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Larder code

They removed our yellow alert for heatwave and said it would be cooler.

They lied.

It was baking today.

I think it might have been hotter, even, than yesterday.

By 5pm, clouds came over and the temperature dropped to the upper 20s. It's closer to 23 as I write this, so I have the window open and a fan running to suck in some of the colder air from outside.

So today I played around with making some mockup code for my "Larder" software. At the moment you can see how the menuing system is supposed to work. Yup, today I hyperfocused and wrote all of this from scratch. In C. Just because I felt like it.

So... When started, and after a brief message to check here, it will try to select a 480×320 screen mode. Chances are you won't have such a thing, so it will then try to start an SXGA 1280×1024 mode (that's the resolution that I have here). If you don't have this, you won't be able to use this application. There are several sorts of 1280×1024 mode definitions provided in the !ReadMe file.

Yes, the 480×320 works if your GPU resizes the display. But I wouldn't recommend it, as it's enormous like movie-sized text (as in large enough for the audience to conveniently read).


Eventually you'll see the main menu. It looks like this.

The main menu
The main menu.

There are two ways you can go from here. You can either select a function (add, remove, etc) and then enter the barcode, or you can directly enter a barcode and then choose a function. It's the latter we'll do here. So simply grab your barcode reader and scan a large 284ml bottle of Sarson's vinegar.
If you don't have a barcode reader, type in 5060336500068.

You'll see as you begin the screen will change to barcode input mode.

Barcode entry
Barcode entry.

You can Delete if you make an error. Press Enter when done. Entering an empty code will abort and return to the main menu.

The code will be looked up in the products database, and you'll then be asked what you want to do with your bottle of Sarson's.

Do what with this item?
Do what with this item?

Whatever you choose, you'll eventually arrive at this garish screen (intentionally not blue!) because this is a mock-up for testing the menuing system and how the UI fits together.

No can do
No can do.


You might have noticed that Esc doesn't work. In order to quit, press * to go to the system menu, and then choose either Quit program or Shut down machine. Don't worry, it won't shut down, it'll just quit the program.

Yes, that other menu option will cause a crash. It is intentional, designed to test the backtrace handler. Go on, try it. You know you want to.


Of course, since I'm lazy I get bored quickly, there are two secrets. The first is that you can just press Q from the main menu to quit. Also, there is a dummy item with the barcode 123, which is much easier to remember.


This software is built for an ARM11/ARMv6 processor (aimed at my Pi 1). It will work on later cores, but your mileage will vary on older ones.

Remember, it's a user interface mock-up, not a full application. Have fun!

Download (10.24K)
For RISC OS machines.


Other stuff and spuds

Of course, I didn't spend all day sitting at a computer. My back wouldn't appreciate that. Plus, despite the whole hyperfocus thing, my mind was still prone to wandering off and kicking rocks leaving me to drool at a screen of gibberish that I couldn't make any sense of.
So I went and caught up with my mind. I walked up the lane to get the bin before the heat hit. Some while later I mopped the living room floor during the heat because.......actually I have no idea why. I drank loads of lemonade. In the evening I went out and picked some potatoes and saw that Spunta gave me some decent size ones, which made me feel both happy and hungry. Two emotions at once. Both beginning with the letter 'h'. What other emotions begin with 'h'? Hope. Hostility. Hatred. Hysteria... okay, bad idea. How about the first letter of my surname? Mmmm.... all that comes to mind is Melancholy. Well, that fits in with the music I'm currently listening to and it's a perfectly cromulent emotion, so let's carry on with a story about the bastard tuber offspring of a relative of deadly nightshade. Yes, people, there's a reason you don't eat the green bits!

Finally a decent sized potato!
Finally, a decent sized potato!

These were peeled, passed through a chipifier device, then warmed in the microwave for six minutes. Afterwards, they were put into the air fryer basket while being tossed in the presence of dribbled sunflower oil. Then cooked for about fifteen minutes, shaking every three or four minutes so they don't stick.

I tipped them on to my plate just at the point where they were starting to get crispy. Maybe another couple of minutes would have been good... but I was getting impatient and anxious that I might just wander off and be left with cold overcooked chips.
Still, this just goes to show you that "artisanal" homemade chips don't need to turn up as burnt embers as seems to be the case in eateries that offer home made style chips. They were quite nice as they were, and went well with the Charolais burgers. With a ground to mouth time of about half an hour, I don't think I've ever had fresher chips.


Oh, and wow, I'm eating when the sky is light, not a rushed meal at 11pm because I forgot to eat anything all day as is usually the case.


Pre-bed checklist

Yes, the joy of having the attention span of a dead gnat. I have a very useful checklist hanging on my bedroom door. It is very useful, especially since I no longer have a mom to prompt me "Did you lock the door?", to which I would reply "Of course I did...would you like a hot milk?" and she would and I'd go and make us both one and go lock the door.

Pre-bed checklist
Don't think "Oh, I'm too tired, I'll do it later". You won't.
So bloody well do it NOW, you dumb-arse.

· Is the car locked? Go check.
· Is the back door locked? Go check.
· Is the front door locked?
· Are the keys in the correct place?
· Do you know where your bag is?
· And the mobile phone?
· Are the windows shut?
· Is the microwave off (or door shut)?
· Is the fridge door correctly closed?
· Winter: Did you turn a heater on? Is it off now?
· You have eaten, right?
· No, an actual meal, not just a Twix... You have eaten, right?
Everything checked off the list? Brilliant! You can now go
and stare at the wall in the dark for the next eight hours
while thinking "I should be asleep now".
Have fun!


Last night's conundrum

Was it to be the tubes or the bow ties?

My pasta selection
My pasta selection.

I stared at my pasta selection for many minutes. Eventually I decided on a grab (how much I could grab out of the jar in one hand) of Farfalle (bow ties), a grab of Penne Rigate (ridged pipes), and for the texture, a grab of Trigatelli (interesting - Google it).

Now, if only I was able to have decided that hours earlier, I wouldn't be eating at half midnight...



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C Ferris, 13th August 2024, 14:32
Hmmm - thought that was "Lander code" :-)
Rick, 13th August 2024, 15:06
No, that's here: 
jgh, 14th August 2024, 01:33
I have a similar list for leaving the house. 
Have you got your keys? Your phone? Flies done up? 
Have you got your purse and wallet? Really? Are you sure? That's your handkerchief, actually check your pocket. 
One of the reasons I hate hot weather is that I need to wear some pockets to hold my "bits", but the weather is telling me not to put on my pockets - aka coat - and so I end up standing in a checkout queue unable to pay anything, because it was too hot to wear the clothing required to be able to take any paying mechanism with me. 
C Ferris, 14th August 2024, 08:45
Head screwed on :-)
David Pilling, 14th August 2024, 13:33
There was a TV series "inside the mind of Roy Kinear" his character in one episode of that barked out a list of acronyms before going on holiday TOW!, TOG!, TOE! on and on. Obsessive compulsive behaviour before it was a thing. Yes I always go back to check things I know I have done, and then again have turned up at shops with no way to pay. 
The TV series appears to be lost, no mention on Google, except for here. 
jgh, 14th August 2024, 18:12
And of course the example today: 
Come on, hurry up, we've got to get going. 
Ok, hold on.... 
No, hurry up, go! 
Ok, locks door.... 5 minutes later: dammit! I've left my wallet at home. 
Well wasn't that silly of you. 
(gggrrrrrr..... it was *YOU* dragging me off destroying any ability for me to properly "exit" the house....) 
Rick, 14th August 2024, 20:25
I got myself this in November 2020 to replace an earlier thing that wore out: 
I don't do "stuff in pockets". Too easy to misplace. So I have a bag with a strap and all my stuff goes in there... 

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