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The Amélie project
Contact details


You can contact me by email at the following address:

heyrick -at- merseymail -dot- com


The Amélie website is always available at:



Please note that I have restricted access to the Internet (half an hour a week!), so while I cannot guarantee a reply to every message (though I will try!), rest assured that all messages received will be read. I usually download messages one week, and upload replies the next.

Me, hard at work creating this website...

Above, you can see me hard at work creating this website. Sun, fresh air, birds chirping, cats sleeping, the obligatory glass of wine... perhaps now you can understand why I'd rather kill myself than get stuck in a "cubicle" in some crappy office. Okay, cubicles pay and this doesn't, but on the other hand cubicles destroy your soul and break your spirit and sap you of the desire to care about, well, anything.

A big bowl of pasta!Amélie and this website put together with large amounts of this...



...and even larger amounts of this... :-)

A big brick of wine; one litre for 0,89 cents!

Yes, I know it is uncultured to drink wine from a brick, but you can't argue with a litre of not-bad wine for 0,89 (that's around 50 pence!).

My preferred wines are:

      • Coteaux d'Ancenis (Val de Loire rosé)
      • Jardin de France (Val de Loire blanc or rosé)
      • Touraine (Val de Loire rosé)
      • Côtes du Provence (southern rosé, everybody knows Provence after some guy spent a 'year'...)
      • Bardolino Chiaretto (northern Italian rosé)

Sadly, these wines are out of the happy hacking price range.
That's why I drink the brick...


© 2005 Rick Murray