My 'intranet' : Setting up Windows shares


Step 1 : Hardware
Step 2 : RISC OS
Step 3 : Windows 3.11
  • Setting up shares
Step 4 : Actually doing it
Connecting to...

This is simplicity itself. Truly, if you've made it this far without Prozac™ or Paracetamol™, you'll like this part... First, run File Manager.

Then select a drive and/or a directory.

Then open the Disk menu and select Share As....

Image, 6K GIF

A window will pop up...

Image, 4K GIF

Enter the name you wish to share as, and the path. In this screenshot, we are sharing C drive as "C". On another machine, it will appear as "C". Bear that in mind and don't try silly names!

Access Type. I would suggest you provide Full access (as Read only is fairly useless in reality), and I would strongly suggest that you password it. Even if it is only you and your intranet in your bedroom, it pays to protect your data. Especially as little things like that may be overlooked upon such time as you expand your network.

If you want to explicity share your drives each time you start your computer, ensure Re-share at Startup is not checked. However, a more usual solution (and safer, if you are using passwords) is to re-share at startup.

OK this, and all will be ready!


You are aware, I hope, that you do NOT need to share entire discs. You could set up the following:

  Share name  Access      Password    Path        Comments          

  Gardens     Full        Hamilton    C:\GARDENS  Garden Designer
  Hangman     Read only   Jefferies   C:\HANGMAN  Hangman game
  Mavis       Full        Beacon      C:\MAVIS    Mavis typing tutor
  Pascal      Read only   Blaise      C:\TURBO    Turbo Pascal 5
  WP51        Read only   Wordy       C:\WP       WordPerfect 5.1
  XTGold      Read only   Quercus     C:\XTGOLD   X-Tree Gold
It is pretty flexible, and pretty much up to you.

Copyright © 2001 Richard Murray