVD #11 | Blade édition prestige (1998) | ![]() 2.35:1 |
Languages | English, French 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 115 minutes | |
Rating | FR 12 (!! - is BBFC 18 in UK) | |
My score | 7 | |
Rated 12 in France. Wow! This is the story of the part-human part vampire (Wesley Snipes) who takes on the task of ridding us of the vampires. It is sleek and stylish in a way that new-era vampire stories like Ultraviolet wish they were... in the beginning we had cheese like Hammer Horror and re-enacted for the excerable "Bram Stoker's Dracula". Then films like "The Lost Boys" (see below) and "Near Dark" brought a new (mainly leather) look to vampire stories, they brought them into the modern day. With "Blade", they had come of age. Verdict: Awesome! |
DVD #12 | Blair Witch 2 : Book Of Shadows [special edition] (2000) | ![]() |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 88 (?) minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 6 | |
It would be a mistake to think this is a 'sequel' to the Blair Witch. The director goes out of
his way to do everything differently - there are tracking shots and helicopter shots, cranes and
steadicams. Very few shakey hand-held shots. Because this film is NOT a sequel. Instead
it is a strange film following the adventures of a bunch of people who decide to go and discover
the truth about the Blair Witch. Nice concept.
There's a lot of weirdness in the film, like in the beginning we see a girl lying in a graveyard and we have a shot of her lying by a tombstone. This shot is repeated, but the tombstone says something different. Reflections differ from what they should reflect. It is an interesting thing, but I feel more time should have been spent on the movie than on the "Secret of Esrever" gimmick - because it was a movie with definite potential, and personally I feel it would be better to have said nothing about the weirdness (the secret of esrever all but points it all out), because maybe you watch this again and you're like "What the f...?" so you back up and, yes, you didn't imagine it. It really happened. I am happy with it, having got it for eight pounds on a special offer. I see it in Woolies for the full price, and I must say I don't think I'd pay that much - even though it has two DVDs within. Verdict: Missed opportunity. Shame. |
DVD #13 | Bring It On (2000) | ![]() 16:9 |
Languages | English 5.1 | |
Length | 94 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 12 | |
My score | 7 | |
Well, the picture I've lovingly (!) digitised probably gives you an idea of why the guys like
it... nubile girls in miniskirts. Hehe, seriously, I bought this because two cast members of
Buffy were in it (Eliza Dushku (Faith) & Clare Kramer (Glory)) and I was expecting a daft
but fun film, like, um, I can't think of a good example right now...sorta along the lines of
Clueless with pom-poms. This film was reasonably daft, loads of fun, but also delivered a certain 'something' extra. I don't mean the miniskirts, it was like a more serious film than I had imagined it would be. Certainly it was more serious than the ridiculous cover made it out to be. All in all, not bad. Verdict: If you have some disposable cash and aren't allergic to 'teen flicks', try this one. |
DVD #16 | Chocolat (2000) | ![]() 1.85:1 |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 117 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 12 | |
My score | 6½ | |
My mother's kind of movie (well, she had read the book). It is well acted, and well put
together and it simply oozes atmosphere, but it does so for nearly two hours. I think I'm going
to have to watch this one once or twice more to figure out exactly what the plot is!
Verdict: Lavish, luschious... I don't mean Juliette Binoche, I'm thinking more of the chocolate! And, hot damn, can you believe that the guy is Johnny Depp? He's doing what Keanu Reeves never could get to grips with - actual acting. |
DVD #17 | L'Été de la peur (1978) [Summer of Fear] | No image yet, sorry. 1.33:1 |
Languages | English mono; French mono | |
Length | 90 minutes | |
Rating | FR AP | |
My score | 5 | |
This is fairly standard fare for a seventies horror flick. Not in the same line as The Exorcist,
but spooky stuff happens all the same, and everybody overacts in a delightfully hammer manner
that has never been truly captured after the seventies.
The last thing? Subtitles. It seems that a number of French DVD conpanies offer you the choice of "VF" (Version Française) or "VOST et sous-titres" (Version Originale Sound-Track with subtitles). Why!?!? Why not have the subtitles able to be switched on and off as desired? My DVD player can do this from the keypad, and I've seen others. The film. It is a Wes Craven creation from 1978. If you want to look it up on IMDb, you'll need to know it's proper name is "Stranger in Our House". It stars Linda Blair, and - if you can believe it - Fran Drescher. Verdict: The plot is 'okay', but it's the sort of thing a station like C5 would show while everybody else is broadcasting the real crowd-pullers... |
DVD #18 | Falling Down (1992) | ![]() 2.35:1 |
Languages | English, French, Italian in Surround; subtitled | |
Length | 108 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 18 | |
My score | 7 | |
One scene, above all else, stands in my mind. The WhammyBurger scene. I can so identify
with it. I had written here something very uncomplimentary about McDonalds, however since coming to France and 'patronizing' McDo over here - I realise that not only are the McGirls much McCuter and that they actually have a McClue, but also the McBurgers taste McBetter. McDonalds in McBritain McSucks in McComparison. McReally. My complaint (about the movie), as is the complaint of many, is that this film cops out in the last reel. It gives an 'acceptable' Hollywood ending. I suppose it requires that for 'viewer happiness' or something, but it just seems a cop-out. Verdict: Watch this movie. I'm sure most people can identify with 'D FENS' and understand why he does what he does, even if it seems a little extreme for reality. |
DVD #19 | Final Destination (2000) | ![]() 16:9 |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 94 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 7 | |
My friend gave me a fourty-thousanth generation copy of this on VHS. It sucked. Not the movie,
the quality. It was non-hi-fi and in Long Play. Ick! But I saw enough of the movie to know it was my kinda thing. So I bought the DVD and loved it.
Basic premise... Imagine you're on a plane, and you have a premonition the plane is going to blow
up. So you shout and go a bit crazy, and they kick you off the plane, along with a few mates that
got caught up in the middle of your weirdness. Your mates are annoyed, as they should be on the
plane, bound for Paris. Some of the IMDb reviews suggest the film is lacking and could have been really much darker and focussed more on the premonition itself. I feel that was a possibility, but there is nothing wrong with the film as it is now. There are plenty of throw-the-popcorn-in-the-air shock moments, a strong film supported by a cast of actors/actresses I've never heard of before all doing their jobs extremely well. In short, I like the film.
There is an interesting couple of 'deleted scenes' that add up to the original ending of the
movie. To be honest, I feel remaking the ending the way it is now was the right thing to do. Verdict: The plot is a little on the lame side, but you are swept away by the near-constant action so you are less likely to notice plot holes. Enjoyable, fun... |
DVD #20 | Fly Away Home (1996) | ![]() |
Languages | English Surround; subtitled | |
Length | 103 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC U | |
My score | 8½ | |
I wanted to video this when it was shown on BBC 1, but being the dickhead I am, I set the video
to record from AV instead of BBC 1. So I got two hours of nothing. :-( At work, in a nursing home, I just happened to be beside the television when the 'flying home' scenes were on, and I thought it was beautifully filmed. As soon as I discovered my recording error, I got onto the Blackstar website (no, I'm not an affiliate, I'm pleased with their service), and ordered the DVD. It turned up promptly and I was blown away. The sound probably isn't so nifty on a 5.1 system, but it's plenty suitable for my stereo setup. But, the picture quality. Wow! The transfer is amazing. The transfer is so clear you can zoom in and almost read the leg tag of the bird in flight. The image digitised here simply cannot do it justice. But technicals aside, this is a lovely movie with a capable cast and a nice story. Verdict: Lovely. |
DVD #21 | Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (1991) | ![]() 16:9 |
Languages | English Surround | |
Length | 125 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC PG | |
My score | 7 | |
A long and gentle movie about friendship. It is hard to explain exactly what this one is about,
you need to see it for yourself (that's your gratuitous Matrix misquote for the day). The image is the two friends, the one on the right having just walked (dressed like she is) to a beehive in a tree, and hoiked out a piece of honeyed wax. The girl on the left, a little shocked, is saying "Whaaaa did you dooo theyat? Ya cooda bin kayuled.". Yup, American South accents abound! :-) Mom's favourite quote - "I'm older and I have more insurance!" (or "I moulder knive mernshernce"!). Watch to see it in context. Verdict: I give it a seven as it is a little slow for me, mom would probably give it a nine. So together, it's a movie worth watching. |
DVD #22 | Gone In 60 Seconds (2000) | ![]() 2.35:1 |
Languages | English, Russian (!) 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 113 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 6 | |
A low score for an action movie? That's because the sleeve says This action-packed thrill
ride comes out fast and never slows down. Sadly, while there are a good few 'amazing' stunts
in this movie, and Nick Cage doing a lot of the driving himself, there are a number of slower
moments that hold back the action.
Verdict: I cannot say exactly what I was expecting, except that I guess I was expecting something more. |
DVD #25 | Highlander (1986) | ![]() |
Languages | English 5.1, Spanish and Italian 2.0; subtitled | |
Length | 111 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 7 | |
There can be only one. The tale of two immortal beings duking it out for the final showdown in the way only Russell Mulcahy can make believable. If you've seen any of the other Highlander films, or the series, then forget them. They suck. This is the original. This is the way it should have been. Verdict: There can be only one. And this, the original, is it. |
DVD #26 | Les Couleurs du Daible (1996) | ![]() Claims to be 1.33:1 |
Languages | French 2.0 | |
Length | 82 minutes | |
Rating | FR AP | |
My score | - | |
This movie is in French, so it is likely to be a while before I understand it enough to write a
proper review of it...
It seems (at a glance) to be a story about a promiscuous girl who doesn't mind taking her clothes off, a weird painter, and a bald bloke... |
DVD #27 | Lost Souls (2000) | ![]() 16:9 |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 94 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 5 | |
The DVD case says this is 16:9, though it looks wider.
Taken from the document dvdfave.html:
Winona Ryder. Remake of The Exorcist.
Replay...Was Lost Souls actually a let down? Verdict: After a second viewing, it makes more sense. But the script still sucks big time. More time should have been paid the the script, and less time to the visuals. Any baby director should know that good visuals do not a story make. I've not yet brought myself to listen to the directory's commentary... |
DVD #32 | Oxygen (2000?) | ![]() 1.33:1 |
Languages | English, French 2.0 | |
Length | 87 minutes | |
Rating | FR 16+ | |
My score | 6½ | |
Maura Tierny (I should get to like her, she's a talented actress but she replaced Lucy in E.R.
and I miss lovely Lucy (who was played by Kellie Martin)...) plays a police inspector-sort of
person. Some sicko has kidnapped a girl and buried her in a box, and is leaving clues for the
police to pick up in an 'I'm better than you' sort of way. This movie has a lot in common with "83 Hours 'Til Dawn" (with Samantha Mathis as the kidnapee, small world huh?), acting as a fairly standard thriller, only this time there are a number of interesting twists in the plot; and a whole almost-sordid backstory to Maura's character. Verdict: Not bad for your typical 'thriller'. |
DVD #33 | Stargate SG-1 (2000) | ![]() |
Languages | English (2.0? 5.1?) | |
Length | 43 minutes (main episode) | |
Rating | BBFC PG | |
My score | 6 | |
Kinda hard to review this. The season four cliffhanger episode on a covermount DVD. It is nice
that this is a real DVD and not a VideoCD like that episode of The Outer Limits on another DVD
magazine (I had to do a remote-control memory hack to my DVD to get it to handle VCDs). But it
is hard to review something that is a part of a whole. Um... The exploding star was cool.
Verdict: Not bad for a covermount. |
DVD #34 | Storm (1999) | ![]() 4:3 |
Languages | English 2.0 | |
Length | 90 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 12 | |
My score | 4 | |
A daft unbelievable low budget movie. The sort that TV companies are likely to broadcast when
they feel most people will be doing something other than watching TV... except Channel 5 who'd be
likely to show this at 9pm. I saw a bit on Sky years back, and it was cheap, so I bought it to see the entire thing. Verdict: How they got Martin Sheen and Luke Perry on the cast will probably remain a mystery. |
DVD #35 | Terrorisme en Haute Mer (1999) [Final Voyage] | ![]() 1.33:1 |
Languages | French, English 2.0 | |
Length | 89 minutes | |
Rating | FR TP | |
My score | 6 | |
This film gets a six because it is an engaging bit of fluff. Lots of stuff is going on, though if
you are a hardened action movie fan, it'll be a five (maybe even less). Sadly, this film is one
of those where people unload entire clips at each other, close range, and nobody gets hurt. In
fact, towards the end, notice that our hero-bodyguard takes a bullet in the arm, and two shots
later there's no blood. The special effects are not 'bad' but are still pretty hard to swallow as
they don't exactly obey the laws of physics. A good example is when the ship's tower comes
crashing down, it swings down and shifts forwards on impact and then stops. In real life, it'd
fall apart and crap would rain down everywhere.
Complaints aside: Our security guard, Aaron, begins by travelling as escort for some rich b/w
movie star. The plane is hijacked and Aaron single-handedly takes out all the hijackers. The
prissy little bitch movie star no longer wants him around as she is in a severe traumatic state
because of Aaron's use of his firearm near to her (yes madam, that is why security people are
armed, to kick asses of terrorists). |
In the filmographies, the answer as to why Ice-T has given himself such a dumb name (Ice-T?!?)
has finally been answered. His original name is Tracy Morrow. Well, if I was trying to make it as
a 'gangsta rap' star, and latterly a movie star, I sure as hell wouldn't call myself Tracy
Morrow. If nothing else, you'd get agents writing "Dear Ms. Morrow"...
I must also point out the 'worried-looking girl in blue'. She appears in a number of the 'passenger' scenes, and is the only one wearing a vivid blue dress. Perhaps she is the director's daughter? Verdict: Stupid but fun. It's a shame the ending is so abrupt... | ![]() |
DVD #36 | The 10th Kingdom (1999) | ![]() |
Languages | English 2.0 | |
Length | 415 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 6 (8½) | |
Let me first say, for the benefit of the techie DVD crowd, NTSC sucks. No two
ways about it. How they manage to continue this as a serious broadcasting format amazes me. This
is rated 6 because it is NTSC. It'd be 8½ otherwise...
This was a series on Sky One, and it's one hell of a series. God, how do I even begin? There's
this wormhole sort of thing linking New York (with the WTC standing proud) with a place divided
into nine kingdoms. A place where fairy tales happened. Some trolls come to New York and declare
it the 10th Kingdom - hence the title. Verdict: Having seen it on Sky One (and video'd it), I was pleased to be able to get it on DVD. |
DVD #37 | The Gift (2000) | ![]() |
Languages | English 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 107 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 7 | |
An odd movie about a woman who has premonitions (and reads the cards) helping people sort out
their lives. Includes Katie Holmes (the cute dark haired one from Dawson's Creek) as you've never
seen her before.
Verdict: I'm not so sure about this one. Interesting enough story, but would I pay that much for it? |
DVD #39 | The Lost World (2000) | ![]() |
Languages | Dolby Digital | |
Length | 89 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 6½ | |
A strange and gentle little thing. Not to be confused with the second in the Jurassic Park
series, though this features living dinosaurs in a far-off land. I guess it is set around 1930
or so. I got this because it was cheap, and because it looked interesting in the TV guide, but I was at work while it was on. Verdict: Surprisingly, better than I expected. |
DVD #41 | The Mod Squad (1999) | ![]() 1.85:1 |
Languages | English, French, German, Italian, Spanish 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 91 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 15 | |
My score | 5 | |
Never saw the original series. I got this as the Blair Witch DVD was faulty, and this was the
same price so I did a straight swap. Um, well, er... This is a movie of missed opportunities. It
hurts me to berate Claire Danes (in the excellent 'My So-Called Life' - I want that on DVD
NOW, and the strange but attracting 'Romeo + Juliet'), but this movie had a good premise
and potential, and I don't feel it delivered.
Verdict: Could have been better. Much better. |
DVD #42 | The Perfect Storm (2000) | ![]() 2.35:1 |
Languages | English, German 5.1; subtitled | |
Length | 125 minutes | |
Rating | BBFC 12 | |
My score | 7 | |
Class. While I'm unhappy about the ending, I know it is a movie reworking of reality so there's
only so many liberties you can take, totally changing the plot isn't allowed (though, that didn't
stop 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Pearl Harbor', 'Titanic'...). So, all in all, it's a good, solid,
well directed movie. Wolfgang Petersen is known for 'The Neverending Story', and that one about
a human and an alien 'enemy' crashing on a planet, and having to become friends and understand
each other - I never remember the title (added later: "Enemy Mine", and the studio
involved apparently insisted on their being a banal 'mine plot' so that American audiences (who
must be the stupidest in the world) wouldn't need to realise that the 'mine' in the title is a
possessive and not an actual thing). Wolfgang is also known for 'Das Boot', 'Shattered', 'In The Line Of Fire', 'Outbreak', and 'Air Force One' amongst other things. He is also known for HUGE and lavish sets, so here, with The Perfect Storm, he gets to play with real locations. Verdict: An accomplished director, with an accomplished crew, provide an accomplished movie. |
DVD #46 | Une hirondelle a fait le printemps (2002) | ![]() |
Languages | French 5.1; subtitled in English | |
Length | 103 minutes | |
Rating | FR TP | |
My score | 7 | |
This movie was bought in France. The audio is French, with English subtitles. This may, at first glance, seem to be one of those movies where it goes on a while, and finishes, but you don't feel anything much has happened. This is indeed a gentle, maybe even slight, movie that shows off some of the European filmmaking. Essentially, it is a story of friendship between the old guy who used to run the farm, and the new city girl who wants to become a farmer; though old guy doesn't seem to think she's up to it. It is the sort of film where things happen in a way that cannot easily be filmed. It is moods, rather than plain visuals. Like the French version of Amélie, this is a twin-DVD pack, you simply must watch the 'original ending'. It makes a lot more sense, and God only knows why they refilmed it with a more ambiguous ending. The title? As far as I can guess, "One swallow makes Spring". There are no swallows in the story, it's a play on the proverb... Verdict: I'm not sure I would have bought this film, had it been my choice alone. But I'm glad I did. |