mailto: blog -at- heyrick -dot- eu
Entries in April 2015...
- 2015/04/05 - Of Satellites and vide greniers, another MIDI interface, and a sort of selfie.
- 2015/04/09 - Spring is coming, and Sunday's meals.
- 2015/04/14 - Army meal FAIL!
- 2015/04/17 - Replies to a troll...
- 2015/04/26 - ARM's 30th birthday, and some random photos
(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)
- Where's my bill EDF?, Yet another flood, Glad to be rid of my HP 3630, Playing with the ESP32Cam. (2025/01/26)
- Fixing my satellite dish, A future project, Sod off Google. (2025/01/25)
- Destroying a childhood hero, AI is anything but intelligent. (2025/01/24)
- He's ba-ack!, Tariffs, The state of the NHS, This is getting ridiculous, Britain reclaims America! (2025/01/22)
- Entitled employers, Bronze linguine, Lidl Grater, Billions of stars, Kitty mess, Vending machine key. (2025/01/19)
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PS: Don't try to be clever.
It's a simple substring match.
Last read at 08:39 on 2025/02/01.
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