My 'intranet' : Setting up !OmniClient


Step 1 : Hardware
Step 2 : RISC OS
  • !OmniClient
Step 3 : Windows 3.11
Step 4 : Actually doing it
Connecting to...

In order to connect to the drives/printers available on the PC, you will need OmniClient. If you purchased Browse or Java from Acorn, then you will have Omni in $ on the CD. If you didn't purchase these, Omni is available on it's own. Check with a RISC OS dealer for the current price.

If you have never used Omni before, you will need to double-click on !OmniSetup. The window shown below will open.

Omni setup; GIF 15K

You should tick Lan Manager (Windows). If you are linking other RISC OS machines to your network, you should tick Acorn Access.
Under the LAN Manager options, ensure TCP/IP is selected, not NetBEUI.


A brief explanation...

The original Windows networking system used NetBEUI. I'm not exactly sure what the name stands for, but I know it is the name of a protocol which adds useful networking facilities on top of NetBIOS.
The peer-to-peer networking introduced in Windows for Workgroups (3.11) which allowed you to link a bunch of machines using 10-base2 and talk to each other did so using NetBEUI.
If you wish to purely serve files from an old PC, then you can use NetBEUI and connect to the machine with Omni and pretty much ignore most of the RISC OS setup and Samba.
But if you want a neater network system, if you want to mix machines and operating systems and serve files from a variety of machines with fewer restrictions, then you will want to use TCP/IP.
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, and it sets up the protocol most of us will be familiar with when we consider the quad byte grouping, such as for loopback. All internet addresses resolve back to an IP address in that four-number format. Without this protocol, the Internet as we know it may well not have existed.
For example...
Your 'domain' is currently
Your IP address is currently
You are contacting,
which is at IP address

Set the Other options to a style which blends in with your filer settings, then click on the Save icon.

You can now run !OmniClient. You do not need to run !OmniSetup again, unless you would like to alter Omni's configuration.


IMPORTANT: Samba should always be run after OmniClient. So run OmniClient now, even though we won't be using it until later.

Copyright © 2001 Richard Murray