TTXHelper module


Teletext 'helper' module.
It is designed to perform a number of specific tasks, which are intended to make things easier and/or quicker when writing teletext software...

Refer to the copy of the documentation (below) for further details...

Software status:

  Software name        : TTXHelper
  Latest version       : 0.02

  Archive size         : 63430 bytes
  Classification       : Freeware
  Registration cost    : None

  RISC OS 2 compatible : Unknown
  RISC OS 3 compatible : Yes
  WIMP 3.98 compatible : Yes
  RISC OS 4 compatible : Untested, should work okay
  32bit RISC OS        : Yes

  Written in           : Assembler
  Libraries            : n/a


PtrIIC download (62K) Version 0.02
The TTXHelper module, and documentation, v0.02.


Here follows a copy of the implementation notes that may be of interest to programmers. This information is also included in the archive...


                              TTXHelper  v0.02


  The TTXHelper module provides various 'additional' facilities for use with
  the !Teletext system. It works in conjunction with the Teletext+ module
  (by Colin Granville) as used by my !Teletext and Paul Skirrow's !Teletext+.

  This module does NOT replace Colin's Teletext driver module.

  If you wish to copy for anybody other than yourself, distribute, or include
  this module with any programs other than my !Teletext; please read the

Compatibility (teletext hardware)

  TTXHelper is compatible with the Ground Control receiver. It SHOULD be
  compatible with other devices that use the standard IIC EuroCCT/CITAC/VIP2
  arrangement - in which case it will report your receiver as being
  compatible with the Ground Control UTA-3.

  "Results may vary".

  TTXHelper has 'provisional' support for the RiscTV teletext system, but
  this has not been tested as I do not have the necessary hardware. The
  auto-detection will try RiscTV if nothing else is found. Note that this
  MAY cause your computer to freeze. It shouldn't, but I figured I'd
  better add a disclaimer because I'm coding for something I don't have...

  TTXHelper can be set to use teletext hardware connected to the parallel
  port via my "PtrIIC" module. The auto-detection routines take this into
  account. This has been tested with my receiver and PtrIIC v0.04.

  IMPORTANT! If you have a teletext receiver for RISC OS that you would like
             me to support (either if you have one spare, or if you make them
             and don't object to sending me one), then I'll be more than
             happy to modify my code to support it if you can post it to me.
             I have written teletext software for DOS that fakes IIC (also in
             the PtrIIC module), so I am au fait with talking to IIC devices,
             so if your hardware does when the Ground Control unit does, but
             in a slightly different way (so much so that the Teletext driver
             module doesn't work), please contact me with further details.

Compatibility (RISC OS)

  This module has been written to be 26/32 bit neutral. It flags itself as
  being 32bit aware, so should run natively on an Iyonix.


  This module uses SWI chunk &57180 which was allocated to myself, Rick
  Murray, for "TTXHelper" on the 16th of February 2004.
  You may refer to these SWIs by name or by number, as they may be added to
  but they're unlikely to change.

  The errors that may be returned are offset within the error block allocated
  to my PtrIIC module. As each block contains 256 error codes, I forsee this
  being shared among a number of modules. Therefore, the following error
  codes are reserved for TTXHelper: &81B510 - 81B52F (31 error codes).

  Registers not explicitly noted as returning a value or otherwise being
  corrupted will be preserved and restored upon exit from the SWI.

  This module is designed to be 26/32 neutral, so no attempt is made to
  preserve the processor status register. It is thus likely that flags WILL
  be corrupted.

  TTXHelper_AutoDetect                                              &57180


      R0 = -1 if no teletext hardware located
            0 if teletext hardware not recognised
            1 if Ground Control (UTA-1) or compatible
            2 if Ground Control (UTA-2) of compatible (not supported)
            3 if Ground Control (UTA-3) or compatible
           Other values reserved.
      R1 = If R0 is 0-2, then this register will be valid:
            0 if connection is via system IIC bus
            1 if connection is via PtrIIC module
            2 if connection is via RiscTV's IIC
           Other values reserved.
      R2 = Bytes of on-board memory detected, or -1 if not tested.
      R3 = Reserved; returns module version *100 (i.e. 101 is v1.01).

    Side effects:
      This corrupts a few bytes within the memory of the teletext receiver.

    This call attempts to detect what kind of teletext hardware is connected,
    and to which IIC implementation it is connected.

    The UTA-2 version will never be returned as I do not have access to one
    to tell the difference between it and the other models.

    IMPORTANT! This detection does NOT alter the behaviour of the TTXHelper
               module. Once you are satisfied that the device returned is
               correct, call TTXHelper_UseInterface to set the desired

    IMPORTANT: This has, so far, only been tested with a UTA-3 type receiver
               attached via the system IIC bus, with no receiver attached,
               and with PtrIIC loaded but no receiver attached (at all).

  TTXHelper_ScanFlash                                               &57181

      R0 = Pointer to 'source' frame.
      R1 = Pointer to 'destination' frame.

      R0 = 0 if no flash commands encountered, else a count of 'flash on'
           codes scanned.

    This call will read a 1040 byte frame from 'source' and copy it into the
    'destination' block. As it does so, any "flashing" content will be
    replaced with spaces, thus you may then create the illusion of flashing
    by simply switching which frame is displayed.

    I find a pleasing flash rate is ~75 centiseconds, equal on/off times.

    The EuroCCT provides a 75% duty cycle signal with a period of 1.28
    seconds (driven from the 40ms/25Hz frame rate output); so it is on 3/4
    of the time and off 1/4 of the time; the entire time lasting slightly
    over a second and a quarter.

  TTXHelper_ConvertToISO                                            &57182

      R0 = Pointer to 'source' frame.
      R1 = Pointer to 'destination' frame.
      R2 = Language (0 = GB; 1 = F; 2 = S; 4 = D; 5 = E; 6 = I)


    This call will copy the frame. In the process, ALL graphics will be
    converted to spaces (ie, removed) and all possible characters will be
    converted to their ISO 8859/1 (Latin1) equivalent, paying attention to
    the language identification of the page.

    This is intended for save/export routines.

  TTXHelper_ConvertToANSI                                           &57183
                            ** NOT IMPLEMENTED **

      R0 = Pointer to 'source' frame.
      R1 = Pointer to 'destination' frame.
      R2 = Language (0 = GB; 1 = F; 2 = S; 4 = D; 5 = E; 6 = I)
                            ** NOT IMPLEMENTED **
                            ** NOT IMPLEMENTED **
    This call will copy the frame, converting as much as possible to the
    PC-ANSI character set.
                            ** NOT IMPLEMENTED **

  TTXHelper_ExtractLine                                             &57184

      R0 = Pointer to frame data.
      R1 = Which line to extract.

      R1 = Next line number, or -1 if finished.
      R2 = Extracted line.

    Side effects:
      This call will convert lines 1 to 26 of a standard 1040 byte block as
      is expected by the "Teletext" and "Teletext+" modules.
      The side effect is that, currently, the TTXHelper module will convert
      and out-of-range line number to a valid line number. For example:
        FOR loop% = 256 TO 512 : SYS "TTXHelper_ExtractLine", f, loop% : NEXT
      will provide you with 256 copies of line 26!
      A later version of TTXHelper will most likely return error &57184 in
      this case.

    This call, when given data and a line number (1-26), will return with the
    line data as a string.
    All trailing spaces will have been removed.

    This is for "save" routines, to do a text save, you would:
      REM open file here
      SYS "TTXHelper_ConvertToISO", fr%, wrkspc%, framelang%
      FOR line% = 1 TO 26
        SYS "TTXHelper_ExtractLine", wrkspc%, line% TO ,, outline$
        REM do whatever to save the line(s) here
      REM close file here

    You MUST convert the entire frame to ISO (or ANSI) and then call this
    function on the CONVERTED frame.

      The lines are terminated with an &0D byte followed by an &00 byte.
      This allows them to work directly with BASIC software; while at the
      same time making it easy in C.
      In C, after extracting the line, we would do something like:
        linedata[ ( strlen(linedata) - 1 ) ] = '\0';

    Generally, in a high level language, you would use a FOR...NEXT kind of
    loop. In order to maybe make things a little more efficient if you are
    writing in assembler, R1 is returned with the value of the NEXT line to
    be read, or -1 if completed.

  TTXHelper_UseInterface                                            &57189

      R0 = 0 to use system IIC bus
           1 to use PtrIIC connection
           2 to use RiscTV method
           Other values reserved.

      R0 = 0 if okay, else pointer to error block

    Possible errors:
      &81B511 "Invalid device ID passed to TTXHelper_UseInterface"
              You specified something other than 0, 1, or 2 in R0.

      &81B512 "No hardware/software support for device ID passed to
              Before using the device that you have specified, TTXHelper
              ensures that a driver is loaded. If one is not loaded, this
              error will be returned.

    This call allows you to set up the interface method for the hardware
    access functions (below). It is recommended that you call this before
    calling any of hardware access functions.

    Please note that when you choose a device, TTXHelper will validate that
    the hardware/software support exists.

    IMPORTANT: Currently, if you do NOT explicitly call this SWI, TTXHelper
               will assume that you wish to use the system IIC bus. A later
               version of this module is likely to prevent any low-level
               hardware access until you have defined what interface to use
               ( calling this SWI).

  TTXHelper_ReadBytes                                               &5718A

      R0 = Row position (1 to 24)
      R1 = Column position (1 to 40)
      R2 = Pointer to data buffer
      R3 = Number of bytes to read (1 to 1024)

      R0 = 0, or pointer to error block.
      Data block updated.

    Possible errors:
      &81B513 "Invalid number of bytes to transfer (should be 1 - 1024)"
      &81B514 "Invalid row number (should be 1 - 24)"
      &81B515 "Invalid column number (should be 1 - 40)"
      &xxxxx  [error returned during call to teletext hardware]

    Reads one or more bytes from the specified location in the receiver's
    on-board memory.
    Please note that the values count from *ONE*, not zero. The top left of
    the 'screen' is 1,1.

  TTXHelper_WriteBytes                                              &5718B

      R0 = Row position (1 to 24)
      R1 = Column position (1 to 40)
      R2 = Pointer to data
      R3 = Number of bytes to write (1 to 1024)

      R0 = 0, or pointer to error block.

    Possible errors:
      &81B513 "Invalid number of bytes to transfer (should be 1 - 1024)"
      &81B514 "Invalid row number (should be 1 - 24)"
      &81B515 "Invalid column number (should be 1 - 40)"
      &xxxxx  (error returned during call to teletext hardware)

    Writes one or more bytes to the specified location in the receiver's
    on-board memory.

  TTXHelper_ReadRegister                                            &5718C

      R0 = Register
      R1 = Pointer to data buffer
      R2 = Number of bytes to read

      R0 = Null, or pointer to error block.

    Possible errors:
      &81B516 "Error while reading/writing register"
      &xxxxx  (error returned during call to teletext hardware)

    Reads one or more specified SAA524x registers. Please refer to a
    datasheet for the teletext decoder IC for further details.

  TTXHelper_WriteRegister                                           &5718D

      R0 = Register
      R1 = Pointer to data
      R2 = Number of bytes to write

      R0 = 0, or pointer to error block.

    Possible errors:
      &81B516 "Error while reading/writing register"
      &xxxxx  (rror returned during call to teletext hardware)

    Writes one or more specified SAA524x registers. Please refer to a
    datasheet for the teletext decoder IC for further details.

  TTXHelper_ReadChapter                                             &5718E

      R0 = Chapter to read, 0 or 4
      R1 = Pointer to data buffer

      R0 = 0, or pointer to error block.

    Possible errors:
      &81B517 "Invalid chapter (should be 0 or 4)"
      &xxxxx  (error returned during call to teletext hardware)

    This reads a chapter (1024 bytes) directly from the teletext receiver.
    Basically, standard page data appears on page zero while extension
    packets ("ghost rows") appear in chapter four.
    If you wonder why it is 0 and 4 (not 0,1 or 1,2 etc) then refer to the
    datasheet for the SAA524x teletext receiver IC(s).

  TTXHelper_ClearTSDP                                               &5718F


      R0 = 0, or pointer to error block.

    Possible errors:
      &xxxxx  (error returned during call to teletext hardware)

    This clears the bytes of extension memory used for the TSDP. This may be
    required as the TSDP updates upon receipt of a new TSDP packet. When
    hopping through channels that do not support the TSDP, the old (last
    updated) TSDP would be returned. This call will blank it out so you know
    if no new TSDP arrives within ~1 second (best to wait about 140cs) then
    you may be assured that the current service doesn't offer a TSDP.

  TTXHelper_??????                                                  &5718x



    Two further SWIs are available, but not by name. These are reserved for
    internal test functions and, as such, are not documented. For all other
    SWIs, you will receive the error:
      &81B518 "This TTXHelper SWI (&5718x) is not currently implemented."

    In order to make things a little bit easier in debugging, the error
    message reflects the SWI actually called [though note that the OS handles
    'X' form SWIs, so if you call &77185 then TTXHelper would see &57185].


  These commands have not been officially registered. Given that they are all
  prefixed with "TTXHelper_", I do not anticipate any clashes to occur in a
  hurry... (unless somebody tries)


  This command prints out some basic 'licence' text; either as a *Help
  message, or as a command in its own right (both do the same thing).

  Example output:
     This module is Copyright © 2004 Rick Murray.
     It may be used and redistributed according to the licence which should
     have been supplied alongside this module.
     You can obtain the latest version of this module, plus my other
     Teletext-related software, at:

     If somebody has applied for a special version of this module, or for it
     to be used in a different way than described in the standard licence,
     then it will say so here.

  Possible errors:


  This command tries to auto-detect your teletext receiver. It will then
  print a report of what it finds. This may be useful for testing teletext
  hardware without delving into the SWI calls.

  Example output (if device found):
     Found teletext receiver...
       Apparently compatible with the Ground Control/Octopus UTA-3.
       Connected via PtrIIC (parallel).
       Receiver internal memory is 2048 bytes.

  Example output (if device not found):
     Unable to detect any teletext receiving hardware.

     This command scans for devices on the internal IIC bus (if present),
     then PtrIIC (if present), and finally RiscTV's IIC bus (if present).
     It will report the FIRST device found.

     If you produce different IIC bus hardware for RISC OS machines, and you
     are willing to loan me the hardware, please contact me if you wish for
     your hardware to be supported within TTXHelper. Other support (such as
     SWI state mapping) can be provided.

  Possible errors:
     You should not receive any errors, simply a report of whether or not any
     hardware was found.

  *TTXHelper_View <filename>

  This command allows you to view teletext frames in a MODE 7 display.

     This only works within the single-tasking command line. If you try to
     do this in a taskwindow, you'll get an error message returned.
     TTXHelper_View isn't too fussy about its input. It will attempt to
     render pretty much anything as a teletext frame; including JPEGs of
     Alyson Hannigan, executables, letters to your friends... so long as it
     can read 1000 bytes, it'll display them to you - as teletext! :-)

  Possible errors:
      &81B519 "Sorry, you cannot view teletext frames in the desktop
               environment. Please go into the single-tasking command line
               [F12] and try again."


  If you have any questions or queries regarding this module, please contact
  me by email:

    rickttx @

  Please do not post this address anywhere 'public'.

  You can always find out about this module, and my other teletext software,
  by visiting:

[end of document]



This licence concerns the following data:

In the base directory:
    "TTXHelper", RISC OS relocatable 'module'

Within the "TTXH_Docs" subdirectory:
    "TTXHelpDoc", documentation for the above module
    "Licence", this document
    "Versions", change log for the above module

Within the "Test" subdirectory:
    "_testmod", test software for the above module
    "!ReadMe", explanation of the testing procedure
    "_testfrmcv", Teletext frame for the above test software
    "_testfrmfl", Teletext frame for the above test software

When this licence refers to the grouping of the software and its support
documentation/software, it is referring to ALL of the above files. Typically
the latter three 'test' files are in a subdirectory "test", while the
documentation is in a subdirectory "TTXH_Docs". You may relocate any of the
files, within reason, to suit your own application structure (this includes
putting the test software directory within the documents directory, but
please keep the test software in a SEPARATE subdirectory as it generates a
number of output files that would clutter the documents directory). You may
also relocate the module itself, i.e. "<YourApp$Dir>.Modules.TTXHelper" if
this is how you arrange things. ALL of the files MUST be supplied within your
own product unless you have my prior permission to do otherwise.

The licence below states the terms within which you may use and/or
(re)distribute this software. Please be aware that your use of this software
in ANY form (including passing it to any third party and not 'using' it
yourself, per-se) implies that you have read the following licence and you
agree to be bound by all if its terms.


   You do not *have* to abide with this licence because you have not signed
   it. However, if you wish to use my software - the "TTXHelper" module, and
   its documentation and resources - then you will need to abide with this
   licence as it is the entity that grants you with my permission to use my
   software. No other entity, unless written by me, grants you permission to
   use my software. Either take it (all) or leave it (all).

   Please read this carefully, and remember that the use of the software will
   implicitly mean that you agree to be bound by the totally of this licence.

   All of the conditions in this licence apply to YOU. The section headings
   are only used to break the licence into useful sections.


   1. This software "TTXHelper" and its documentation and test files are:
        Copyright © 2004 Rick Murray
      This software package is entirely my own work.

   2. This software is supplied as-is.
      I, Rick Murray, accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or
      damage through the use (or misuse) of this software, without exception
      of any kind.
      Likewise, there is no warranty for this software, again without

   3. I do not imagine that the internal processes of this software will be a
      cause for a software patent; however in the eventuality that it is, it
      is hereby requested that any software patents applied to any part or
      process within this software is patent licenced for the free use of
      everybody, or not licenced at all.

   4. You may NOT link this module into any form of 'hard' memory (ROM,
      FlashROM, EPROM, etc). This is because it writes to its own data areas,
      it is *not* ROMable.
      Contact me if you require a ROMable version to be produced for
      inclusion in your firmware.

   5. For the purposes of legal dispute:

        a. This module, its documentation and resources are to be covered by
           the jurisdiction of the European Court.

           This, incidently, allows you more freedoms than you may have in
           other places, for example the freedom to examine the executable
           for "educational purposes".

        b. Any dispute regarding this module has NOTHING to do with the
           application using it, and vice versa, UNLESS the application is
           calling 'undocumented' features or otherwise using the module

        c. As I am not legally trained, I request that any judgement made
           regarding this licence is based upon the SPIRIT of the licence,
           and not upon the actual words that I have chosen and their order
           within the grammatical structure of our sometimes-ambiguous

        d. If you are using the software to which this licence applies, it
           will be taken as implied evidence that you agree to the full terms
           of this licence, without qualification; and they you fully
           understand all of the terms of this licence.

        e. If this licence, or any part of it, is not valid in your country
           or territory; or if any part of it is found to be invalid, then
           the ENTIRE licence will be revoked and you must cease using the

        f. Under international copyright laws, you do not have any "right"
           to use my software unless I specifically say that you may. This
           licence is my permission to you to use, copy, and distribute my
           software. This permission is granted as long as:
             i. This licence is legally valid
            ii. You abide by its terms
           Failure of you to abide, or failure of the licence, revokes the
           permission that I have granted to you, this meaning that your
           (continued) use of the software is therefore an illegal act.

        g. If you have any doubts, please contact me at the email address
           given previously in this document.
           I do not have any agents, nor have I appointed anybody to speak
           on my behalf, nor are lawyers in a position to instruct anybody as
           to what they think I might mean... if you have ANY doubts or
           questions, your sole remedy is to contact me. Do not "assume"
           things when you can ask...

   6. I reserve the right to modify the terms of this licence at any time,
      however those modifications will NOT be retrospective; you will not be
      expected to comply with the newer licence if you are still using the
      older software. However upgrading to the newer software will require
      you to accept the newer licence.

      You cannot apply a newer licence to any version of the software that
      was originally supplied with an older version of the licence.

      If a newer version of the software comes with a version of the licence
      that you do not agree to, you may continue using the older software
      with the licence that you do agree to. Do not use the newer version.
      Please contact me to discuss what you don't agree to.

   7. In the (undesired!) event of my death, "all bets are off" and, quite
      frankly, I'll be dead so what the hell would I care what happened with
      my software then?
      Upon my legally verified death, this licence will be revoked and you
      will be granted a (posthumous) permission to do whatever you like with
      this software...


   8. You may distribute the TTXHelper software within your own application
      provided that:

        a. It actually USES my software!

        b. You distribute the module UNMODIFIED. This includes, but is not
           limited to:
             i. Binary-level modifications
            ii. Disassembly, patching, and reassembly
           iii. Renaming the module to anything other than "TTXHelper"

           It is permissable for an automatic agent to modify this software
           provided that:
             i. It is completely automated and 'background' (i.e. AppPatcher)
            ii. It is for the process of compatibility with an emulated
                RISC OS based system (i.e. Aemulor)
           iii. The patches can apply to any 'compatible' module generally,
                and not to "TTXHelper" specifically
            iv. Or, any patches necessary in anti-viral protection systems,
                such as automatically-embedded CRC numbers appended to the
                end of the file.

        c. You must also distribute the accompanying documentation and test
           software along with the module, in every instance.
        d. A notice, visible on-screen, saying that you are using my module
           would be appreciated, but it is not mandatory

        e. The following depends upon whether your software is free or not.
             i. If your software is "free" (completely gratis, i.e. I can go
                to your website and download a completely functional
                unrestricted and 'full' version of the software...), then all
                I would like in return is a quick email stating what you are
                using my software for - and feel free to let me know if you
                have any ideas for future improvements! I will download your
                software at my discretion (which, since I'm a download
                junkie, will likely be moments after reading your message!).

            ii. If your software is not "free" (shareware, charityware,
                commercial, etc; anything for which money or other
                remuneration is required of the end-user *even* if the money
                does not go to you (such as "please pay X to charity Y") then
                I would like to receive, in trade, a gratis and fully working
                copy of your application (with all required resources for its
                correct functioning). Contact me if you have any queries.

        f. This module is covered by this licence. Your own licence cannot
           override this, specifically:

             i. Your end-users may take a copy of this module for their own
                use (including within their own software) provided that they
                agree to be bound by this licence.

            ii. This module and its resources are NOT released under the GPL
                scheme known as the "GNU General Public License". There seems
                to be some form of confusion regarding the omnipotence of the
                'famous' GNU developers, in that their GPL is apparently
                believed to 'infect' certain software when used in certain
                ways, and that the GNU head-honcho can settle any dispute
                with a nod. Maybe in the land of the idyllic, this can occur.
                Here in The Real World, where this licence prohibits any form
                of merge with GNU's GPL, it is up to you to make certain that
                this is not a possibility if your software is not GPL.
                If it should transpire that this software has been used in
                such a way that it brings it under the GPL, then this use is
                to be considered invalid; and NOT the other way around (so
                please don't even bother trying 'hey, your module is now GPL,
                give us all your source code!' ruse - I'm not falling for it.

           iii. All of this applies, all the way down the line, for all use
                of this software.

            iv. Obviously, this licence does not affect your own application
                or the restrictions that you place upon it.

   9. You may NOT link this module into any form of 'hard' memory (ROM,
      FlashROM, EPROM, etc). This is because it writes to its own data areas,
      it is *not* ROMable.
      Contact me if you require a ROMable version to be produced for
      inclusion in your hardware/firmware.

  10. This software may NOT be supplied on its own (i.e. not as part of a
      software package), except as specified in the non-exhaustive list

        a. If an important update to this software appears and you USE this
           software within your application, you may offer the update to your
           users via your usual upgrade systems provided that you do not ask
           an unreasonable fee for doing so.

        b. This software may be supplied on a bulletin board service (BBS),
           website, or ftp archive provided that any casual visitor (such as
           myself) can download the file without paying any kind of
           "registration fee" or subscription, etc.

             i. I would appreciate any website carrying this software to
                provide a link to its homepage, so your visitors may be
                assured that they will be able to find the most up-to-date
                copy. This, however, is not mandatory. Just good manners. :-)

        c. Any form of hard media copy (floppy disc, CD-R, etc) is allowed
           provided that the entire package costs no more than 5 euros (this
           is roughly 3.50 pounds sterling or 6.25 US dollars). By "entire
           package", this would prohibit (non-exhaustively):

             i. Magazine cover-mount discs (the disc and the magazine are an
                entire 'package', the two don't count separately).

            ii. "Free" software bundled with a commercial application
                (this does not apply if your application actually makes use
                 of my software, and you have complied with ALL of part 8).

           iii. "ShareWare" collection CD-ROMs, "compendium" CD-ROMs, etc.

           If you fall into case 'i' or 'iii', please email me. I will,
           usually, let you distribute a copy of the software in return for
           a free version of whatever it is you are making.
           It is also good manners, before releasing something like that, to
           ensure you have the most up-to-date version.

           If you fall into any of these cases, you are forbidden from
           distributing this software unless you have specifically obtained
           my permission beforehand...

           It is NOT valid to claim that you "made 'reasonable attempts' to
           contact me, and then went and put this software on some form of
           media in the event of my not replying to your communications".
           I have been in that game before - my software displayed a clear
           and valid email address (that was working at the time) in both the
           program information window and it's documentation, and this email
           address was actually stated as my contact email in a CD-ROM index
           file, but somehow they never thought to actually contact me! It's
           a shame, as not only was it annoying, but they managed to burn a
           'broken' (development) version of the software onto their CD; we
           all make silly mistakes like that from time to time, I actually
           noticed and re-uploaded two days later. However, the bad version
           was committed to CD (didn't they bother to test it!?!?), and it
           makes me look like an idiot (well, more so than I usually look).

  If you reject this licence, it is illegal to use or copy this software. If
  you use or copy this software, it'll be taken that you are happy with all
  of the terms of this licence and agree to be bound by them.

  If you have ANY questions or queries, contact me at the email address that
  is stated in the module help file.


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Copyright © 2004 Richard Murray