Initially, we describe the icons...
ICON 1 { caption "Web browser" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Web.!Fresco altrun <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Web.!FrescoJS linkrun &FAF }Icon 1 can load Fresco (the old one) when clicked, or Fresco (the never JavaScript one) if ADJUST clicked.
ICON 2 { caption "Mail" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Mail.!Run watcher <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Mail.Transport.InComming.Email } ICON 3 { caption "News" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.!Run altrun <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.!NewsAgent.!NewsAgent watcher <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.News }Icon 2 will load Posty, and it will also darken if new email is available.
ICON 4 { caption "Telnet" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Telnet.!Run altrun IDEFS::Stephanie.$.Apps.Internet.!FreeTerm nocondis }Icon 4 will run Voyager's Telnet if clicked, or FreeTerm if ADJUST clicked. This icon is greyed out when you are not connected to the Internet.
ICON 5 { caption "FTP" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.FTP.!Run nocondis }Icon 5 will run Voyager's FTP if clicked. This icon is greyed out when you are not connected to the Internet.
ICON 6 { caption "WebLoad" run <VTiInternet$Dir>.VIX.WebLoad.!Run altrun IDEFS::4.$.dyndns.!DynDNS.!Run }Finally, icon 6. This will either run WebLoad, or the DynDNS updater.
Now comes the general configuration. This controls many of the aspects of how QuickVoy behaves.
GENERAL { quitconfirm Yes callcoster Yes iconbar Yes modeminitto 3 connectto 60 carriercheck 5 stackloader <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!stackload stackkiller <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!stackkill newsrx <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!NNTPFetch newstx <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!NNTPSend mailrx <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!CalPOP3 mailtx <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!SMTPSend tasknewsrx Voyager News Fetcher tasknewstx Voyager News Poster taskmailrx Calypso taskmailtx Voyager Mail Poster newsin <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.News mailin <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Mail.Transport.InComming.Email newsout <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.!NewsAgent.Outgoing mailout <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Mail.Transport.Outgoing largecache yes splash yes pollreturn 200 upontimer 5 discontimer 10 }
Next are the call coster prices. These are correct for British Telecom calling a local-rate number, such as Argo's 0845x pretends to be. The 20% discount is BT Keynumbers and BT Advantage.
CALLCOST { peakmin 3.3 evemin 1.2375 wendmin 0.825 discount 20 mincost 4.125 timeshuffle 12 }
Finally, the events. It should be pretty obvious when these are invoked...
UPON STARTUP { boot <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.News.!NewsAgent run <VTiInternet$Dir>.VIX.CountDown.!Run } UPON CONNECT { run <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!mbxwatch run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!NNTPFetch run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!NNTPSend run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.Transports.!SMTPSend run <VTiInternet$Dir>.Apps.AutoUpgrde.!Run run <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!selfupgrd } UPON TIMER { run <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!mbxwatch } UPON DISCONNECT { } UPON QUIT { run <QuickVoy$Dir>.Utilities.!autoupgrd }
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Copyright © 2000 Richard Murray