mailto: blog -at- heyrick -dot- eu
Complete list of all entries...
- 2008/06/21 - Vanishing birds, B.Log, bouncy castles, a piccy of me, and "meretricious".
- 2008/06/22 - Pop-bang-fizzle monitor, sane recycling, scanner fun, and "abate".
- 2008/06/27 - Brownouts, Aiko? (my computer's name), and "unkempt".
- 2008/06/29 - My geek score, AZERTY keyboards, the pond chicken lives, more about maïze, and "consternation".
- 2008/06/30 - Domesticated apes (by Éspaces Vertes job) and "implore".
- 2008/07/02 - My geek test - results, maïze (again), and "principle" vs "principal".
- 2008/07/04 - A letter too late, and "incompetent".
- 2008/07/05 - The Tour de France (with some nice pictures), and "parsomonious".
- 2008/07/06 - Daft Recycler restriction, and "nowadays".
- 2008/07/08 - Tetanus injections with extras, why Frenchies don't pull sickies, and RadioTimes available in France.
- 2008/07/09 - An ANPE meet, Minix3, YouTube, 'if you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide', and "propensity".
- 2008/07/11 - Eggs and baskets when on the job hunt, why I don't like babies, and "disseminate".
- 2008/07/15 - Playing around - a nice photo of me NOT sitting in front of a computer!
- 2008/07/16 - The geek job falls through, what options now?
- 2008/07/18 - The frozen-products job - first meeting, オタク (otaku), and "arduous".
- 2008/07/21 - The frozen-projects job - recruitment test, nifty networking, idiot drivers, and "frenetic".
- 2008/07/22 - Field fire! And "reciprocal".
- 2008/07/24 - The frozen-products job - test results, my address is secret, ADSL maybe-baby, and "discombobulate".
- 2008/07/26 - Euro vs Franc vs Old Francs, Windows defrags, Windows 2 (OMG!!!), and "emulation".
- 2008/07/27 - Field fire - the culprit, and adventures in SW radio.
- 2008/07/29 - A ginormous caterpillar, air-stream skies, and "placid".
- 2008/07/31 - Bouncy castle madness fixed?, Hammond sells out, thanks for the 399W, and "homogenous".
- 2008/08/07 - Inkorekt speling iz rong, weight-- = petrol--, smasheroonie, l'accent Frenchie, RetroGeek, and "esoteric".
- 2008/08/11 - Coke vs Pepsi, new "improved" recipe, honey, bad Brit blood, and "pants" (plus nappies and diapers!).
- 2008/08/18 - The end of TV adverts, mobile prices, geeks are cool, Hello Kitty, and "susurration".
- 2008/08/19 - DVD+R/DVD-R, writing DVDs, CBR, why XviD, and "felicity".
- 2008/08/21 - W3C/validation, more Hello Kitty, daft message 1, on cost-cutting, daft message 2, and "pallor".
- 2008/08/24 - Pointless movie remake, and "impetuous".
- 2008/09/01 - More ANPE madness, MiniBBS (v0.00a1), and "experiment".
- 2008/09/02 - Cataloguing children, guns for teachers, 97 hacks, Lentil, and "foliage".
- 2008/09/05 - Power hiccups.
- 2008/09/08 - How much can it suck?
- 2008/09/09 - How much it sucks, ADSL, and virginity...
- 2008/09/11 - I want my life back!
- 2008/09/14 - More on my job, MTV VMA, non-Sky channels, lusers get paid more...
- 2008/09/16 - Slapped in the face (new hours), walking around Tokyo: 東京タワー.
- 2008/09/17 - More work news (bye-bye cow-orker), and Amy MacDonald.
- 2008/09/18 - Work news (where's my squeegee?), and a newer MiniBBS (v0.00a2).
- 2008/09/22 - Work woes and rip-off Britain.
- 2008/09/23 - Work woes - update, and a later MiniBBS (v0.00a3).
- 2008/09/25 - Evil hours, if it's such a crap job..., Amélie in HD, old phone, and the winter weather outlook.
- 2008/09/26 - Yo! Where's my coat?, electronics catalogues, and appalling wastages.
- 2008/09/29 - The story continues...
- 2008/09/30 - My coat - my notice, and those late late nights...
- 2008/10/01 - Farnell, vinyl, "illegal" downloading, minimum wage, and child Internet safety.
- 2008/10/02 - Land's end, story's end...
- 2008/10/03 - The day greed won and we lost.
- 2008/10/07 - Serendipity, pay day, MPman MP4-Fiesta (review), and hash-cake.
- 2008/10/10 - Meeting somebody new...
- 2008/10/14 - Mobiles and microprocessors.
- 2008/10/17 - DIY shopping and SiteKiosk.
- 2008/10/20 - The Nokia 6230i.
- 2008/10/22 - Gaspillage - endgame.
- 2008/10/24 - The end of 'CastAVote'.
- 2008/10/29 - WebScan and DST time changes, Nokia emulator, today at work...
- 2008/10/30 - Wossy and his pay packet, my final day will be a day off (!), and "Dead Set".
- 2008/11/04 - Mathematical zombies, America votes, XviD and the faster box...
- 2008/11/06 - Screen burn-in - on an LCD!, Obama the President, and a graphics tablet.
- 2008/11/09 - Yogourt weaving, party political nonsense/Scotland, hunter mind-games, and Soba noodles.
- 2008/11/20 - Nice work if you can get it, why are pie charts so difficult to make?, software extras (TightVNC & VirtualDub), recording video into a computer, maize and farming practice, the housing crisis, the housing crisis (alternate), graphics tablet - pressure sensitive.
- 2008/11/21 - Nice work (when you get it), dish fiddling for JESC.
- 2008/11/22 - Dish fiddling after JESC.
- 2008/11/27 - My final day? Thinking ahead. A potted history of discrimination.
- 2008/11/30 - Getting ADSL - we don't exist!?!? Review: Creative Zen (updated 2008/12/06).
- 2008/12/02 - Job extension...
- 2008/12/06 - Creative Zen review extended, where is NRJ Hits?
- 2008/12/12 - Work in the future?
- 2008/12/13 - Work in the future - part two, hold a chicken in the air, bye-bye Woolies, a warning to the wise, euthanasia, and why hiding ciggies is madness.
- 2008/12/15 - Icky Christmas food!
- 2008/12/17 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in reverse:
The Ugly - ARNAQUES at the Intermarché
The Bad - the loss of NRJ Hits
The Good - NHK World.
- 2008/12/20 - Bloody Nokia, mobile data prices, Maltesers (you should be ashamed), cat food (again), Christmas cheer, and when is a byte not a byte?
- 2008/12/23 - Wow - work continues, Wow2 - a Christmas Parcel, Westmister you should be ashamed, and harddiscs and NTFS.
- 2008/12/25 - This is it, the day you were waiting for after enduring several months of muzak carols... (not to mention DFS adverts with Slade-like themes banging away in the background, and Morrisson's adverts that somehow manage to be even more annoying, something nobody thought could be possible!, a Santa in every department store (are little kids really that stupid?) and an endless array of hackneyed heard-it-to-death-already carols and money-grovellers and carol-singers and where's the festive spirit lying? it is there in the gutter, rolling in agony after having been kicked senseless by greed and everybody's chorus of "I want! I want! I want!")
- 2009/01/12 - Welcome to 2009, "Demons" (the ITV programme), and coldness.
- 2009/01/14 - News review - government waste rules, assembly religious opt-outs, coffee visions, and was it Galileo or Harriot (and does anybody really care?).
- 2009/01/18 - Review - the auvisio MPEG4 PVR (a version of iPod-Recorder).
- 2009/01/27 - What, no b.log entries? The Goodmans GFSAT100SD freeview receiver.
- 2009/01/31 - Something lurking in my PVR - an additional menu, and a comparison of resolutions.
- 2009/02/07 - The Zen driver package problem, unsafe file moves, snow? what snow?, foreign workers, European City of Culture, my personal credit crunch.
- 2009/02/08 - A guide to video transcoding - MP4 to AVI.
- 2009/02/10 - Diary of a Hitman/Hurricane Quentin, what's happened to NHK World?
- 2009/02/13 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia, what's a PVR?, why MPEG4? welcome back, foreign workers (again).
- 2009/02/18 - VirtualDub is kept busy, aliens? (Austin), real aliens?, a one-person helicopter, the Pet Shop Boys, music and purpose (boy bands, '80s, punk, Lily Allen, John Bender, revolution and The Yobs (yup, Rick's feeling depressed again...)).
- 2009/02/22 - Australia's bush fires, unruly children/upbringing/parents, end Celeb Status, Love Me/Leave Me.
- 2009/02/25 - DIY disc cleaner, nationalising/privatising...
- 2009/02/26 - Keeping up with the Jones' (ADSL speeds), the Pôle Emploi and yet more nonsensical beaurocracy...
- 2009/02/28 - PopArt, PVR timed recordings bug, What I'm watching, ancient and extinct words.
- 2009/03/03 - Welcome to Spring, sort-of, PVR playback capabilities, PVR examining the hardware...
- 2009/03/16 - CastAWote makes a return, ceasing and desisting, a lovely Spring day, the end of the meadow...
- 2009/03/21 - A dummy entry...
- 2009/03/23 - Another PVR bug, relative resolutions, all change at work, My So-Called Life (remembering)/favourite TV series.
- 2009/03/24 - Work woes? Almost, but not quite. At the Noz again (biscuit straws and Ju-On manga).
- 2009/03/28 - A more in-depth video conversion process.
- 2009/03/31 - Cough-splutter/snotty chavs, Angela/MSCL, what to aspire to, dribbles!
- 2009/04/24 - What's up?
- 2009/04/26 - First vide grenier, enhanced keyboard, Frenchie BMI, Gurkhas, why worry about the economy?
- 2009/05/01 - A day off, another vide grenier, vinyl-to-MP3, Primeval, must-see TV.
- 2009/05/09 - Primeval (more), TeleGuide (for the PocketBook2/Psion 3x), chéques Restaurant, the new(er) DVD writer, new glasses - well someday, work continues, MPs and their expenses.
- 2009/05/12 - TeleGuide (for the PocketBook2/Psion 3x) version 0.02.
- 2009/05/17 - Eurovision 2009.
- 2009/05/20 - Seven years in France, old haunts, TV in France.
- 2009/05/21 - Vide grenier, Gameboys, D-Link DIR-100...
- 2009/05/25 - Epic storm! [video]
- 2009/06/03 - AirFrance - one down, one up. Faraday cages and mobiles in lockers, fixing the PVR's remote controller, further thoughts on the GameBoy Color/Advance games and brief system specs.
- 2009/06/12 - Touchpads, pandemic, Gordie get lost/manufacturing, patriotism.
- 2009/06/24
- Why I can't celebrate - REPORTED ATTACK SITE!
- 2009/06/28
- Google cares - but only so much, bye-bye HeyRick, 404s!, Recovery,, what actually happened?, wow it's hot!
- 2009/07/03 - Problems but nothing is insurmountable, a new look, extra cooling.
- 2009/07/13 - The eeePC 901 - overly verbose review!
- 2009/07/14 - Our vide grenier, rain, adventures with WiFi, and why you should secure your own!
- 2009/07/19 - eeePC and MBSA, more WiFi fun, Unix recursive deletes, RISC OS, XML, 8bits, and Yahoo mail offline.
- 2009/07/26 - Ai! (hard work but...), eeePC/XP quirk, Asus why?, WiFi scan, and LiveBox security.
- 2009/07/29 - HeyRick site statistics (Quantcast), Karen & nursery rhymes, a childhood memory, ADSL but when?
- 2009/08/04 - A new printer - the Brother DCP-165C, AverTV and TV on Azumi...
- 2009/08/06 - Getting wired - it finally happens!
- 2009/08/14 - Lots of online stuff for you to check out...
- 2009/08/19 - A real employee!
- 2009/08/27 - Lockerbie, Scotland, join the dots...
[politically heavy]
- 2009/09/06 - Top Gear and a female presenter?, a real scam?, exchange rate ripoff, younger than reality...
- 2009/09/12 - Xubuntu on an SD card!
- 2009/09/15 - Nokia PC Suite upgrade... or not.
- 2009/09/20 - Managing downloads, DVDs-a-plenty, banking reforms needed NOW.
- 2009/10/01 - Our new car, and problems with the older one.
- 2009/10/07 - Supermarket - Health and Safety.
- 2009/10/10 - This season's colour scheme!
- 2009/10/16 - Adieu Le Bar, Adieu La Frite. :-(
- 2009/11/01 - Here comes Winter.
- 2009/11/04 - Breadmaker cakes.
- 2009/11/07 - My PHP scripting 'makes it'!
- 2009/11/08 - InfoCirculation Nantes and a bloke wandering a busy road at night.
- 2009/11/17 - Foreign languages are stupid? Just look at the bogosity of English!
- 2009/11/22 - Atheism redefined, Jehovah's citations, paid-for followers.
- 2009/11/27 - A bolt out of the blue, and a DVD writer in PIO mode.
- 2009/11/28 - A work 'do', another work 'do', mental case hours, and on speaking up...or not.
- 2009/12/06 - Who do I look like?
- 2009/12/16 - My so-called birthday and a work information display.
- 2009/12/20 - Death defying, HeyRick posted (literally), and the new RSS option.
- 2009/12/23 - Misunderstood, and the end of production 'menage'.
- 2009/12/24 - THE END OF AN ERA.
- 2009/12/25 - Christmas, and the Christmascam.
- 2009/12/26 - On energy-saving bulbs.
- 2009/12/27 - Schools and proxies, what (not) to block, iTunes boob, rant/conspiracy whoo-hoo.
- 2009/12/31 - This is the decade that was.
- 2010/01/09 - Date woes, Adobe updater, a long missive regarding 'illegal downloads' and media moguls/profits.
- 2010/01/10 - A wander around Tōkyō... sort of.
- 2010/01/22 - Finally, a video dub tool that works!
- 2010/01/23 - Texas Instruments and the TMS320DM320, Meiryō - a better looking Japanese font, hot damn - the George Foreman grill!
- 2010/01/26 - Count those ARMs! BushInternet attempted pwning, lame! lame! lame!
- 2010/01/31 - A detailed look inside the iPodRecorder PVR.
- 2010/02/06 - Three strikes, HADOPI (in France) and an idea of a solution/activism
- 2010/02/07 - RadioTimes FAIL!
- 2010/02/14 - b.log version 2
- 2010/02/15 - b.log2 what's new? Funny publicity. When good ATMs go bad!
- 2010/02/20 - Adverts I remember
- 2010/02/21 - The b.log2 goes live.
- 2010/02/25 - Having TACT, and browser picking.
- 2010/02/27 - Hurricane (updated 23h00 CET)
- 2010/02/28 - Hurricane - After Story, Nozomi and rail schedules
- 2010/03/02
- Hurricane - died in their sleep
- 2010/03/03
- AdBlockPlus vs advertising, Climate Change
- 2010/03/05 - Hello navi... visions of future tech Westwards vs Japan
- 2010/03/11 - Japanese virtual babies, and IPR theft (aka I get ripped off (again!))
- 2010/03/12 - Online piracy - enough is enough is enough...
- 2010/03/14 - Yankee Doodle...
- 2010/03/17 - Beeping in, beeping out, beeping machine... and beeping tyre too!
- 2010/03/18 - Beeping machine and programME...
- 2010/03/19 - Orange evolution (part 1)
- 2010/03/20 - Orange evolution (part 2)
- 2010/03/21 - Walking the cat
- 2010/03/23 - Earth to LiveBox, come in Livebox, Orange saga (evolution part two-and-a-half), and girls who like...
- 2010/03/25 - Cheques Restaurant - new rules, paperwork madness, Win32:Confi, and IE-what?
- 2010/03/27 - Fastest browser install/uninstalls in history, HTML compliancy, work woes.
- 2010/03/31 - Japanese order, bento box, and Satsuki.
- 2010/04/01 - April Fools: reports of my demise are greatly exhaggerated... and the start of YouTube's demise.
- 2010/04/03 - Chrome issues, Catherine Cottage, the continuing Orange saga (part three), wires and petals.
- 2010/04/04 - b.log 2 revisions, and more on the new YouTube.
- 2010/04/06 - Neuros OSD order, Kiddie porn and obscene ... drawings.
- 2010/04/10 - Neuros OSD - a first look
- 2010/04/11 - Neuros OSD - a walk around
- 2010/04/15 - Satsuki, Japanese food, and USB/ethernet
- 2010/04/16 - Clear skies, sort of
- 2010/04/18 - Sakura-mia!
- 2010/04/20 - Flights resume, except for wussy Brits
- 2010/04/23 - Accidents at work
- 2010/04/26 - Telescope
- 2010/05/02 - Clair de lune
- 2010/05/07 - The British General Election
- 2010/05/08 - Neuros OSD - geeky tips and tricks
- 2010/05/12 - FAT and SD filing system screwups
- 2010/05/14 - Neuros OSD - a month on, what is cute?, and 日本料理
- 2010/05/17 - Just add water! ☺
- 2010/05/20 - Azumi is dead, long live Azumi! 8 years in France.
- 2010/05/21 - That picnic table.
- 2010/05/28 - Roses are red...
- 2010/06/06 - Time is not on my side, glowing in the dark...
- 2010/06/22 - Orange saga, part four (I think?)
- 2010/06/28 - How do you say that in French?
- 2010/07/04 - Virus? Rootkit? Or bad joke?
- 2010/07/09 - My Japan-box, Chihiro Onitsuka, WTF?
- 2010/07/17 - Experiences with Amazon Marketplace
- 2010/07/25 - Video camera and edit deck
- 2010/07/26 - Noise cancelling headphones [video], how these videos are made.
- 2010/07/27 - Playing with Tiny [video].
- 2010/07/30 - YouTube and FLVs
- 2010/08/02 - Sun and beans and Amazon's fail.
- 2010/08/09 - Random: Lefties and can openers, mini cooker, summer break, Wine, and Asian foods.
- 2010/08/16 - Holiday's over...
- 2010/08/28 - Keyboard woes
- 2010/08/29 - Katana
- 2010/09/02 - Moo! Cows and bridges.
- 2010/09/07 - eBay nonsense / virtual credit card
- 2010/09/12 - GPS and WAG200G router
- 2010/09/15 - A nice cup of tea!
- 2010/09/16 - Computer fix-its
- 2010/09/18 - I am the Alpha Geek.
- 2010/09/19 - EPIC interference KILLS the Internet.
- 2010/09/21 - Three strikes, you're out!
- 2010/09/22 - Saving the world, Mailcheck (script)
- 2010/09/26 - Long live RISC OS! Stupid Livebox.
- 2010/09/29 - WTF?
- 2010/09/30 - Work woes redux, agnostic vs atheist
- 2010/10/04 - Line issues, and my new bento
- 2010/10/07 - Microsoft - WTF?
- 2010/10/10 - Tokyo - where to go? Movie remakes.
- 2010/10/11 - Stupid Microsoft...
- 2010/10/16 - Manifs, Opera probs, Konami...
- 2010/10/26 - Rice and spiders...
- 2010/10/31 - Non-existance, bento, halloween...
- 2010/11/01 - Car parking hall of SHAME
- 2010/11/06 - My new toy :-)
- 2010/11/07 - Microsoft smelling the coffee, virtual women, helicopter fun.
- 2010/11/12 - Further experiments with the little helicopter.
- 2010/11/23 - Don't kick it, nor zombies.
- 2010/11/24 - Google's pointless preview
- 2010/11/27 - b.log abuse, wget, and recaptcha
- 2010/12/08 - The winter blues.
- 2010/12/12 - It's a bad news/good news situation.
- 2010/12/19 - What happened to HeyRick?
- 2010/12/21 - On being a Brit, or faking it convincingly.
- 2010/12/25 - Final flight, and Christmas.
- 2010/12/31 - Beeb goodies
- 2011/01/02 - Now we're cooking with gas! Helicopter rises like a Phoenix, PHP proofreading, and decyphering Japanese cooking instructions.
- 2011/01/21 - Welcome to the fast lane
- 2011/01/25 - Life in the fast lane, beans, soy sauce, comfort food
- 2011/01/31 - Android assessment, Wikileaks, Car, Locker
- 2011/02/13 - Microsoft and FAT, a promotion, camera play, and eoliens.
- 2011/02/19 - A few words to Sarko
- 2011/02/20 - A nothing-happens weekend, katakana lesson one
- 2011/02/28 - Mobile phone speeds, cool stuff, and... I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
- 2011/03/04 - Industrial accident, arrgh!
- 2011/03/08 - The perils of not-quite open source.
- 2011/03/10 - Steve Jobs' knighthood blocked? ARM disassembly. JTAG recovery. Kana keyboard.
- 2011/03/11 - Watashi-tachi no kangae de wa, toshite imasu. 私たちの考えでは、としています。
- 2011/03/19 - Some hard truths...
- 2011/04/01 - Almost Sakura! Stupid spam. Fukushima vs Reality. Don't annoy your phone!
- 2011/04/04 - Hardcore geeking-out!
- 2011/04/05 - Geekery expanded
- 2011/04/07 - A new toy... sort of. :-)
- 2011/04/09 - blog'n'go
- 2011/04/11 - Iceland... says no. JTAG wibbles.
- 2011/04/14 - Japanese face masks, and McDonald's blue cheese burger.
- 2011/04/15 - France does it again - a data-grab above and beyond the call of duty
- 2011/04/17 - Whoa! What a day!
- 2011/04/19 - JTAG explained.
- 2011/04/22 - Unwell
- 2011/04/24 - A scattered entry, lots of topics!
- 2011/04/27 - Baking - water biscuits and shortbread
- 2011/05/08 - This entry is a many-splendored thing! ARM disassembler, hangman game, Madeleine (yes, that one), real Japanese rice, pay woes and work night-hours, vide grenier, Casio KL-2000, bad continuity, animé, Steins;Gate (résumé of first five episodes) [phew!]
- 2011/05/15 - OSD failure, vide grenier, GPS accuracy, a not-so awesome deal
- 2011/05/24 - The most EPICest FAIL ever!
- 2011/05/28 - Oh boy! Okay: Petrol wheeze/rip-off, a very impractical car for a country town, PlayStation 1 (PSX) and protected video, tree cutting, weirdness at Amazon, and the awesome Steins;Gate eps 6 to 8.
- 2011/05/30 - Tax and cucumbers
- 2011/06/02 - A dictated entry... [Android speech recognition, Edamame Soy seeds, Cucumbers, MoboPlayer, and lots of crossed-out stuff!]
- 2011/06/05 - Dopey bunny
- 2011/06/07 - Passport application
- 2011/06/13 - Random stuff through the week: passport saga, deadly cucumbers, ketchup pricing madness, information leaks, stormy sky, offending errors, and a good cuppa at work...
- 2011/06/14 - Knitting and five a day
- 2011/06/20 - Shiki 20.5
- 2011/06/26 - This weekend: Own-brand products, Duke Nukem, vide grenier, floppy drive, CF interface...
- 2011/06/29 - Label, passport, 'asswipe', money vs happiness.
- 2011/07/01 - Soy, rice, and sunrise
- 2011/07/04 - Steins;Gate episodes 9 to 13, everything sounds cuter in Japanese [video]
- 2011/07/05 - Morning walk [video], Millie's phone, string theory
- 2011/07/11 - Where is HeyRick? TalkTalk/Tiscali - you're being followed. Using SSL with HeyRick. Rice cooker. Busy weekend - hi Mick!
- 2011/07/17 - Mick's visit, rice maker redux, Akane the money girl, Satsuki vs the giants, LD becomes DTMF, cute cat.
- 2011/07/21 - All Japanese look alike. Scary night skies!
- 2011/07/25 - Phones, diallers, vide grenier, stingy chips, and mom's new computer.
- 2011/07/29 - Hanafuda Koi-koi
- 2011/08/03 - Holiday, katana, reclaim our DNA!, E-Razor USB keys, Google Fail
- 2011/08/06 - Soya beans, JTAG delays, summer?, processor unity
- 2011/08/07 - ARM vs x86 and the joy of conditional execution
- 2011/08/09 - Slice of Life - welcome to England
- 2011/08/13 - My fondle-phone, a closer look
- 2011/08/23 - Epic storm, Japanese stamps.
- 2011/08/29 - Libya, East Coast earthquake, Storm/FEMA, donations
- 2011/09/04 - Potential microwave leakage?
- 2011/09/06 - And then there were five
- 2011/09/11 - PlayStation2, rally fun, and Wawa
- 2011/09/17 - Money madness, and a comment from mom
- 2011/09/26 - LiveBox, TNT receiver, science fooled?, anti-semitic, Palestine, names.
- 2011/10/05 - My Edamame (soy) harvest, on rooting an Android phone, trashing a Subaru in Japan, the Euro crisis, and on privacy (and why it matters).
- 2011/10/09 - Free misses the point - why Richard Stallman is wrong (and the GPL bad); Livebox (old) fiddles - and insides; the Livephone; turn-of-the-century Japanese postcards; Maître CoQ's DISGUSTING poule au pot.
- 2011/10/13 - Pieces of me - the electronic persona and its continuance
- 2011/10/17 - Mondays, inexplicable computer pauses, vide greniers, hot burgers and a hotter woman, Sims (and more heat), pre-burgers roaming the field, and idiot gendarmes. More or less.
- 2011/10/20 - Gary McKinnon and The Law - jurisdiction where?
- 2011/10/25 - Android application oddities, phone unlocking, Britain - a second rate EU member, your right to your 'image', a final farewell (to the dead).
- 2011/10/31 - Halloween, Graveyard, and the Dead of Night
- 2011/11/05 - The forgotten week - work accident, and blog mobile.
- 2011/11/14 - The day democracy died? Visit Japan - free flights?
- 2011/11/18 - The most misunderstood moggie in history (mewing in the quantum world).
- 2011/11/23 - Quantum Kitten. Amazon. Ebay. Digibox.
- 2011/12/06 - Economy and Credit Ratings. Belated Thank Yous. JESC and Sleep Deprivation.
- 2011/12/07 - Bluetooth earpiece - Motorola H700 (knock-off).
- 2011/12/09 - Two Generals
- 2011/12/15 - Euro, animé, NHK World
- 2011/12/18 - My birthday and The Tree of Doom!
- 2011/12/25 - A Christmas entry.
- 2012/01/02 - Happy New Year, etc
- 2012/01/22 - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro, Scotland and independence, SOPA
- 2012/01/23 - A reply to 'Anon', Windows Mobile
- 2012/01/29 - SMPlayer crash - [VD_FFMPEG] DRI failure
- 2012/01/30 - Livebox FAILs, Peach pie
- 2012/02/12 - The Frozen River
- 2012/02/20 - ACTA, Yay Freetards?, New Car!, new digital satellite receiver
- 2012/02/25 - From Up On Poppy Hill [cinema/film review]
- 2012/03/03 - What's up with my old satellite receiver?
- 2012/03/25 - Not dead, RISC OS, vide grenier (Sony Mavica), ordering online from MandS
- 2012/03/27 - SysAdmin Manoeuvres in the Dark
- 2012/04/04 - Holiday, and RISC OS coding
- 2012/04/10 - Halal meat, Android compiling, ASCII art, Yahoo! FAIL!, Skype
- 2012/04/25 - America, WAKE UP!
- 2012/04/26 - XBOX and keyboard
- 2012/05/06 - Immigration and colonisation
- 2012/05/09 - Mavica photos
- 2012/05/10 - Xenophobia and JTAG
- 2012/05/12 - Homosexual marriage
- 2012/05/13 - Vide grenier whoo-hoo!
- 2012/05/14 - Beyond speechless... [updated]
- 2012/05/15 - Why Linux sucks (fun with a Beagle)
- 2012/05/16 - Beagle xM video
- 2012/05/17 - Beagle xM - RISC OS
- 2012/05/18 - Beagle xM - RISC OS working!
- 2012/05/19 - Leaving England, and RISC OS
- 2012/05/20 - 10 years, Beagle and RISC OS
- 2012/05/28 - BeagLEDs
- 2012/05/30 - Tax, Beagle, vide grenier
- 2012/05/31 - Eurozone
- 2012/06/04 - I know about 45,592 words! Jubilee singers.
- 2012/06/08 - Will Land Value Tax rescue the economy?
- 2012/06/10 - Final Beagle play. What season is this? Orphaned works.
- 2012/06/18 - Photo frame etc, Haruhi DVD, LVT
- 2012/06/20 - Phishing and Yahoo!
- 2012/06/24 - What's in a name? Tiny/sunshine. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
- 2012/06/25 - Oh What A Carry On
- 2012/06/28 - Beagle update, Google madness, OMAP documentation (print costs)
- 2012/07/01 - Summer anime
- 2012/07/11 - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro compass recalibration, Orange FAILs HARD
- 2012/07/15 - A Mutt Called Woof
- 2012/07/16 - Knock-off-Kitty?
- 2012/07/29 - Mick and the Vide Grenier
- 2012/08/05 - Sick Rick
- 2012/08/11 - Big Smile News, Retrochallenge
- 2012/08/14 - Olympic Closing Ceremony
- 2012/09/05 - One Livebox bites the dust hard, another steps into the fray.
- 2012/09/09 - Forced Mutuelle, vide greniers, and epic sunset.
- 2012/09/12 - Printing money has made us all £10,000 better off, says BoE
- 2012/09/15 - Facebook timeline, my experiences with Amazon's new App-Shop, and naked-Kate.
- 2012/09/18 - FAT^WFAIL! Those boobs, those photos, that magazine. Amazon's Cloud Player.
- 2012/09/19 - Playing in the corn [video]
- 2012/09/26 - Major Android fail - directly actioning 'tel:' URIs
- 2012/10/01 - Rice: Deal or No Deal? Japanese teapot. Flamin' Hot! Letratag labellers. Harinezumi (for RISC OS).
- 2012/10/09 - The Autumn 2012 anime season.
- 2012/10/27 - What I've been up to, the RaspberryPi. [video]
- 2012/11/05 - Fail, fail, fail!
- 2012/11/21 - Final vide grenier, rice cooker cooking, mom fail
- 2012/12/09 - Type A vs Type B anime fans
- 2012/12/12 - Birthday card, faxes, Decay (zombie flick)
- 2012/12/17 - Another day, another school shooting
- 2012/12/24 - Chasing ghosts
- 2012/12/25 - Christmas photos
- 2012/12/27 - How to install RISC OS on a RaspberryPi [video]
- 2013/01/06 - The mathematics of copyright [TED video]
- 2013/01/13 - New phone - Sony Xperia U
- 2013/01/17 - The contract in more detail
- 2013/01/18 - Orange's site sucks
- 2013/01/22 - OtakuCastle, ADSL speed, Goodbye,HelloAndGoodbye
- 2013/02/02 - Japanese and dyslexia; Steins;Gate DVD
- 2013/02/09 - Spring Rain - piano score
- 2013/02/24 - RISC OS MIDI
- 2013/03/02 - RISC OS MIDI - reading MIDI data, and playback; Maestro hack
- 2013/03/03 - Goodbye McDonald's, hello KFC!
- 2013/03/10 - Fast food vs reality; Austerity - Hell No!
- 2013/03/16 - Beagle Linux fail; Configuring static IP on RISC OS
- 2013/03/25 - Bang splat - EPIC Google Navigation FAIL!
- 2013/04/10 - Ding dong! The Witch Is Dead?
- 2013/04/22 - Music is more than just a collection of notation
- 2013/04/29 - Fancy keyboard for a fiver; and why all the watermarks.
- 2013/05/01 - Keyboard fix, Roland E-16 circuit wandering.
- 2013/05/04 - More on music - notes and octaves (and the frequency of music)
- 2013/05/27 - Daily Mail on Kiddie Porn
- 2013/06/04 - There's a new fiver in town...
- 2013/06/08 - So you think you can offer 100% security?
- 2013/07/04 - Muslim call to prayer on British TV for Ramadan?
- 2013/07/11 - Bad Livebox, Good Livebox
- 2013/07/22 - Britain's Victorian Morals, Go on, indulge yourself!, Livebox redux
- 2013/07/24 - Help make a little girl's dreams come true!
- 2013/07/27 - Unbelievable! The replacement Livebox is even WORSE! [updated, twice]
- 2013/07/29 - HDMI adaptor mod (USB powered)
- 2013/08/03 - Hammock, holiday, Livebox #3, BBQ, Warhol, ROOL DDE, DeskLib, MIDI, etc etc
- 2013/08/15 - Things to Do with a Pi in France when you're Bored.
- 2013/09/07 - Of electronic newspapers and iPads
- 2013/09/14 - On Syria and autumn anime
- 2013/10/06 - The Evil God Paradox
- 2013/10/17 - Where Am I?
- 2013/10/27 - iMac and a dabble in ARM assembly
- 2013/10/29 - iOS 7 review (better late than never!)
- 2013/11/03 - Halloween and a new workspace
- 2013/11/05 - Geekfest! Building RISC OS on the Pi.
- 2013/11/09 - PlayMo Nativity #1 [video, HD, version 2]
- 2013/11/11 - Custom song art and lyrics on an iPad
- 2013/11/14 - Backing up an iPad to where you want
- 2013/11/17 - Vide grenier number #54 - sewing machine, FM transmitter, and video sender
- 2013/12/08 - Christmas lights, animation #2, Retina
- 2013/12/16 - Happy Birthday to me!, banged arm, animation #3
- 2013/12/22 - Yukiiiii! Anime. And stuff.
- 2013/12/24 - How to spend Christmas Eve...?
- 2013/12/25 - Merry Christmas! [final animation], The Time Of The Doctor
- 2013/12/30 - The last hack of the year - getting a Pi online with RISC OS and a WiFi XP machine
- 2014/01/01 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
- 2014/01/02 - You morally repugnant bastards.
- 2014/01/04 - Some New Year geekery
- 2014/01/07 - Musings on Rule 34 [light entertainment!]
- 2014/01/15 - Adventures in cheese
- 2014/01/18 - What is...
- 2014/01/19 - Teapots and Liveboxes
- 2014/01/20 - Commerce fails, Pi upgrades, winter animé choices
- 2014/01/22 - Specs getting silly
- 2014/02/14 - Year Of Code, and how to really be a programmer
- 2014/02/17 - Are English kids really this dumb?
- 2014/03/14 - RISC OS internationalisation, rescuing a clock, ARM pipeline and optimisations, air pollution.
- 2014/03/16 - Playing with GPS, Wikitude, app permissions, spring flowers.
- 2014/04/01 - April Fools
- 2014/04/15 - The RiscPC is 20 years old!
- 2014/04/16 - The RiscPC is 20 years old!
- 2014/04/20 - Happy Easter!
- 2014/04/21 - Geekfest! An OLED on the Pi! (part 1)
- 2014/04/26 - Geekfest! An OLED on the Pi! (part 2)
- 2014/05/01 - Meganeko! B+D Dustbuster NW4860N review. Apple Pages/iWork free, but not for me
- 2014/05/04 - Vide grenier - Project Zero (Fatal Frame)
- 2014/05/20 - TWELVE YEARS IN FRANCE!
- 2014/05/22 - UKIP, vide grenier (helico/TV), baby Kieran
- 2014/05/24 - Wurst or worse?
- 2014/05/31 - Microwave egg cooker translation!
- 2014/06/01 - Dear Europe, we are sorry.
- 2014/06/08 - Mowing, vide grenier - Samsung SDC-415PD
- 2014/06/16 - Summer 2014 anime
- 2014/06/20 - Pi Serial port
- 2014/07/05 - America - the gift that keeps on giving
- 2014/07/13 - Visiting England . . . or not
- 2014/07/19 - Welcome to the corporate dystopia!
- 2014/07/20 - Fixing RISC OS's CLib
- 2014/08/04 - Livebox 2 - hack attempt and horrible new firmware
- 2014/08/08 - I am a sick puppy! - Windows on RISC OS
- 2014/08/09 - Windows on RISC OS - better graphics?
- 2014/08/17 - Where have I been? RaspBMC. Scotland's pride.
- 2014/08/24 - Sunday randomness - Kate quits? Scotland. Asian PlayMo. Bluetooth keyboard for iPad. Mid-season anime, and possibilities for Autumn season.
- 2014/08/29 - The troubles of The Lobby Bar
- 2014/09/02 - Oscilloscope and keyboard labels
- 2014/09/09 - Scotland and a new PC
- 2014/09/10 - Apple's 2014 keynote
- 2014/09/18 - A historic day?
- 2014/09/24 - Glasslip - reality
- 2014/10/12 - Autumn anime season - Terra Formars, Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete, Sora no Method, Akatsuki no Yona, Shirobako, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, and some others.
- 2014/10/15 - The West Lothian Question
- 2014/10/20 - Aaaaaaargh! Ebola is coming! Waaaaah!
- 2014/11/01 - RISC OS source mods
- 2014/11/02 - Another day, another crapped up computer. Rates for computer work.
- 2014/11/09 - Zen and the art of programming
- 2014/11/12 - Getting that PC running...
- 2014/11/19 - Of PMR radios and MIDI interfaces
- 2014/11/21 - Electronic cigarette
- 2014/11/22 - MIDI revisited
- 2014/11/23 - Micro helicopter [video]
- 2014/11/24 - When Good Banks Go Bad!!! Paid Advert fail?
- 2014/11/28 - A challenge: A blog post every day in December!
- 2014/12/01 - Here it is! Day one! [My challenge: To create a blog entry (something, anything) every single day this month.]
- 2014/12/02 - Google - please, for the love of God, stop buggering things up! Advent day two.
- 2014/12/03 - Advent calendar - day three
- 2014/12/04 - Advent calendar - day four
- 2014/12/05 - Advent calendar - day five
- 2014/12/06 - Advent calendar - day six; My Space
- 2014/12/07 - Advent calendar - day seven
- 2014/12/08 - Dumb things seen at the supermarket. Advent calendar - day eight
- 2014/12/09 - Advent calendar - day nine
- 2014/12/10 - Advent calendar - day ten
- 2014/12/11 - Advent calendar - day eleven
- 2014/12/12 - Advent calendar - day twelve
- 2014/12/13 - Advent calendar - day thirteen
- 2014/12/14 - Advent calendar - day fourteen
- 2014/12/15 - Advent calendar - day fifteen
- 2014/12/16 - Advent calendar - day sixteen
- 2014/12/17 - Advent calendar - day seventeen
- 2014/12/18 - Advent calendar - day eighteen
- 2014/12/19 - Advent calendar - day nineteen
- 2014/12/20 - Downloading a subtitled programme from YouTube to stream to an iPad. Advent calendar - day twenty
- 2014/12/21 - Advent calendar - day twenty one
- 2014/12/22 - Advent calendar - day twenty two. Madoka Magica Piano Medley.
- 2014/12/23 - Advent calendar - day twenty three
- 2014/12/24 - Advent calendar - day twenty four
- 2014/12/25 - Merry Christmas everybody!
- 2014/12/26 - First Christmas [photo story]
- 2014/12/27 - What have they done?
- 2014/12/28 - The hunt for good tea
- 2014/12/29 - Chess
- 2014/12/30 - Trees and Time Lords, the San'in Main Line.
- 2014/12/31 - This is the year that was
- 2015/01/01 - Hearsay and Arcade
- 2015/01/05 - Vacuum, Purely Purple Ones, Writing on the go, Why your WiFi sucks.
- 2015/01/09 - The pencil is mightier than the machine gun.
- 2015/01/10 - Technisat Skystar S2 - easy come, easy go... Kodansha's Hiragana Workbook.
- 2015/01/11 - Manifestation for Peace and Freedom
- 2015/01/20 - New contract, and Samsung s5 Mini (part 1)
- 2015/01/21 - Samsung S5 Mini (part 2)
- 2015/01/25 - Buffalo FAIL, camera quality, and the mobile office
- 2015/02/07 - Pentax Optio LS465 digital camera [review]
- 2015/02/24 - Trying out Ubuntu [and why I won't be ditching XP any time soon]
- 2015/03/11 - How dare you, God, how dare you!
- 2015/03/15 - Pi day?
- 2015/03/20 - The world ended today, but only if you are a lunatic!
- 2015/03/22 - Things that you should never have said about MFA Writing Programs now that you (thankfully) no longer teach in one.
- 2015/03/23 - Writing Relocatable Modules in C
- 2015/04/05 - Of Satellites and vide greniers, another MIDI interface, and a sort of selfie.
- 2015/04/09 - Spring is coming, and Sunday's meals.
- 2015/04/14 - Army meal FAIL!
- 2015/04/17 - Replies to a troll...
- 2015/04/26 - ARM's 30th birthday, and some random photos
- 2015/05/08 - A night of trauma
- 2015/05/13 - Are we not humans? Do we not have rights?
- 2015/05/14 - Frobnicate!
- 2015/05/17 - Fatal Frame Zero - a gothic masterpiece
- 2015/05/19 - Eurovision - first semi final
- 2015/05/21 - Eurovision - second semi final
- 2015/05/23 - Eurovision - grand final final
- 2015/06/08 - The RMS Jive, and interfacing a USB joystick to RISC OS.
- 2015/06/16 - Japanese stamps
- 2015/06/19 - Feeling retro (aka when you know you're an old fart)
- 2015/06/26 - DeskLib update proposal
- 2015/06/28 - France's trauma, the passing of Tama, McDo redux
- 2015/07/04 - Final day, part one [photo story]
- 2015/07/05 - Final day, extra #1 [photo story]
- 2015/07/27 - I'm still here! DeskLib hackery.
- 2015/07/29 - Graphics tablet - Braun Tavla 5 (UC-Logic WP5540U)
- 2015/08/03 - A pile of fail to brighten up your week
- 2015/08/10 - Language evolves, and Skills we are losing (plus Rick's list)
- 2015/08/13 - Thunder and lightning
- 2015/08/17 - What's in an update?
- 2015/08/19 - Haters gonna hate and spammers gonna spam
- 2015/08/22 - Telescope, lightning
- 2015/08/25 - Donate to HeyRick's hosting!
- 2015/08/28 - What a week it has been
- 2015/08/30 - More electronics stuff from a vide grenier!
- 2015/09/02 - What exactly is the GPL linkage requirement?
- 2015/09/08 - Mick's weekend and the tram-train to Nantes
- 2015/09/12 - The efficiency of a Pi server
- 2015/09/19 - Random Saturday Ramblings
- 2015/09/27 - Square waves; mini-Henry; Braun NovoScan A6 [many photos]
- 2015/09/29 - Compromised, but what?
- 2015/09/30 - Compromised - it wasn't me!
- 2015/10/11 - Sunday shenanigans; Now and Then, Here and There
- 2015/10/16 - The American Cloud - crashing and burning
- 2015/10/23 - Ovation
- 2015/10/25 - Ovation (first revision), and thirty years on
- 2015/10/27 - Rick's kitemark; PNJdrone DR-BEE
- 2015/10/28 - PNJdrone DR-BEE [video and inside photos]
- 2015/10/31 - It's Halloween!!!
- 2015/11/04 - Ovation - here it is!
- 2015/11/05 - Ovation - the fixed one!
- 2015/11/07 - Ovation - this time it'll work :-)
- 2015/11/08 - Getting started with Ovation [tutorial]
- 2015/11/09 - Printing with Ovation - don't use sprites; creating runaround text; and more!
- 2015/11/13 - Ovation v1.52 - nicer looking and some Unicode
- 2015/11/14 - Paris' suffering is Europe's failing
- 2015/11/15 - Other people's code - Ovation and rummaging around inside it
- 2015/11/17 - The source code is messy. When are you going to fix it?
- 2015/11/21 - Legislating mathematics
- 2015/11/30 - Photos and commentary - dumb stuff I've seen. Hacking Christmas lights.
- 2015/12/01 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day One
- 2015/12/02 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Two
- 2015/12/03 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Three
- 2015/12/04 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Four
- 2015/12/05 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Five
- 2015/12/06 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Six
- 2015/12/07 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Seven
- 2015/12/08 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Eight
- 2015/12/09 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Nine
- 2015/12/10 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Ten
- 2015/12/11 - I'm on the spectrum! Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Eleven
- 2015/12/12 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twelve
- 2015/12/13 - The joy of rural life (cows on the loose!), Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Thirteen
- 2015/12/14 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Fourteen
- 2015/12/15 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Fifteen
- 2015/12/16 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Sixteen
- 2015/12/17 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Seventeen
- 2015/12/18 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Eighteen
- 2015/12/19 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Nineteen
- 2015/12/20 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twenty
- 2015/12/21 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twenty One
- 2015/12/22 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Two
- 2015/12/23 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Three
- 2015/12/24 - Playmobil Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Four
- 2015/12/25 - Merry Christmas
- 2015/12/26 - BBC BASIC goes multitasking
- 2015/12/27 - BBC BASIC goes multitasking - a better way
- 2015/12/28 - Regain control of your mobile browser!
- 2015/12/29 - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
- 2015/12/30 - The Year Of Fear...and disaster
- 2015/12/31 - Koshihikari
- 2016/01/03 - Welcome to 2016 - Japanese movies: Live, Flying Colors, Godzilla, and God's Puzzle.
- 2016/01/04 - DumbServer - writing a simple server for RISC OS
- 2016/01/06 - Why I loathe _swix()
- 2016/01/13 - File type detection
- 2016/01/16 - How to use an oscilloscope
- 2016/01/17 - Winter sales and vide grenier. Global warming? [garden photos]
- 2016/01/20 - The many levels of conditional compilation
- 2016/01/25 - Doctor Who - Moffat is on the way out
- 2016/01/26 - La Prime d'Emploi
- 2016/01/30 - More sale stuff
- 2016/02/05 - Arbitrarily detained?
- 2016/02/14 - Ovation 1.53RM 心♥心♥心
- 2016/02/19 - Some pictures of Ovation in use
- 2016/02/26 - Eurovision 2016 - UK National Selection
- 2016/02/29 - Pi3? 3? WTF? Have you seen the specs?
- 2016/03/05 - 96.4 The Eagle, on RISC OS
- 2016/03/13 - Feeling my age, and finally a smart weather station
- 2016/03/19 - Fixing SMPlayer losing audio sync
- 2016/03/20 - Competition trolling for the lulz
- 2016/03/26 - RISC OS source mods - 2016
- 2016/03/27 - You're scaremongering!
- 2016/03/29 - Weather station online!
- 2016/04/02 - Weather station redux - reading from the La Crosse WS-2300
- 2016/04/11 - Why AI has a LONG way to go
- 2016/04/17 - Guilty pleasure and animé
- 2016/04/18 - Final day, part two [photo story]
- 2016/05/05 - Akira DPS-B73U7 portable DVD player
- 2016/05/07 - Final Day - part three
- 2016/05/10 - Eurovision 2016 Semi Final 1
- 2016/05/12 - Eurovision 2016 Semi Final 2
- 2016/05/14 - Eurovision 2016 Grand Final
- 2016/05/17 - Tiny (2004-2016)
- 2016/05/19 - Eurovision and statistics, my picks
- 2016/05/21 - People can be so careless with their personal data
- 2016/06/05 - Final day, part four [photo story]
- 2016/06/16 - Happy 42½
- 2016/06/17 - To be (a part of the EU) or not to be
- 2016/06/19 - Power. Logging into Arcade the easy way.
- 2016/06/25 - Brexit and sanity
- 2016/07/03 - Brexit, Pokcetbook e-reader
- 2016/07/10 - Brexit, Pokcetbook e-reader [videos]
- 2016/07/17 - Creating an EPUB file
- 2016/07/23 - Pi Zero, Ovation 1.55RM
- 2016/08/01 - Walking the RMA
- 2016/08/03 - Making ROMs writeable
- 2016/08/05 - Custom breakpoint handler code
- 2016/08/10 - Bang! And a cheap little webcam.
- 2016/08/13 - Parc Oriental (Japanese garden) in Maulevrier [photos]
- 2016/08/22 - Silencing the webcam / IPCAM.
- 2016/09/04 - Pop! Bang!
- 2016/09/05 - Fixing the PocketBook e-reader if you accidentally delete all of your applications
- 2016/09/10 - Webcam / IPCAM - control protocol
- 2016/09/19 - Some randomness - a sense of scale, epic trauma, and something just plain icky.
- 2016/09/26 - Why Phoebe failed? Orange failed (hard).
- 2016/09/28 - Dangling the padlock (SSL at HeyRick)
- 2016/10/16 - Some software updates... EtherStat, OvHTML, and Scan32bit
- 2016/10/23 - Pi2, Christmas? Playmo Expo.
- 2016/10/30 - Don't buy a Brother inkjet. Tablet driver for RISC OS 5.
- 2016/10/31 - Halloween
- 2016/11/10 - すべては狂っているんだから
- 2016/11/11 - Panty liners and window cleaner
- 2016/11/29 - Random rants
- 2016/12/01 - Welcome to the 2016 Advent Calendars!
- 2016/12/02 - Fire at the recycling centre
- 2016/12/03 - Day three
- 2016/12/04 - Day four
- 2016/12/05 - Day five. Boobies!
- 2016/12/06 - Day six.
- 2016/12/07 - Day seven.
- 2016/12/08 - Day eight. Vonets and RISC OS
- 2016/12/09 - Day nine. WINTER IS COMING.
- 2016/12/10 - Day X.
- 2016/12/11 - Day XI.
- 2016/12/12 - Day XII.
- 2016/12/13 - Day XIII.
- 2016/12/14 - Day XIV.
- 2016/12/15 - Day XV. Aleppo and two-faced hacks.
- 2016/12/16 - Day XVI. Supermoon.
- 2016/12/17 - Day XVII.
- 2016/12/18 - Day XVIII.
- 2016/12/19 - Day XIX, and what to write about after Christmas.
- 2016/12/20 - Day XX, counterfeit hardware.
- 2016/12/21 - Day XXI, component testing, spotting a fake.
- 2016/12/22 - Day XXII
- 2016/12/23 - Day XXIII - the penultimate day
- 2016/12/24 - Day XXIV - this is it, the last one! Food for Christmas.
- 2016/12/25 - Christmas
- 2016/12/26 - George Michael
- 2016/12/27 - DSO 138 - analogue input
- 2016/12/28 - What to write about? Christmas dinner. Amazon's response.
- 2016/12/29 - The DSO 138
- 2016/12/30 - Brrr! What to watch.
- 2016/12/31 - How hard did 2016 suck?
- 2017/01/01 - Cold and playing with the oscilloscope
- 2017/01/06 - Mod my 'scope
- 2017/01/09 - Hello Brexiteer
- 2017/01/14 - Winter sales
- 2017/01/16 - USB floppy teardown
- 2017/01/18 - An inconvenient truth, or two.
- 2017/01/20 - Today's the day, God help us all...
- 2017/01/21 - Gleeful camera scanning
- 2017/01/29 - Yakuza Apocalypse
- 2017/02/12 - Samsung S7
- 2017/02/16 - Poo, Samsung S7 night photo and USB OTG
- 2017/02/17 - Chocolate world
- 2017/02/21 - Argh! Hackers! Argh!
- 2017/02/22 - HD IP camera
- 2017/02/24 - Frobnicate #31 (yes, really)
- 2017/02/26 - Tablet driver, Pi unboxing [video]
- 2017/03/05 - Google knows best. Samsung S7 redux
- 2017/03/10 - Where was I?
- 2017/03/19 - REdit and Spring is coming
- 2017/03/24 - REdit v0.02, Can't see the terror for the trees, Is InfoSec the correct solution?
- 2017/03/29 - Brexit - Article 50
- 2017/03/30 - Phone woes. Sakura. Photobomb.
- 2017/04/01 - April...Fish
- 2017/04/02 - Girl's school uniforms, Russian style? Crash. E-ink displays.
- 2017/04/06 - IPCAM hacking - new index
- 2017/04/11 - JTAG - figuring out a Wiggler clone
- 2017/04/16 - A little bit of everything
- 2017/04/17 - Doctor Who 10-01 The Pilot
- 2017/04/26 - Truthiness
- 2017/05/09 - Eurovision 2017 - first semi final (RAW)
- 2017/05/11 - Eurovision 2017 - second semi final (RAW)
- 2017/05/12 - Neuros OSD test points
- 2017/05/13 - Eurovision 2017 - grand final (with videos)
- 2017/05/14 - My new satellite receiver
- 2017/05/28 - Eurovision 2017 - grand final random commentary
- 2017/06/09 - Strong and stable, random sci-fi rants (Passengers, Ghost In The Shell)
- 2017/06/17 - I broke my IPCAM but I don't care
- 2017/06/23 - The best DEAL for Britain, IPcam recovery
- 2017/06/28 - REdit v0.03
- 2017/07/02 - Another month, another printer - HP DeskJet 3630
- 2017/07/09 - HP DeskJet 3630 print quality
- 2017/07/23 - Manga, Rants: Charlie, Women, Brexit
- 2017/07/24 - Manga (update), Charlie (update)
- 2017/07/28 - Of banks and bins, 'leccy and Nihongo
- 2017/08/07 - Lolita, Preggie, and Pi 2.
- 2017/08/13 - HP Rewards?
- 2017/08/17 - Pi 2 issues - TemplEd, Zap, DigitalCD
- 2017/09/03 - Brexit, JYE Shell, gender neurality
- 2017/09/09 - Gender neutrality failure, and USB serial blockdriver
- 2017/09/12 - DSO Shell
- 2017/09/17 - BrExit, weather station, DSO Shell, Astrophotography
- 2017/09/22 - SIBA (LATV); SIBA - 1 - Differences
- 2017/09/25 - Tragedy!
- 2017/09/29 - SIBA (LATV); SIBA - 2 - Tunnel
- 2017/10/03 - QuickBlank - useful little screenblanker module
- 2017/10/04 - SIBA - truth and fiction, some locations, and tropes
- 2017/10/06 - SIBA - 3 - Dalliances
- 2017/10/13 - SIBA - 4 - AfterLife
- 2017/10/16 - Freaky sky
- 2017/10/20 - SIBA - 5 - Dead Air
- 2017/10/22 - Playmobil Expo, night photography
- 2017/10/27 - SIBA - 6 - Breaking News
- 2017/11/01 - Pumpkin time!
- 2017/11/03 - SIBA - 7 - In Dreams Begin Responsibilities
- 2017/11/10 - SIBA - 8 - Denouement
- 2017/11/21 - SIBA - Afterword, HP Instant Ink, and Resuscitated Hope (adventures with a bread maker)
- 2017/11/26 - ROOL forums, Nuclear contamination, and FirmwareID source and explanation
- 2017/11/28 - Don't buy new headphones if the cable wears out, fix the ones you have!
- 2017/12/03 - Advent, instant ink, and bird girl painting [The Season's Upon Us].
- 2017/12/17 - RISC OS tool pane [Oy Santa].
- 2017/12/20 - The end of POTS (and did I mention I hate Linky?) [I Believe In Father Christmas].
- 2017/12/22 - On holiday! Robot arm kit. [Fairytale Of New York].
- 2017/12/25 - MERRY PIG-OUT-ON-CHOCOLATE-AND-STUFFING DAY! Robot arm, weird foods [cute Japanese organist].
- 2017/12/26 - Doctor Who. Christmas Dinner. Robot arm script interpreter.
- 2017/12/31 - This was the year that was
- 2018/01/03 - The Big Red Button; way to go Intel!, HP Instant Ink, Super Luna!
- 2018/01/06 - Computer cockups for dummies
- 2018/01/24 - A fuzzy logic rice maker and watching TV without a computer
- 2018/02/11 - Brexit, power line, seen in local supermarkets
- 2018/03/10 - Is this what depression is?
- 2018/03/12 - Simple RISC OS SSL fetcher, Linky
- 2018/03/14 - Stephen Hawking, KanaTutor, Geek toys
- 2018/03/28 - Samsung M-2022W laser printer
- 2018/04/01 - RISC OS for all
- 2018/04/06 - 3.5" LCD display
- 2018/04/11 - My homebrew media player
- 2018/04/22 - Flying numpty, Sakura
- 2018/04/23 - Tassimo T-Disc hacking
- 2018/04/28 - Easy tea and more to do with Zap
- 2018/05/01 - Tea in 90 seconds, Zap rick-04
- 2018/05/07 - First experiences with Amazon Prime, Flat Earth
- 2018/05/08 - Eurovision 2018 - first semi final [videos]
- 2018/05/10 - Amazon Pantry, Eurovision 2018 - second semi final [videos]
- 2018/05/11 - Eurovision 2018 - the Eurovision game
- 2018/05/12 - Eurovision 2018 - the grand final [videos]
- 2018/05/20 - Sixteen years in France
- 2018/06/10 - Google's weird questions; Surface (series); PrimeVideo
- 2018/06/15 - Hard Rain, Manga
- 2018/06/24 - Two Years After, Longest Day, food ingredients
- 2018/08/01 - I need a holiday! Luna and friends. Anaglyph 3D. Manga
- 2018/08/10 - On hating. Brexit - FFS! Telescopes [video].
- 2018/08/11 - Tassimo hacking - ITF-6 barcodes
- 2018/08/15 - Minitel 1B
- 2018/08/26 - Minitel online!
- 2018/09/19 - An old printer - HP 3055A - teardown
- 2018/10/02 - Frobnicate - the missing ones
- 2018/10/25 - RISC OS is 'finally' open source
- 2018/11/04 - Koi-Koi for RISC OS
- 2018/11/10 - Rang-tan's story, Koi-Koi update, Advent Calendar, ESP8266
- 2018/11/11 - Armistice and the politics of war
- 2018/11/25 - JESC 2018, EPROM emulator
- 2018/12/02 - Gilets jaunes
- 2018/12/21 - Drone pests and designing software
- 2018/12/24 - T'was the day before Christmas (random things)...
- 2019/01/01 - Hello 2019!
- 2019/01/06 - Burger King, instant snails, final tree
- 2019/01/19 - ESP32 (and using it on XP)
- 2019/01/20 - Endoscope, arcade game, and crazy stuff in the paper.
- 2019/02/03 - Rick's Net Radio - full instructions and source code
- 2019/02/10 - So much butthurt (Brexit)
- 2019/02/17 - Samsung Galaxy S9
- 2019/03/16 - Radio silence (Brexit), Vegan murder, Spring is here!
- 2019/04/15 - Sakura and swallows, true Britishness, and other stuff
- 2019/04/22 - Religion, walkie-talkie, satellite receiver dead, vide greniers
- 2019/05/04 - Archive magazine and DVD
- 2019/05/05 - Satellite receiver replaced, Minitel 2
- 2019/05/06 - Nice one, Mozilla!
- 2019/05/08 - Minitel fix (for dim screen)
- 2019/05/14 - Eurovision 2019 - first semi final
- 2019/05/16 - Eurovision 2019 - second semi final
- 2019/05/18 - Eurovision 2019 - the grand final
- 2019/05/19 - Freebie La Poste magazine tablet - Klipad KL6889
- 2019/05/27 - European Elections 2019
- 2019/06/10 - Klipad KL6889 tablet - an inside view
- 2019/06/15 - HeyRick has moved! BASIC is weird.
- 2019/06/19 - Fun with the ABC compiler
- 2019/06/30 - Raspberry Pi 4, ARM jump tables, STM32, Norcroft compiler CPU/architecture types
- 2019/07/13 - Sounds of the 80s, pretty rose, reimagining a dishwasher!
- 2019/07/21 - More memory (for my PC), Playmobil spares, French Frog
- 2019/07/26 - Holiday, Boris, Cats
- 2019/07/29 - Printing to a Samsung SL-M2022W IPP laser printer from RISC OS (updated 2019/07/30)
- 2019/08/14 - GPS, fun with parcels, Google Docs, Google Files
- 2019/09/01 - Proroguing, Livebox Play
- 2019/09/07 - Crashing out and what was what
- 2019/09/22 - The icing on the cake, democracy and mind-changing, EBook
- 2019/09/28 - Mom: 1948-2019
- 2019/09/29 - Erivedge (Vismodegib) killed my mother
- 2019/09/30 - In the After
- 2019/10/05 - Goodbye
- 2019/10/12 - Random stuff
- 2019/10/20 - The future...
- 2019/11/03 - Pumpkin, updates, NetRadio, HP3630 teardown
- 2019/11/09 - How to store a car in France
- 2019/11/11 - Drainage, Fibre optic, Halloween in France, Today, Pizza
- 2019/11/16 - Car woes, car joy, and plans
- 2019/11/23 - Christmas (yule) tree, and car insurance
- 2019/11/27 - Oh. My. GOD.
- 2019/11/30 - Stepping out [video]
- 2019/12/01 - JESC 2019
- 2019/12/04 - Advent 2019, Ireland's song
- 2019/12/08 - Advent 2019 days 5-8, Tory promises, Saturday work, an eventful Sunday
- 2019/12/24 - The curious case of the missing week
- 2019/12/26 - The Expanse, Using the Acorn fetcher
- 2019/12/31 - What an unfathomable pile of shit
- 2020/01/08 - Winter sales, Present, Advent, Car stuff, Electricity, Gervais, Iran
- 2020/01/11 - Amazon Music, Orange, Diesel, and...
- 2020/01/22 - Nou (2004-2020)
- 2020/01/31 - My final hours of being a European
- 2020/02/02 - Daylight, Sabrina, work questionnaire, production differences, moving violations, vide grenier, Starlink, Netflix
- 2020/02/04
- Aixam 400 fuel efficiency
- 2020/02/06
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- 2020/02/09 - Waiting for Spring
- 2020/02/16 - Waiting for Spring - something happening!
- 2020/02/22 - RISC OS South West Show - Bristol - Live!
- 2020/03/01 - Ride on mower and vide grenier
- 2020/03/04 - SARS-CoV-2
- 2020/03/07 - Mower madness
- 2020/03/12 - Happy birthday Mom!
- 2020/03/13 - A peaceful Friday
- 2020/03/15 - Soon Sakura?, Game of Thrones, vide greniers, scaling an image
- 2020/03/16 - Say whut?
- 2020/03/18 - SharedCLibrary versions
- 2020/03/20 - A beautiful day, mower guts, working under restrictions
- 2020/03/22 - Sakura - already?
- 2020/03/23 - Working in the Marie Celeste, car repair?
- 2020/03/24 - What's wrong with this picture?
- 2020/03/25 - Better Spring photos
- 2020/03/26 - Achooo! Corbyn's Britain.
- 2020/03/28 - Motors, Johnson
- 2020/03/29 - DSO Shell Oscilloscope
- 2020/03/30 - Oaks turning green, beautiful sky
- 2020/04/02 - Speedometer, chocolates, April Fool, multicooker.
- 2020/04/04 - Something going down in Loire Atlantique.
- 2020/04/07 - A day at the garage, swallows, Sakura, etc
- 2020/04/11 - Oil leak
- 2020/04/12 - Oil leak part 2, mowing, chomage partiel
- 2020/04/13 - Mower alternator, programming obscurities
- 2020/04/16 - Oil leak - end? Rumble. Crow scaring. Supermarket and virus behaviour. Seedlings.
- 2020/04/17 - Car repairs, COVID infections, burger meals, and bread maker belts.
- 2020/04/23 - Life is weird, car repair, mower, Ghost In The Shell.
- 2020/04/24 - Felicity back home. Repairing a Bifinett KH1171 bread maker.
- 2020/04/25 - Odometer, I hate strimming, and VIRUS!
- 2020/04/26 - Inside a wireless phone charger. Gardening.
- 2020/04/28 - A strange thing happened on the way home. Yay DPD [mower upgrades]
- 2020/05/02 - Engineer's Fix, rain droplets, lock picking
- 2020/05/06 - My toolbox, and how not to fit a sink trap, Playmobil magical girls
- 2020/05/08 - Keeping busy, Marte
- 2020/05/10 - 2020 great start, Big print/Small print, reflections on the breadmaker
- 2020/05/15 - Breezeblock nest, shopping, didn't I just do this? Spiders! Coffee.
- 2020/05/16 - Eurovision, the problem with assembler, Eat Laser Death, phone line woes.
- 2020/05/17 - Eurovision 2020
- 2020/05/19 - Internet connectivity (last update: 2020/05/31)
- 2020/05/21 - Android text editors for writing HTML
- 2020/05/22 - Knocking the front of the potager into shape, writing
- 2020/05/23 - Amaryllis, phone patch, some Netflix recommendations.
- 2020/05/29 - Trop tard/Too late, this is not an error, clock fix, printer fix, ADSL fix.
- 2020/05/30 - Mask madness, snakes, keeping busy, flight school
- 2020/05/31 - Haircut, HDMI to composite, Netflix on Kodi on a Pi Zero? Even more data!
- 2020/06/01 - EBook for RISC OS - source release
- 2020/06/03 - Blind belief is an impediment to sanity
- 2020/06/07 - IPv6, Tameage, Bread maker controls
- 2020/06/09 - Edward Colston, the British Empire, and a little bit of reality
- 2020/06/12 - Bloody French (language), tameification, GPS speedometer C80
- 2020/06/13 - Statue desecration
- 2020/06/14 - Strimmer
- 2020/06/15 - GPS speedometer C80 review
- 2020/06/16 - My unbirthday. Pointless virtue signalling.
- 2020/06/17 - Black + Decker BESTA525 Strimmer (review)
- 2020/06/21 - Litha (Summer Solstice), tent, more rice maker meals.
- 2020/06/22 - RISC OS Open gone!
- 2020/06/23 - On being haunted.
- 2020/06/27 - Lights and speakers.
- 2020/06/29 - Fixing stuff.
- 2020/07/03 - Phone line woes, Post (or not), headlight bleeper.
- 2020/07/11 - Marte's steering, tea shop one year, Warrior Nun.
- 2020/07/14 - Going for a drive in my Aixam 400, and how the video was made.
- 2020/07/15 - Summer sales. Harvest.
- 2020/07/16 - At the opticians, even more data, hummingbird moth.
- 2020/07/19 - NEOWISE and other things
- 2020/07/20 - 😷 Hallelujah - masks are now obligatory! 😷
- 2020/07/22 - Apple showing off! Bye bye Eagle 80s.
- 2020/07/24 - Holiday, and to everybody who thinks their mother is annoying.
- 2020/07/28 - Happy holiday, painted door, another lockdown?, PSVUNT, new radio stations, glasses.
- 2020/07/29 - Weed whacking, door, it's Wednesday!
- 2020/07/30 - Electricity bills and consumption.
- 2020/08/01 - Early morning shopping, reflections on CoViD.
- 2020/08/02 - Harvest, Sentient bramble, Marte revised.
- 2020/08/03 - Breakthrough! Rendition flight?
- 2020/08/04 - Driving madness, the end of the sales.
- 2020/08/05 - Fewer brambles. Nightwish Human Nature. Metal. How not to fill a pond.
- 2020/08/06 - Even fewer brambles. Jelora with a Minitel 2. GDPR fail.
- 2020/08/07 - Uniroi UR071 7 inch display
- 2020/08/08 - Social distancing by linguine
- 2020/08/09 - Google Docs sucks donkey balls
- 2020/08/10 - A much improved search and replace.
- 2020/08/11 - France and digital pollution.
- 2020/08/14 - Holiday? Welcome rain and unwelcome brambles. Manga. Felicity.
- 2020/08/15 - Quarantine. Replacing XBM1008 bread maker belt. Kitten! Hello mom?
- 2020/08/16 - The final day of my holiday. New speakers. And...
- 2020/08/17 - Back at work, Anna's first wander.
- 2020/08/20 - Bloody vampires and cute kitten being cute.
- 2020/08/22 - Of browsers and sockets, the bramble patch, UP kitty, go away 2020.
- 2020/08/23 - The importance of backups.
- 2020/08/26 - Wikipedia and Scots, playing with Anna.
- 2020/08/28 - Speedometer, derisory sickness payments.
- 2020/08/29 - Maskless covidiots, rain madness [video], phone line repair.
- 2020/08/30 - Playing with Anna [video], screen burn.
- 2020/09/01 - Another dose of cute kitten [video], Reviving the Beagleboard xM.
- 2020/09/03 - Escapee. Full Moon. Windscreen - what's the secret?
- 2020/09/04 - Speedometer, hunters, larder, long life meals, stupid bugs, engine stopping, top classic songs.
- 2020/09/06 - Late night ordering - humidifier and mask, What I'm listening to, Photos of Anna.
- 2020/09/08 - Tracking down a buffer overflow. Dehumidifier unboxing. Anna susses ladders.
- 2020/09/12 - Brexit - WTF now? Face masks. Goth. Mini-dehumidifier. Kitchen? Old fart?
- 2020/09/13 - VSP - Voiture Sans Permis: what they are, a look at the Aixam range, and the Citroen Ami.
- 2020/09/14 - My lottery playing habits, a parcel arrived, an international take on Johnson's power play.
- 2020/09/16 - Amazon packet fail. Stupid cyclist. KKK. Froggie.
- 2020/09/17 - New face mask. Well done Ofcom (Diversity/BGT/BLM).
- 2020/09/19 - Disassembling some ABC
- 2020/09/21 - Tassimo Vivy 2 teardown. Rural problems: Bringing the bin home. My bin's lock is rubbish!
- 2020/09/22 - Autumnal Equinox (Mabon), a half hour extra, Tassimo debug port.
- 2020/09/23 - Tassimo T-Discs - my thoughts and reviews.
- 2020/09/26 - Stolen phone (not mine), Phone tracing fails, Tassimo Oreo, Mowing.
- 2020/09/27 - Already a year. Swallows and leaves. DIY Chai Latte.
- 2020/10/01 - Comically missing the point (DNA testing). Batten down the hatches! Gunna/Gonna.
- 2020/10/03 - Dumping the MEMC CAM table.
- 2020/10/04 - More on the MEMC CAM table. Storm Alex. Fridge temperature. Tassimo Suny.
- 2020/10/11 - White hat and Walnuts. Shanqiu 12V Mini UPS. The future of RISC OS.
- 2020/10/17 - Evening mowing and mower repair, Brownout, Felicity servicing, Rotavator repair.
- 2020/10/18 - Brambles and roses and backups.
- 2020/10/20 - Punctured foot. Mad cow! My rotavator engine. Residency permit application.
- 2020/10/28 - Lockdown blues.
- 2020/10/31 - Samhain 2020 - mechanics and a pumpkin.
- 2020/11/03 - Sleepness night. What the hell, France?
- 2020/11/07 - TRUMP IS OVER
- 2020/11/09 - Where does America go now?
- 2020/11/15 - Water pump, Prodding Felicity, Chômage partiel and lockdowns, An alternative to McDo, Mac'n'Cheese, The final mow of 2020, Rules for creche in 2020.
- 2020/11/20 - Soon a new tablet? Felicity leaves, and returns. Yule tree.
- 2020/11/27 - A year of Felicity.
- 2020/11/28 - Leaks, Buggy Banque Postale app.
- 2020/12/01 - Advent Calendar 2020 day 1
- 2020/12/02 - Advent Calendar 2020 day 2
- 2020/12/03 - Advent Calendar 2020 day 3
- 2020/12/04 - Advent Calendar 2020 day 4, a milestone
- 2020/12/05 - A hug. Bye bye Eagle. Weather station connection. Chocolate and plastic.
- 2020/12/06 - Kitkat prices, Taking too long, APIs discovered or invented, HDM, Advent Calendar day 6.
- 2020/12/07 - Advent Calendar day 7, ROOL forum, Dehumidifier in a cold kitchen.
- 2020/12/08 - Advent Calendar day 8.
- 2020/12/09 - Advent Calendar day 9, a fifth of a BILLION euros.
- 2020/12/10 - Advent Calendar day 10.
- 2020/12/11 - Advent Calendar day 11.
- 2020/12/12 - Advent Calendar day 12.
- 2020/12/13 - Advent Calendar day 13.
- 2020/12/14 - Advent Calendar day 14 (so much tea!).
- 2020/12/15 - Advent Calendar day 15.
- 2020/12/16 - Advent Calendar day 16, forum lurking, Enedis fail, Happy birthday?
- 2020/12/17 - Advent Calendar day 17.
- 2020/12/18 - Advent Calendar day 18 (and a trip to Big Town).
- 2020/12/19 - Advent Calendar day 19.
- 2020/12/20 - Advent Calendar day 20.
- 2020/12/21 - Winter Solstice, Advent Calendar day 21.
- 2020/12/22 - Oh the butthurt, Advent Calendar day 22.
- 2020/12/23 - Advent Calendar day 23, Muse MT-103 record player.
- 2020/12/24 - Advent Calendar day 24 - the final day!
- 2020/12/27 - Christmas, Record player, Rarthur.
- 2020/12/31 - Visitor, Amazon parcel, The year that was - 2020.
- 2021/01/03 - New Year new weather, Life after Brexit.
- 2021/01/07 - Fun with bank security, Twelfth night, BEANS!, Soon a new tablet?, Soon a new camera?
- 2021/01/08 - Cold! Working on Rick's Net Radio.
- 2021/01/15 - Rick's Net Radio Revised, Oh FFS (vaccination/5G), Not going to the sales.
- 2021/01/24 - Winter sales? Winter sunbathing. Weather sensors. Welcome to Brexit. A new (freebie) tablet - Klipad KL8889.
- 2021/01/26 - Marte out of action.
- 2021/01/28 - Drill.
- 2021/01/30 - Mower deck repair, Storm Justine.
- 2021/01/31 - How to download TS chunked videos.
- 2021/02/02 - Oops, that 14K kms is not... Amazon's idea of a center punch.
- 2021/02/09 - Tablet corruption. Maybe a car? Going to work tomorrow?
- 2021/02/10 - An unwanted day off work. Anna and The Snow.
- 2021/02/13 - Felicity stumbling towards retirement? Everything happens for a reason...
- 2021/02/15 - Felicity's last journey home. And...? Va-va-voom (sort of).
- 2021/02/20 - The last time I'll drive Felicity. Spring has sprung!
- 2021/02/26 - Goodbye Felicity, hello Caoimhe.
- 2021/02/27 - Caoimhe and a day in Chateaubriant.
- 2021/02/28 - Going for a drive in Caoimhe, and other stuff. Spring is on the way.
- 2021/03/06 - ARCbbs - a blast from the past. Generic 4012B 'MP5' car radio.
- 2021/03/07 - Sex and sexism.
- 2021/03/12 - Happy birthday Mom! (a trip into Big Town) Gardening. Pheasant.
- 2021/03/14 - A productive day.
- 2021/03/15 - Something disturbing this way came.
- 2021/03/19 - What the hell, Castex?
- 2021/03/20 - Fixing lights. Bye bye Wawa. A spot of calm weekend gardening.
- 2021/03/21 - Tassimo Hacking (spreadsheet). Equinox/Ostara?
- 2021/03/30 - What happened to HeyRick? I did nothing on my two days off. An unexciting Saturday. And Sunday. First Swallow.
- 2021/03/31 - Fixing the blog, And... the toilet doesn't work.
- 2021/04/01 - Bravo, Manu! Vaccines. Hot and Cold.
- 2021/04/04 - Easter, Giant Ferrero Rocher, Sakura, Gardening.
- 2021/04/05 - What the hell, Polly?
- 2021/04/11 - This weekend, ESP32-CAM again, Games.
- 2021/04/16 - Waste treatment audit, Potatoes and flowers, Starting Marte, Polly Scattergood.
- 2021/04/18 - A pleasant day, ESP32-CAM examples and settings.
- 2021/04/24 - The post has just arrived, An easy weekend, A free bin, Distance, Winning the lottery, Vaccination, ESP32-CAM power, RISC OS show, Future of RISC OS.
- 2021/04/25 - I got up late (cat food), Battery soldering iron teardown, Stupid Amazon prices.
- 2021/04/27 - Potato experiment, Full Super Moon, ESP32-CAM silliness, Writing and CD ripping.
- 2021/05/02 - Freaky electrics, That parcel, Seeds, Why I won't use plastic sheeting, Lunch?
- 2021/05/07 - Caoimhe trolling me? YOU TWAT! Leclerc, what the hell? Soon, soon. Mowing. Potatoes.
- 2021/05/09 - Gardening, C1 battery problem, Speakers, Mick...
- 2021/05/16 - ESP32Cam application, Soon an amplifier, Melons and potatoes, Thunderstorms, Residency permit.
- 2021/05/20 - Eurovision 2021 Semi Final 1.
- 2021/05/21 - Eurovision 2021 Semi Final 2.
- 2021/05/22 - Eurovision 2021 Grand Final.
- 2021/05/23 - That result, French Quiche.
- 2021/05/28 - A trip to Rennes (to sort out my residency permit).
- 2021/05/31 - Cheap Chinese BT-309A Power Amplifier.
- 2021/06/05 - The cultural appropriation of 5S, Vaccination, Melons and Potatoes, Car Battery, Simple mechanics, Shattered!
- 2021/06/06 - Changing my homepage, and a trip down memory lane.
- 2021/06/11 - Intransigence, The world is not black and white.
- 2021/06/12 - Going crazy, Those two Op-Amps, Spammed by Amazon!
- 2021/06/14 - Queen, Hot.
- 2021/06/16 - Happy unBirthday, Vaccination - an appointment, Lights and levels, Fete d'Ete.
- 2021/06/19 - Back to the City (back to Rennes and titre de sejour).
- 2021/06/20 - Litha - Summer Solstice 2021, The girl with Tourettes, Solstice flower photos.
- 2021/06/21 - Hacking the Aixam remote door lock.
- 2021/06/23 - My first Covid vaccination
- 2021/06/26 - I got vaccinated [video], Sphygmomanometer, Why injections are in the arm muscle, ESP32-CAM failure, Join the conversation!
- 2021/06/30 - Vaccine efficacity, FREEDOM DAY!, Everybody dies...and...?
- 2021/07/01 - Vaccine side effect, What's in Moderna's vaccine?
- 2021/07/03 - I went to McDonald's..., Summer sales?, Electric coolbox, Mower trouble, How to confuse automatic exposure / The Gloom, Stupid signs, Additional speakers, My Covid arm.
- 2021/07/10 - A week of yawning, Starting the old C1, An enjoyable drive.
- 2021/07/11 - Your Sunday sermon.
- 2021/07/13 - A tale of two countries, A screw loose, The other strimmer.
- 2021/07/15 - That strimmer, Grass and weeds and potatoes, Harvest.
- 2021/07/17 - Yesterday was sad face day - potato trauma! Today was happy face day - squashed cow pieces!
- 2021/07/18 - Johnson is a lying scumbag, Fiddling with the strimmer, Coding outside.
- 2021/07/22 - Brexit red tape, The most hated Olympics ever, Strimmer - end game (for now), Hot, but..., Cummings and goings.
- 2021/07/25 - Mom's old bike, Spare Aixam drive belt, Sarin?
- 2021/07/26 - HP Instant Ink - cartridge failure.
- 2021/07/28 - Netgear N300 WNR2000v5 - a little toy.
- 2021/07/31 - Holiday! :-)
- 2021/08/07 - The week that was (holiday week one).
- 2021/08/15 - The second week of my holiday.
- 2021/08/17 - The conclusion of the potato experiment.
- 2021/08/20 - A giant elephant and other things... [video]
- 2021/08/22 - Down with the vaccination pass! Burn the world! and We the sovereign people.
- 2021/08/27 - Phone woes again, Even when I'm alone, I'm not alone, Winter is coming, Boiled potatoes, Cooking appliances.
- 2021/08/30 - Passport; Oh, how stupid!; Tea; What broke the phone line?
- 2021/09/05 - Migrants into Britain; Sorry, I'm an introvert; La Poste, what the hell?
- 2021/09/11 - Twenty years, Passport, Migrants into Britain - redux, The rest are hypocritical cows too, Security Questions, An Easy Weekend, Raspberry Pi 3B+.
- 2021/09/13 - Britain's last monarch, The rise and fall of an Empire, Project Fear.
- 2021/09/19 - Starting the C1 again, Speaking of mowing, More costs of Brexit, Big Town, Clive Sinclair.
- 2021/09/27 - Two years ago today, Sorry for the silence, Strimmer motor.
- 2021/09/28 - The Brexit Benefits just keep on coming.
- 2021/10/02 - Superheroes, Halogen cooker and chips.
- 2021/10/10 - A new British Passport, Working Saturday, Oops? You didn't mean to land there, did you? Feeling good and an unexpected trip into Big Town, My new strimmer, A note of sadness, Legitimate salvage.
- 2021/10/14 - Super-speed car oil change, Not enough WTF in the world, No rest for the wicked.
- 2021/10/24 - Work woes, Holidays are coming, Storm Aurore, A hedgehog in the garden, Pumpkin, An interesting winter for sci-fi fans.
- 2021/10/30 - Playmobil spares, UPS disaster.
- 2021/10/31 - Samhain, I wrote a game! Debugging a tiny Wimp program.
- 2021/11/02 - The ROOL forum, and why I'm walking away.
- 2021/11/04 - My message to the ROOL forums.
- 2021/11/06 - Trolling? How is Mamie? Samhain photos, Playmobits, A new kitchen light.
- 2021/11/07 - Don't buy a Metronic Touchbox HD3, Some things shouldn't be remade, Celebrations Advent Calendars - victim of Brexit?
- 2021/11/08 - Hello Felicity!!!
- 2021/11/14 - Badass lizard!, Playmo parcel, The quickest satellite receiver - Echosat 20500 S, Doctor Who, My aching finger.
- 2021/11/17 - Amazon return, Headlights.
- 2021/11/21 - Amazon wins, maybe? (Pancake mix, Koshihikari rice, Tea advent calendar...).
- 2021/11/28 - Petrol and politics, Political stupidity, Yet more political stupidity, A nice cup of tea, More bramble whacking, A trip into Big Town.
- 2021/12/01 - Advent 2021 day 1, Mamie Fletcher's House 1 - introduction.
- 2021/12/02 - Advent 2021 day 2, Mamie Fletcher's House 2 - a world of tiles.
- 2021/12/03 - Advent 2021 day 3, Mamie Fletcher's House 3 - the test code.
- 2021/12/04 - Advent 2021 day 4, Mamie Fletcher's House 4 - creating Lucy.
- 2021/12/05 - Advent 2021 day 5, Mamie Fletcher's House 5 - animating Lucy.
- 2021/12/06 - Advent 2021 day 6, Pension reality, Mamie Fletcher's House 6 - Creating the Ghosts.
- 2021/12/07 - Advent 2021 day 7, Mamie Fletcher's House 7 - The camera flash.
- 2021/12/08 - Advent 2021 day 8, Pensions revisited, Missing England?, Mamie Fletcher's House 8 - My brilliant beta testers.
- 2021/12/09 - Advent 2021 day 9, Pension portability, Mamie Fletcher's House 9 - Making things more challenging.
- 2021/12/10 - Wawa has died, Advent 2021 day 10, Mamie Fletcher's House 10 - Toilet humour and sound effects.
- 2021/12/11 - Advent 2021 day 11, Mamie Fletcher's House 11 - The music.
- 2021/12/12 - Advent 2021 day 12, Mamie Fletcher's House 12 - Fun with the development builds.
- 2021/12/13 - Advent 2021 day 13, Mamie Fletcher's House 13 - How Mamie was written.
- 2021/12/14 - Advent 2021 day 14, Mamie Fletcher's House 14 - Those little extra touches.
- 2021/12/15 - Advent 2021 day 15, Mamie Fletcher's House 15 - Hints and tips.
- 2021/12/16 - Advent 2021 day 16, Covid vaccination top-up, Mamie Fletcher's House 16 - Level editor.
- 2021/12/18 - Advent 2021 days 17 and 18, Vaccination top-up, What the hell?, Aww, the boss cares.
- 2021/12/19 - Advent 2021 day 19, Merry...uh...what?, Reality hits home.
- 2021/12/20 - Advent 2021 day 20.
- 2021/12/21 - Advent 2021 day 21, Winter Solstice (Yule).
- 2021/12/22 - Advent 2021 day 22.
- 2021/12/23 - Advent 2021 day 23, Final day at work.
- 2021/12/24 - Advent 2021 day 24 - the final one, I went shopping.
- 2021/12/25 - MERRY PIG- OUT- ON- CHOCOLATE- AND- STUFFING DAY! I tried my Cadbury chocolates, The video you didn't know you needed in your life.
- 2021/12/26 - Christmas dinner, Etc...
- 2021/12/27 - Pi box and speaker fail.
- 2021/12/28 - Screw you PayPal, Amazon fails, Some luck with that old washing machine.
- 2021/12/29 - Some end of year geekery: AsmToHTML - marking up assembler source to HTML.
- 2021/12/30 - Whoa, warm! Stopping the post person driving on the grass, Freeing the phone line, A more useful thing for the car, More on the washing machine.
- 2021/12/31 - Adventures with an old washing machine, A year in review.
- 2022/01/01 - How to start a new year? The power of sunshine, Washing machine motor.
- 2022/01/06 - A future idea for the washing machine, Hello Scotland!, Bloody CAF again, Well done, postie!, Amazon wants me to rate their global impact, Pissing people off.
- 2022/01/07 - The property ladder...and memories.
- 2022/01/08 - The washing machine now has a home.
- 2022/01/09 - Bizarre washing machine problem.
- 2022/01/12 - British Pension Forecast, The CAF responds, Winter sales?
- 2022/01/13 - Sleepness night - do I have Covid?
- 2022/01/15 - Am I a Plague Zombie?, A cold night but feeling warm in the morning, Where's my paper?, Domestic bliss, The cause of the IP cam's weirdness, Hungry.
- 2022/01/16 - Poking a carcass with a stick for the lulz, and musings on task switching.
- 2022/01/18 - Planned power cut.
- 2022/01/19 - Johnson please just sod off, Thoughts on Prince Andrew, Be careful what you wish for.
- 2022/01/22 - A nice day in Châteaubriant, 1973.
- 2022/01/23 - Crappy little slide/negative scanner, and a trip down a memory lane. [photos]
- 2022/01/29 - Baked potatoes in a halogen cooker, Amazon kitchen scales, Narcissists!
- 2022/02/01 - Another multicooker!
- 2022/02/03 - Taking stuff apart, nearly being crashed into by a white van man, a weird little experiment.
- 2022/02/07 - Car key fob issue? Front light again, No pasta maker for me, My Philips HD4726 multicooker, A productive Saturday.
- 2022/02/10 - Game royalties, Will I be going to work tomorrow?, Fun and frolics with frazzled electrics.
- 2022/02/12 - Orion, Potato patch in 2022? Gardening, Bloody Brexit (and parcels), Abusing the star-trails long exposure mode.
- 2022/02/13 - Sunday Stew with a Multicooker.
- 2022/02/18 - Death.
- 2022/02/21 - Thanks Orange, Shed lights, Mower mechanics, Worried kitty!, Multicooker cake.
- 2022/02/22 - Oh, the twos! Musings on oscilloscopes.
- 2022/02/26 - Air Fryer, Mower madness, Dinner (with an air fryer).
- 2022/02/27 - A lovely weekend, PS2 games, A hellish end of the week, Making chips in an air fryer.
- 2022/03/03 - Dodgy steering, Sleep, Путин, пошёл на хуй!
- 2022/03/05 - Other people's bugs are not my problem, Marte's steering, Garden photos, Heat?, Kitchen shelves, Self sufficiency, Elections, Dinner.
- 2022/03/09 - Epson XP-345, a reminder of how bloody awful inkjet printers can be.
- 2022/03/10 - Holy crap, fuel costs how much?!?!?
- 2022/03/11 - Big Town and Picard.
- 2022/03/13 - Happy Birthday Mom! Green credentials? Mower wheels, At Leclerc, Double rainbow.
- 2022/03/17 - Weird sky, Mars!
- 2022/03/19 - NetRadio stations, Mars, Shopping, A moony night, Spring is here?, Gardening - grass.
- 2022/03/24 - The first half of my holiday, Screen banking and redraws (RISC OS), How I'm writing this.
- 2022/03/26 - The peaceful way to write a blog, The end of my holiday, No anti-preggie pills for Anna, Mom was Nostradamus!, Copping out of cooking?, Don't forget the clocks change, Cherry buds.
- 2022/03/27 - Planting? Microcar Dué.
- 2022/03/28 - Will Smith is a twat, Hiding in plain sight?, Dumb things in British papers.
- 2022/04/01 - Oh dear - brrr!, Oh dear - work without me, Key fob hack.
- 2022/04/02 - IPP on RISC OS.
- 2022/04/03 - Firefox 98 (Android), Other stuff Google has broken.
- 2022/04/06 - Potato torturing, Some light gardening on Monday, A cooking oil adventure.
- 2022/04/07 - Saving electricity - off isn't off!
- 2022/04/08 - France votes - but hopefully not for Le Pen; No, Akshata Murty isn't 'just a private citizen'.
- 2022/04/10 - Sakura, Storm and Saturday, Printers, The seeds are sown, Metal Lords.
- 2022/04/11 - Swallow!, The dust settles.
- 2022/04/15 - RISC OS outside, Fun with oscilloscopes, My veg, Crit'Air, AU attack 3D 'game'.
- 2022/04/16 - Croissants, Fuel efficiency of my Aixam GTO, A magical Easter.
- 2022/04/17 - Dear France, Easter Full Moon, How I spent Easter Sunday.
- 2022/04/21 - I took the Life In The UK (citizenship) test.
- 2022/04/23 - My 'Easter egg', Pollen, Potatoes, Playing with ray casting.
- 2022/04/25 - Averting a disaster...for now, And soon another tablet, Potatoes!
- 2022/04/29 - ABS failure, Magazine subscription, My vegetables, Kicking the delusional.
- 2022/05/01 - Vide grenier, LaserJet Pro M15a.
- 2022/05/08 - Tax declaration, Brakes again, The car fault that wasn't, Toner refill and adventures with Amazon Customer Support, The Pentaverate, My new tablet - danew DSlide 1021.
- 2022/05/09 - My first job, and don't mess with a nerd.
- 2022/05/10 - Eurovision 2022 Semi Final 1.
- 2022/05/12 - That unpleasant woman again, Car repair, Eurovision 2022 Semi Final 2.
- 2022/05/14 - Eurovision 2022 Grand Final.
- 2022/05/16 - An unwanted day off work, My vide grenier purchase.
- 2022/05/17 - Car service, Pooping blood, So now what? [UPDATE] What the doctor said.
- 2022/05/20 - 20 years in France! Fun in the carpark.
- 2022/05/21 - Burger King, Human Shield.
- 2022/05/22 - 20 years celebration dinner, At the doctor's waiting room, The endless crusade of the conquering windmills.
- 2022/05/26 - Got the mowing done, Off work again, Rick's burger recipe.
- 2022/05/27 - The reality of Man, The God delusion, Roe vs Wade, Why it's all a big lie, The solution to the question of abortions.
- 2022/05/29 - Rick's enhanced burger, Fiddling with Marte's valves, Veg and melons.
- 2022/05/31 - More 'Custard', Alternative tea preparation, A chat with the Big Boss.
- 2022/06/03 - Dear Priti Patel, All the glorious Brexit Benefits, The sea is like the internet before the internet.
- 2022/06/04 - Jubilee?, A bigger idiot, What's with the weird bold bits?
- 2022/06/05 - Weather?, Indexing the larder.
- 2022/06/10 - A shorter entry, One step forward, two steps back, Cooking is dangerous.
- 2022/06/12 - Schadenfreude
- 2022/06/16 - Rwanda, It's my UnBirthday!
- 2022/06/18 - Heat, vide grenier-ish.
- 2022/06/20 - Creepy little bugger, Rick's burger, Frying an egg?
- 2022/06/21 - Summer Solstice (Litha), I need a tea, I'm not timid I'm an introvert, How to understand and care for an introvert.
- 2022/06/25 - Is America heading for a civil war? A trip to Big Town.
- 2022/06/26 - Rick's NetRadio v0.10, Take me to your larder, I'll see your leader later.
- 2022/07/03 - The Great Replacement Theory, A pottery walk, The mothership is coming.
- 2022/07/04 - A lousy night, Sensible RISC OS shutdown.
- 2022/07/06 - Stupid La Poste!, Harvest, My own crops, How much is sunflower oil now?, This one weird thing broke my brain.
- 2022/07/08 - Goodbye England's Shame.
- 2022/07/10 - Paper Girls, My fridge is broken, EuroMillions, That parcel.
- 2022/07/11 - Eric Clapton's vaccine side effects.
- 2022/07/12 - Training day, Fridge repair.
- 2022/07/13 - Holy crap!, Impulse buy, Fridge - the next day.
- 2022/07/15 - A day of random domestic stuff, Heat!, Ants, Watering the potatoes, My first melon, The ungovernable country, Scots Wha Hea.
- 2022/07/16 - Netflix being REALLY weird, Stupid money still up for grabs.
- 2022/07/17 - It's hot and getting hotter, The burgers that never were.
- 2022/07/18 - Scorchio! Carbon emissions, Climate change, MILAN73, The moment when we all baked.
- 2022/07/20 - The final Tory standing, Psychotic piece of toast.
- 2022/07/23 - Autism.
- 2022/07/24 - Decoding Paper Girls.
- 2022/07/25 - More Paper Girls decoding.
- 2022/08/03 - Yet more heat, Shrinkflation, Washing, Swallowtail caterpillar, Rees-Mogg was wrong and the folly of Brexit.
- 2022/08/05 - It's the economy stupid, EDF and consent, Being nannyed by Google, Tidying up, Storms, Heat and bugs, More tidying up, Haircut.
- 2022/08/07 - Archie - it's finally over, I went to Craon yesterday, The psychology of fleas, Vacuuming the concrete outside, Repainting the windows.
- 2022/08/09 - USB MIDI for RISC OS.
- 2022/08/11 - Why I don't program for a living.
- 2022/08/14 - Cleaning a hairdryer, Cleaning the dehumidifier, Cleaning the toaster, Saturday - the final hottest day [video], Sunday - the day after [video], Trying to bake a cake in the multicooker.
- 2022/08/15 - Cement repairs.
- 2022/08/17 - Simple remote controller hack, Drain blockage.
- 2022/08/19 - Final (week)day of my holiday, Fuji Finepix S1000fd (digital camera).
- 2022/08/21 - Playing with Rhapsody,, A pleasant drive and a vide grenier, Widescreen versus photo frame, More on the Fujifilm S1000fd, S1000fd display technology, Back to work tomorrow.
- 2022/08/24 - The Tory psychodrama drags on.
- 2022/08/26 - What in the name of God..., Daylight hours, Playing with Dall-E, Playmobil and the cookie cutter, Rotovator air filter.
- 2022/08/27 - Aircraft, More messing with DALL-E, Potato harvest.
- 2022/08/28 - The BIG vide grenier in Coësmes.
- 2022/08/31 - Right wing obsessions - a peek at the Daily Mail.
- 2022/09/01 - Clueless Brits and expats, Potato storage.
- 2022/09/03 - Programmable multicookers, stew, and cakes. Pizza! Oh, the rain.
- 2022/09/04 - Planes but..., Artefacts, Aspergers, What the hell Google?, Camera zoom, Vide grenier?
- 2022/09/05 - La Vache Folle a gagne! [NSFW]
- 2022/09/07 - A better battery Pi, British Home Secretary.
- 2022/09/08 - Resolving the energy crisis, The Queen, OvationPro - a message for Mr. Pilling.
- 2022/09/09 - EIIR - The Queen
- 2022/09/10 - Freedom of speech, Word and relaxation, Melon disaster, Lunch/Dinner and Cheese.
- 2022/09/15 - Even my little inner goth is shocked.
- 2022/09/17 - Scrambled egg and chips, Daily backdrop.
- 2022/09/18 - Biscuit fail, Impending awfulness, Melons, Daily backdrop - part two.
- 2022/09/20 - Stop whinging! My funeral, What's wrong with French Metal?, Being tactful, Farine fail.
- 2022/09/25 - ChooseBD now even better!, Swallows, That Budget, Bathing and washing, Early morning start, Orchard?, No hot chocolate this year?, Beluga.
- 2022/09/26 - Buggered Britain.
- 2022/09/29 - Three years already...
- 2022/10/01 - Mon Espace Sante, Spirits, How to break an autistic person, Wobbly seat, Quiet quitting, Holly and Philip, Saturday wreckage.
- 2022/10/02 - Jazzing up RISC OS, French cake take two, More messing with Dall-E.
- 2022/10/04 - The screeching U-turn, Money for the rich, Citroen Ami waiting time, Well done Amazon.
- 2022/10/09 - Ugh Saturday, Molly Russell, Hazards when driving [video]...
- 2022/10/10 - Linguine lengths, A T-shirt for Samhain, Choccies!, Oscilloscope and mains hum, You know you're an insufferable nerd when...
- 2022/10/11 - Bweeg (Bouygues) SIM hack.
- 2022/10/15 - Just wow, Well done Xiaomi, Connected scales, Another coloniser.
- 2022/10/17 - General Election NOW, Zoom.
- 2022/10/19 - Hey hey the witch has gone, Lidl, What a load of sh*t.
- 2022/10/21 - Truss beaten by a lettuce (@ 5am), Morally bankrupt 1+2 (@ 6.30pm).
- 2022/10/23 - AccuWeather was thankfully wrong, Roses?, Congratulations on X clicks in Y days!, Weather.
- 2022/10/25 - Rashi Sanook, Lidl 'diary preparation', Here we go again.
- 2022/10/30 - The Bastard Son and The Devil Himself, Just Stop Oil, The Clocks Changed, Twitter.
- 2022/10/31 - Samhain, Dall-E's halloween goodness.
- 2022/11/01 - Ghosts, Honouring the dead, Chasing ghosts.
- 2022/11/11 - What a twat!, Pasta and potatoes, Lidl, Warrior Nun, RISC OS 64, Carrot Cake.
- 2022/11/19 - Winter is coming, A microwave oven.
- 2022/11/22 - Pasta sauce and beeeeeanz!, Pi gamma correction.
- 2022/11/23 - 64 bit RISC OS?
- 2022/11/26 - Stolen phone...?, A thousand days, Hello Felicity, Wednesday.
- 2022/11/27 - Microwave microcontroller, Strong and Stable, Scottish Independence, Never their fault, Wet but warm.
- 2022/11/29 - How cold? Football.
- 2022/12/01 - Advent Calendar 2022 day 1
- 2022/12/03 - The final Saturday, Hardware FP?, The calendars.
- 2022/12/04 - Advent calendars and semolina, Lidl's Christmas jumpers, Saturday shock, One thing I'll miss if Twitter should die, God what a mess.
- 2022/12/17 - No blog entries?, Feel the ANGER, Kind of proving their point (Harry/Meghan), Weird calendar, Advent calendar video...
- 2022/12/25 - Merry Christmas, Manga source, My Christmas.
- 2022/12/26 - Dymo labeller styles, Stupid American measurements.
- 2022/12/27 - Nurses are revolting, The Express Saving Challenge, Mobile phone insurance, And the other expenses.
- 2022/12/28 - Letratag spool, A new NetRadio?, Leaky gutter, Tassimo hacking - barcode bits known?
- 2022/12/29 - Tassimo hacking - one step forward and one step back...
- 2022/12/30 - Windows being annoying, A quieter day, Speaking of broken Britain..., Spam/scam text.
- 2022/12/31 - A year in review.
- 2023/01/01 - New Year's Day.
- 2023/01/02 - Final holi-day, Taking a gamble.
- 2023/01/07 - Denver IR-135 Internet Radio - review.
- 2023/01/08 - Amazon has destroyed Amazon Music, Bandcamp, The Birthday *What*?, Denver IR-135B teardown, Servicing.
- 2023/01/10 - Denver IR-135B simple control.
- 2023/01/11 - A day of here and there.
- 2023/01/13 - The end of an era, Rihanna?, Close but no cigar.
- 2023/01/14 - Basic ray casting.
- 2023/01/20 - A week in the new order, No I'm not Vin Diesel, Parcels, The Met, Ray Casting 2.
- 2023/01/21 - Ray Casting 3 - wall textures.
- 2023/01/22 - Electron, Tory tax, Gardening, Radio!, Free electricity.
- 2023/01/26 - Electricity, More Tory scum, Stupid broken lyrics, Oh, hello!?, More messing with Dall-E2.
- 2023/01/28 - Dangerous driving, C/2022 E3, Today.
- 2023/01/30 - Tea jar, Daylight hours, Denver IR-135 battery life, Denver IR-135 and user-side SkyTune integration, Denver IR-135 IR remote control.
- 2023/02/04 - Slightly speeding up the raycaster, First signs of Spring, There's a fungus among us.
- 2023/02/05 - A nice sunny afternoon, Revising my toolbox, Ray caster fading.
- 2023/02/10 - Netflix choices, Heater controller, What the hell Missouri?
- 2023/02/11 - McCrispy!, Like a knife through butter, The edge of the blade, Then...
- 2023/02/13 - Shut up you bloody muppets!, Brianna, Sorry can't resist, My bank statement.
- 2023/02/17 - Summer holiday, Screw the police, Coincidence?, A new toy, Wait um what?
- 2023/02/18 - Denver IR-135 serial data.
- 2023/02/19 - Denver IR-135 serial port (better), Denver IR-135 firmware fiddling, How to find a serial port, I didn't spend a weekend farting around with this.
- 2023/02/20 - Bloody hell!
- 2023/02/22 - Yes, it's Brexit, Cultural Assassination, For better or worse this is our shared history.
- 2023/02/24 - A massive surprise!
- 2023/03/02 - Headlight repair, Grrrr!, Time is broken.
- 2023/03/05 - FizzBuzz, Bad English.
- 2023/03/06 - Saw chain, Larder Audit, Messing with ChatGPT.
- 2023/03/09 - Oh dear... Oh dear...
- 2023/03/11 - File space consumption, Chainsaw, Food texture, Lineker Nazis and the BBC.
- 2023/03/12 - Happy Birthday Mom (Pasta+Cheese and Pancakes).
- 2023/03/17 - Bzzzzt!, ESP32Cam, Meadow?, First Spring flower pics, The sound of a falling tree.
- 2023/03/19 - USB-MIDI v0.08, ESP32Cam order (AliExpress), Raspberry.
- 2023/03/25 - France is on strike (again), Cute Easter things, Beware the big packs of Quaker Oats, Yet another storm, More raspberries, Power points, Mowing.
- 2023/03/26 - Hailstorm, ESP32-Cam fiddling.
- 2023/03/27 - A lovely day, Doing the electrics, Easy listening, Is Anna broken? Class of '07, One more thing.
- 2023/03/28 - Alibaba order, Chronopost are arses, Fibre, Right wing hypocrites.
- 2023/03/29 - Another lovely day, Chicken burger, Swallows!
- 2023/03/30 - God, I need a mug of tea!
- 2023/03/31 - Rick's LapseCam (ESP32-Cam).
- 2023/04/01 - Rick's LapseCam v0.02, Two timelapse videos, Making a video from the pictures, Soon Sakura.
- 2023/04/02 - A longer time lapse, Oh hello, The end of my little holiday.
- 2023/04/09 - Happy Chocolate Day! Wait for it! Mowing, USBMIDI, Oh pretty!
- 2023/04/11 - A full day time lapse, A quick look at the Bayer filter.
- 2023/04/15 - Sakura!, Lidl Pressure Washer PHD 135 D5, Vassal State, Econet card.
- 2023/04/16 - Bad food, Breakfast, Use By dates, Google is surely lying to me, Telecoms offers, Fibre installation.
- 2023/04/22 - IPv6 on RISC OS, SAKURA!, The big tree out front, Early morning, Dinner, Mowing, And elsewhere, More Dall-E2 messing, Golliwogs.
- 2023/04/23 - Messing with a cheap 'security' camera, Pi2 fail?
- 2023/04/26 - BREAKING NEWS: Two girls kissed, Pi missing memory, My summer holidays, Lidl gas lantern, Too little too late, So EU rules state that companies can't easily trade outside of the EU, Japanese style strikes.
- 2023/04/30 - Pledge alliegence to the King!, My rotovator is dead, Blossom!, My old A5000, A new portable...sort of... Danew dBook 111.
- 2023/05/01 - Today, Strikes!, Economy, The girl writing all those vide grenier announcements.
- 2023/05/04 - Lies damn lies and statistics, Scan to leave, Eurovision and Russia, Ed Sheeran prevails.
- 2023/05/05 - Fuel prices, New computer keys, Portable battery, This King stuff is getting too much.
- 2023/05/07 - Slow internet, Rotovator, Tax declaration, Mowing, An old gas lantern, One bullet is enough.
- 2023/05/08 - ADSL reset?, Rotovator.
- 2023/05/09 - Lidl again..., My car is finally paid for, ADSL problem, Go Penny!
- 2023/05/12 - ADSL issues, Rotovator, Terribly white, Oh FFS!
- 2023/05/13 - Eurovision 2023.
- 2023/05/15 - Vide grenier, Beans!, Washing the car, Washing the rock, Transfer reasons, Lockwood and Co.
- 2023/05/17 - Job satisfaction, ADSL fixed.
- 2023/05/18 - Ascension, Vide grenier, Socotel S63, Lidl (Silvercrest) SSM 1000 A2 Pressure Cooker, La Roche Aux Fees.
- 2023/05/19 - A day off work, Pressure cooker rice, Old telephone, Kitchen window, Almonds.
- 2023/05/20 - Twenty one years!, Improved rice, Brexit has failed, And...
- 2023/05/21 - Funny I should, AndFTP terribly slow, Finding rice, You only use 10% of your brain.
- 2023/05/23 - The end of an era...
- 2023/05/30 - I've been busy, The elephant in the room.
- 2023/06/03 - I've been busy again, Another old phone, Potential new mower?
- 2023/06/04 - So. Many. Towels.
- 2023/06/06 - Mom's Ghost is trolling me, Commenting on comments, A rechargeable AA battery.
- 2023/06/08 - Dear France - remember you invented the guillotine, Coat stand, The candelabra, Scots Gaelic.
- 2023/06/10 - Easier slide scanning, Candles, Today's job, Vaping kids, The heart teapot.
- 2023/06/12 - What the hell? The demon goes down kicking, Is this real or is this a stitch-up?, Discrimination, Bookshelves.
- 2023/06/15 - Bye Boris, Dame Dorries, The future?
- 2023/06/16 - Happy birthday...?
- 2023/06/18 - I...socialised!, soomfon HDMI acquisition dongle, The living room.
- 2023/06/20 - Telesurveillance failure, I jinxed it, Hardware hack, Better RISC OS video.
- 2023/06/23 - I bought a washing machine, Nono!, Stirling Engine tube, Solstice, A new security camera.
- 2023/06/24 - Camera review faking, WTF washing machine cycle?, A living room table, Fun at the supermarket, Staying in, USB MIDI v0.10.
- 2023/06/30 - Home alarm idea.
- 2023/07/01 - No bodies, Loi Eckert, A night cake, Summer sales, My new washing machine.
- 2023/07/05 - Inflation, A heated food box, Diarrhoea bitches!, More bank trolling, Washing machine insurance, Dear Anon.
- 2023/07/08 - God and women, Origins of 'God', Stirling Engine redux, Antenne Symphonic Rock radio, My washing machine motor.
- 2023/07/12 - Does Auntie shine out of the Sun's arse? Harvest.
- 2023/07/14 - Google Docs and epub.
- 2023/07/15 - Washing machine motor, Oh darn it, Gardening stuff, Scribd, Enchiladas.
- 2023/07/16 - A tale of time and books.
- 2023/07/18 - Oops! Crabs! Embarrassing!
- 2023/07/22 - Today was..., Stopped!, Banks should stay out of politics, Let there be light.
- 2023/07/23 - Psion Organiser, Washing machine lethargy, Water is weird.
- 2023/07/24 - Chemical corrections, Learning, Music.
- 2023/07/29 - Sixty thousand, Price gouging, Little green men, Audiophile, Crap Lidl bug lamp, Cats.
- 2023/08/01 - Cable fail, It's gonna be windy, The burning books, Exploring space.
- 2023/08/05 - Cheddar, Mowing didn't kill me.
- 2023/08/07 - Be Prepared, Pass the Popcorn.
- 2023/08/12 - A 'new' monitor, Psion 3A screen, Rice!, Agitated shopping, Gardening.
- 2023/08/14 - Some coding, Headphone repair, Cheese origins, Buddleia, Hair, Car service.
- 2023/08/15 - Music timing in all it's weirdness, Soggy holiday.
- 2023/08/21 - Bleurgh!, I went to Lidl again..., Candalabra, Rick's Simple Sequencer.
- 2023/08/22 - Rick's Simple Sequencer v0.02, Oh no! My parcel!
- 2023/08/24 - Moving the mailbox.
- 2023/08/27 - Hoo boy!, Blatant corruption, Some light gardening, Vide grenier, SimpleSeq v0.03.
- 2023/08/31 - More fuel for the fire, Tories - standing for law and order, Resilience is key, Wah! Macron is targetting the British!
- 2023/09/01 - I hate people, White privilege.
- 2023/09/02 - AI and copyright.
- 2023/09/04 - Tea Saves Society (ChatGPT).
- 2023/09/05 - Collapsing, Heatwave.
- 2023/09/08 - Swallows, HOLIDAY!, My inheritance, Defrosting the fridge, Rugby.
- 2023/09/11 - USB MIDI for RISC OS, SimpleSeq v0.04, Car repair, Electric car?, LED light bulbs are terrible.
- 2023/09/12 - A massive shock, How the right wing thinks, Once upon a time, Deadly cake, Hollywood science.
- 2023/09/13 - SimpleSeq v0.05, Some light gardening, One Piece, Some more backdrops.
- 2023/09/14 - Deceitful employee testing, Tin foil hats, Gesticulation.
- 2023/09/16 - Yesterday..., SimpleSeq v0.06, Candlelight, No we haven't been visited by aliens.
- 2023/09/18 - SimpleSeq is finished! (v0.07) Liz Truss.
- 2023/09/19 - Happiness from the tax man, Blind idiot code translation.
- 2023/09/20 - Expression evaluation with ChatGPT.
- 2023/09/21 - SimpleSeq v0.08, UV bug lamp failure, Not going to Nantes, Cooler mods, And...
- 2023/09/22 - Big Town, Citizen CX-32N printing calculator, Socotel S63 - yes another.
- 2023/09/23 - SimpleSeq v0.09, UV lamp fail, Stupid retro prices, A little bit of gardening, European content on streaming services.
- 2023/09/28 - ChooseBD v0.03, UV bug basher, Simple solutions aren't so simple.
- 2023/09/30 - The relentless persecution of motorists, We're all going to die!
- 2023/10/01 - SimpleSeq v0.10, Scorchio!, ChooseBD colour determination.
- 2023/10/03 - You have new messages! Police failings, Extinguisher, RISC OS on a Pi 5.
- 2023/10/08 - What the hell Hamas?, Wiring, I went to Lidl again, SimpleSeq v0.11.
- 2023/10/12 - Electrics, RCCB, The vast of night.
- 2023/10/14 - I'm on holiday! Anna...Mindscape?, Fuel / driving.
- 2023/10/15 - SimpleSeq v0.12.
- 2023/10/16 - Brrr!, Curtain and light, Walking Anna, Auditing Pig and a teardown, The BBC is clearly not biased, SimpleSeq v0.14.
- 2023/10/17 - SimpleSeq v0.15, Crazy cat lady.
- 2023/10/19 - Site glitch, SimpleSeq v0.16 and user guide, Cut-price crap?, Spooky stuff from Lidl.
- 2023/10/20 - Amazon lies, Amazon delivery, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Shonky VGA cable, Lidl burger fail, Lidl Samhain nuggets, God's been busy, Citizen PA10 printer module teardown, Solitary Shell.
- 2023/10/21 - Passwords.
- 2023/10/22 - The price of power.
- 2023/10/24 - You meant to do that, right?, Gothic calendar, Electronics stuff, That burning sensation.
- 2023/10/28 - Oh what a tangled web we weave, SimpleSeq?, A new battery, Fiddling with my oscilloscope, Calendars.
- 2023/10/29 - Clocks, I bought a new phone!, Netflix prices, DSO Shell serial interface.
- 2023/11/04 - I bet you were expecting pumpkin photos, The terrible storm, Redmi Note 12 Pro, The obligatory political observation.
- 2023/11/05 - Getting a heater going, The future of RISC OS?
- 2023/11/09 - Suella Braverman, Lidl Slow Cooker unboxing.
- 2023/11/10 - The lost future, Lonely people die first.
- 2023/11/11 - Printer calculator #2, Better oscilloscope plots - DSOplot update.
- 2023/11/12 - Mamie Fletcher's House, A final word on the printing calculator.
- 2023/11/13 - Amazon and bits, Proud to be Scottish, Shenanigans, This is why we can't have nice things, Applied Idiocy, Life's little pleasures.
- 2023/11/18 - Work offer, Pay rise!, Free money!, Say hello to Lucie.
- 2023/11/19 - Weather weirdness, SimpleSeq v0.17.
- 2023/11/22 - Unreal humans.
- 2023/11/23 - Inside a USB DVD player.
- 2023/11/25 - Winter is coming, Christmas cards, Torygraph purchase, A foreigner's guide to mainstream British newspapers, Redmi Note 12 Pro low light photos, The creeping tentacles, Domestic stuff.
- 2023/11/26 - SimpleSeq v0.18.
- 2023/11/28 - I survived!, Afterwards, Fast food from a machine.
- 2023/12/02 - I survived - really, How the videos were made, SimpleSeq v0.19.
- 2023/12/09 - Just Stop Oil, COP28, Stop The Boats, 240000000.
- 2023/12/27 - Oh hello!, McDonald's telling the truth?, Yeah okay it's my birthday..., Mowing (yes really), How much?, Fixing the key holder, A new light, Weird festive food, Repairing a fan heater, Christmas dinner, Google review shenanigans.
- 2023/12/30 - Mechanical washing machine controller teardown - part one (motor control).
- 2023/12/31 - A year in review, Mechanical washing machine controller teardown - part two (machine control), Happy New Year.
- 2024/01/01 - Dark mode, At the stroke of midnight..., Rain, Are you a 10 if you have Android?, Are we living in a simulation?
- 2024/01/06 - A new year begins, Prime Video advertising, MOTs for toy cars, EU Cyber Resilience Act.
- 2024/01/23 - That Android portable is dead, Malory Towers, Bread, The obligatory political bit.
- 2024/01/29 - The gaslighting narcissistic prick I used to know, That time we worked for a nursing home, Overseas voting, That Android portable, Moonrise.
- 2024/02/04 - SimpleSeq v0.20, NOOOO!, Forum spam, Fresh bread, Toothache, Blind advocacy considered harmful.
- 2024/02/07 - So many voices!
- 2024/02/10 - SimpleSeq v0.21, Wait WAIT?, Tree hacking, Brioche against the odds, Big parcel.
- 2024/02/11 - MIDI and the broken brain, SimpleSeq v0.22, MIDI v0.12.
- 2024/02/17 - Internet trauma, Sweet almond, Mowing, Beautiful brioche.
- 2024/02/18 - Dude..., SimpleSeq v0.23.
- 2024/02/22 - Cheesy nightmares, Monterey Jack, That Palestine thing.
- 2024/02/24 - TV listings for UK Freesat.
- 2024/02/25 - TV listings for UK Freesat - updated, Infinite universes.
- 2024/03/02 - Budget robot vacuum cleaner - Tristar SZ-4187.
- 2024/03/09 - Car woes, Speaking of failing engines, Danew's crappy customer service, Bye-bye dam, Anna's time has come, My gamble is working so far.
- 2024/03/13 - Happy Birthday mom!, Marte says hello.
- 2024/03/20 - My laser printer has died, The sad pickle, Car repair, Gardening, Modern Mona Lisa and other AI madness, How about a nice cup of Tea?
- 2024/03/22 - Mowing, Pi swap, Kate's photo, Bodging aspect ratio in ffmpeg, French school uniforms, More bramble whacking.
- 2024/03/23 - Vermin, OLED display, Kate..., Another cup of Tea, dear?
- 2024/03/25 - Old code considered harmful?, Danew the saga continues, Yup brambles, Old phone (OMG yes another), Anna's last day as a female cat.
- 2024/03/26 - Tea 0.03, Anna and the apocalypse, Baltimore's bridge.
- 2024/03/28 - My laser printer is dead, OLED module update.
- 2024/03/29 - Holiday, Electrics, More electrics, Waste, Electricity price rises, Wanderer, Thirty-seven.
- 2024/03/30 - The walnut tree, Looking at other sequencers.
- 2024/03/31 - It's nice when stuff just works, Minor blog tweaks, Programming best practice, Adventures in WiFi, Almost Sakura!, An egg free zone.
- 2024/04/04 - Who's four some Tea?
- 2024/04/07
- Scotland's hate crime law, School photos.
- 2024/04/10 - How not to fill up.
- 2024/04/14 - Dumb sci-fi movies, Sakura!, Other flowers, I blew sixty euros on gunk, Biting off more than you can chew, The truth about bug lamps, Not a creme egg, Red flags for dodgy builders, The first Swallow.
- 2024/04/16 - RISC OS WiFi - restarting, When is a fork not a fork?
- 2024/04/20 - Mowing misadventures, Result!, Potatoes, Anna.
- 2024/04/21 - Whoa - my robovacuum's battery life, Why I was surprised about the dBook's battery.
- 2024/04/23 - You have to laugh..., Migrants.
- 2024/04/28 - A Shein order, Royal Mail losing the plot, So British, Tea on a schedule.
- 2024/05/01 - The May Day vide grenier?, Cheesecake, Colorectal cancer test, Tea v0.06.
- 2024/05/04 - Mowing, Oh crap!, PVRs and recordings, Let there be light.
- 2024/05/05 - Tea 0.07, Tearing down and picking a combination lock.
- 2024/05/07 - Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 1.
- 2024/05/08 - Today, Eurovision setup, Beluga, Fly screens, Levity in British politics.
- 2024/05/09 - Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 2.
- 2024/05/10 - Tea v0.08, Another Touchbox HD3, Anna overheating, Soon another portable?
- 2024/05/11 - Eurovision 2024 Grand Final.
- 2024/05/12 - Tea v0.09, Complexity.
- 2024/05/14 - King Charles' new official portrait, More Thug than Bambie, Should Israel be in the song contest?, The Dutch entry, And to prove that the EBU is really losing the plot, Pareidolia, On dying horribly.
- 2024/05/18 - Different types of motor, Making a washing machine smarter, Mowing, Ants, Oreo cheesecake fail, And then there were two, Fresh air cows?, Shopping RUINED FOREVER!!!!!111!!!ONE!
- 2024/05/19 - Tea v0.10, cppcheck, Mental Health Awareness Week, Ants.
- 2024/05/20 - Tea v0.11, Gardening, Looking ahead.
- 2024/05/25 - It has been a hectic week - PART ONE.
- 2024/05/26 - Mother's Day, It has been a hectic week - PART TWO, A brief bit of politics.
- 2024/05/28 - The trees, My car?, The Livebox 6.
- 2024/06/02 - Obvious scam site is obvious, Watching the tree cutting, Bribery, Doctor Who - Life in Finetime.
- 2024/06/03 - The tree man, Idiotic interview tricks.
- 2024/06/05 - AI is the wrong hammer to crack a nut with, Apophenia.
- 2024/06/06 - A big arse pull, Speaking of trust, Speaking of arse pulls, What did the Tories ever do for us?
- 2024/06/09 - From a bicycle to an Arianne, A look at the Livebox 6, What is actually inside the fibre cable?
- 2024/06/11 - What the hell Macron?, Colrectal cancer test, Fighting Farage.
- 2024/06/15 - Cleaning the digital litter tray.
- 2024/06/16 - My unBirthday, SkyTune (app).
- 2024/06/17 - The end of an era 1, The end of an era 2, Conundrum, Some philosphical existential sci-fi questions.
- 2024/06/27 - Two days of epic thunderstorms, I got scammed, YouTube comments, Fibre, Take a bet on it.
- 2024/06/30 - Scam update, Back online, Goodbye Caoimhe, Hello electric, Skrinkflation, A useful kitchen aid, Aspergers.
- 2024/07/01 - Less power today?, Telephone lines in the air, My registered letter, The world is falling apart.
- 2024/07/04 - Election 2024, Charging time, Lucy.
- 2024/07/06 - Killer beans?, Better sound, UK election, Things to get you through the day.
- 2024/07/07 - Some childhood fiction.
- 2024/07/10 - Messing with a shrink, Teachers.
- 2024/07/14 - SeaShell, Trump's assassination, Time for Biden to leave.
- 2024/07/16 - SeaShell tutorial.
- 2024/07/21 - Some software updates, New glasses, Sunflowers.
- 2024/07/27 - Olympics 2024 opening, Hives but why?, Pasta with no sauce, Why Doctor Who was a massive disappointment, Trump's Dystopia laid bare, Fixing a broken break maker [videos].
- 2024/08/03 - Autism Problems, Holiday!, Destructive activism, Destructive destruction.
- 2024/08/05 - Seriously Zack?, Emmmmaaaaaa....., Thanks Netflix, The cave, Today.
- 2024/08/07 - Tea v0.14.
- 2024/08/08 - Netum NT-2012 laser barcode reader.
- 2024/08/09 - Rubbish bags gone, A new desk.
- 2024/08/10 - Tea v0.15, Android can't keep up with my barcode scanner!, The Larder System, Airwolf season 4.
- 2024/08/11 - Shattered, Resurrecting that old Pi 1, The Value of shopping, Olympics 2024, And for dinner?
- 2024/08/12 - Larder code, Other stuff and spuds, Pre-bed checklist, Last night's conundrum.
- 2024/08/14 - The Larder system progresses, Outdoorsy stuff.
- 2024/08/15 - The Larder system is now functional, What's inside an XBOX?
- 2024/08/16 - Doubletake, The drainage pipe, The Larder system is now properly functional (I hope!).
- 2024/08/18 - Enough with the nannying!, Mom's kitchen legacy, Wait what?, Larder v0.04.
- 2024/08/19 - Reinvigorating the larder.
- 2024/08/21 - Restocking, Larder v0.05, Celebration, Just add fire, Speaking of lunar madness.
- 2024/08/23 - The end is nigh, My larder system finally in place, No more St. Mamet, Hello Roche Fontaine?, Paper Trail.
- 2024/08/24 - Larder restocking protocol, Kitty photo, Let there be cake.
- 2024/08/28 - Green traffic lights aren't green, Oh... My..., Oasis reunion, Doddery old gits in the checkout line.
- 2024/08/31 - A new soldering iron - Parkside PLSD 48 B2, A new wardrobe, Chronopost again, Lucy's repairs, Power lines.
- 2024/09/01 - Some old satellite kit.
- 2024/09/02 - Chronopost, the saga continues...
- 2024/09/03 - The cursed parcel, Range anxiety is real.
- 2024/09/05 - The other parcel, Ghislaine de Feligonde, Blocked pipes, A new security camera, Running my battery low, Work woes.
- 2024/09/07 - When tastes can be difficult, The new drain, Health and Safety GONE MAD!, What goes on in my head.
- 2024/09/14 - AI will be harmful, Mowing.
- 2024/09/15 - Larder v0.06, Winter is coming, Dead dehumidifier, Videos.
- 2024/09/17 - Sometimes I impress myself, Carte gris?, Dehumidifier redux, Rescuing the rose, Potatoes, Outside.
- 2024/09/21 - Autumn Equinox, Silvercrest SIKP 2200 B1 Induction Hob.
- 2024/09/27 - Mom's Death Day.
- 2024/09/30 - My 8 hour days started well, HP's dodgy cartridges?, Satellite channels.
- 2024/10/01 - The joy of working with others: Four Tales of Woe.
- 2024/10/05 - A week in the making, Nine, Tidying up my mobile browser, Marte still working, Art becomes reality, Concrete, Car running costs, More bramble whacking, The joy of Pasta.
- 2024/10/07 - Hello?, Tilley?, The drain is done, ADHD and sleep, Mood adjustment basket, Writers have no sense of scale.
- 2024/10/09 - My friend is fine, Hurricane Kirk, Printer Weirdness, Writers have no sense of scale.
- 2024/10/10 - That's it, I'm dead, you're dead, we're all dead.
- 2024/10/20 - The things you miss, Smacking, Pop music, Common sense, Tories being Tories, Tea v0.16.
- 2024/10/24 - Range Panic, Anaglyph.
- 2024/10/27 - Trump's complaint against Labour, Expected range, Speaking of dark, Boo! (many pictures).
- 2024/10/30 - Pumpkin.
- 2024/11/01 - Toussaint service, Companies are useless, Marte's final days.
- 2024/11/02 - Anaglyphs, Car bug and battery.
- 2024/11/05 - November 5th, ESP32Cam woes, My Sunday Project #1, My Sunday Project #2.
- 2024/11/06 - What the actual fuuuuuuuuuu....?, Polishing a turd.
- 2024/11/09 - Winter is coming, That was odd, Speaking of Gloom, An expense but useful?, The Elite.
- 2024/11/11 - Freezer, Looking at cheap medical equipment, Pulse Oximeter teardown, Blood pressure monitor teardown, The Gloom is over!, Dual-camera setup.
- 2024/11/13 - Frozen stuff.
- 2024/11/16 - More frozen stuff, Mower bodge, Bread, Doing stupid things to doughnuts, Medicine cabinet, A brief bit of politics, The web today, Christmas sweaters.
- 2024/11/17 - Congratulations Amazon your bot is the first one blocked, CreArt, Lemon cake.
- 2024/11/20 - Uh-oh, UV bug basher, Mouse quick fix, Extracting urine, Advent calendars.
- 2024/11/23 - The snowstorm, Headlights, Green stuff, Another stew, HP 4222e weirdness, Live Aid, The Visitor.
- 2024/11/25 - A rant about human hubris.
- 2024/11/28 - On being a programmer.
- 2024/11/30 - Preparing for the coming war..., Fighting the washing machine, Electricity bill, FindIPP 0.03.
- 2024/12/01 - Advent Calendars 2024, It was the other man, Poor Celebrations, Stew pizza, Advertising fail, Lidl air fryer, Composing music.
- 2024/12/07 - SimpleSeq v0.24, Tea v0.18, Pushy collectors, Fascinating corona, Sombralyssia and the Tilley Lamp.
- 2024/12/09 - Cheesy pasta (recipe).
- 2024/12/14 - The problem with AI, AI vs BBC BASIC, AI vs TurboC, AI vs Humans, So to sum up..., On making shit up.
- 2024/12/17 - The sensory symphony of pasta, Livebox power, YT Studio's grammar fail.
- 2024/12/22 - Big Town, The maths of raycasting - part one.
- 2024/12/25 - Merry Christmas, Freezer, Wages, Right-wing madness, Dora Advent Calendar, The Parcel scam, The maths of raycasting - part two.
- 2024/12/27 - Celebrations chocolates, The maths of raycasting - part three, The Awakening of Omniscient.
- 2024/12/28 - The parcel arrives, Doctor Whaaaa!, PTZ app hack, Lucy's Lousy Light, Centralised repositories, Cold.
- 2024/12/29 - Chilly? Larder v0.09, Edamame.
- 2024/12/31 - It's time to take a step back, 2024.
- 2025/01/02 - The Brexit Bonus, This is getting silly, The mower problem, The weather is broken.
- 2025/01/05 - Questionable morals, Fish and chips, Brrr!, The danger of air fryers, Nuggets, English sucks, Horrible coding.
- 2025/01/09 - Winter sales, A parcel?, Cat calendar, The big wet, My FileStore Emulator, Who is the douchiest of them all?
- 2025/01/10 - More on English sucking - numbers, Vending machine hacking.
- 2025/01/11 - My 'parcel', About import fees into the EU, FINALLY! A Brexit benefit!, Mower fix.
- 2025/01/12 - XSS vuln and bug bounties, Missing FreeSat listings.
- 2025/01/15 - God says Hi.
- 2025/01/16 - Bronze linguine, Maths doesn't work like that!
- 2025/01/19 - Entitled employers, Bronze linguine, Lidl Grater, Billions of stars, Kitty mess, Vending machine key.
- 2025/01/22 - He's ba-ack!, Tariffs, The state of the NHS, This is getting ridiculous, Britain reclaims America!
- 2025/01/24 - Destroying a childhood hero, AI is anything but intelligent.
- 2025/01/25 - Fixing my satellite dish, A future project, Sod off Google.
- 2025/01/26 - Where's my bill EDF?, Yet another flood, Glad to be rid of my HP 3630, Playing with the ESP32Cam.
- 2025/02/01 - Electricity bill, Enedis, DeepSeek, Defining Sex, Cluck!
- 2025/02/02 - Heater modification, Almost cosy.
- 2025/02/06 - The UK Online Safety Act, Pasta.
- 2025/02/08 - ESP32 SDK craziness, The Letterbox gizmo, Linky weirdness.
- 2025/02/09 - Rick's Statement on the UK Online Safety Act, The seventeen 'harms', Storm damage.
1628 entries listed.

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)
- Rick's Statement on the UK Online Safety Act, The seventeen 'harms', Storm damage. (2025/02/09)
- ESP32 SDK craziness, The Letterbox gizmo, Linky weirdness. (2025/02/08)
- The UK Online Safety Act, Pasta. (2025/02/06)
- Heater modification, Almost cosy. (2025/02/02)
- Electricity bill, Enedis, DeepSeek, Defining Sex, Cluck! (2025/02/01)
List all b.log entries
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PS: Don't try to be clever.
It's a simple substring match.
Last read at 04:07 on 2025/02/12.
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