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Entries in May 2024...
- 2024/05/01 - The May Day vide grenier?, Cheesecake, Colorectal cancer test, Tea v0.06.
- 2024/05/04 - Mowing, Oh crap!, PVRs and recordings, Let there be light.
- 2024/05/05 - Tea 0.07, Tearing down and picking a combination lock.
- 2024/05/07 - Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 1.
- 2024/05/08 - Today, Eurovision setup, Beluga, Fly screens, Levity in British politics.
- 2024/05/09 - Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 2.
- 2024/05/10 - Tea v0.08, Another Touchbox HD3, Anna overheating, Soon another portable?
- 2024/05/11 - Eurovision 2024 Grand Final.
- 2024/05/12 - Tea v0.09, Complexity.
- 2024/05/14 - King Charles' new official portrait, More Thug than Bambie, Should Israel be in the song contest?, The Dutch entry, And to prove that the EBU is really losing the plot, Pareidolia, On dying horribly.
- 2024/05/18 - Different types of motor, Making a washing machine smarter, Mowing, Ants, Oreo cheesecake fail, And then there were two, Fresh air cows?, Shopping RUINED FOREVER!!!!!111!!!ONE!
- 2024/05/19 - Tea v0.10, cppcheck, Mental Health Awareness Week, Ants.
- 2024/05/20 - Tea v0.11, Gardening, Looking ahead.
- 2024/05/25 - It has been a hectic week - PART ONE.
- 2024/05/26 - Mother's Day, It has been a hectic week - PART TWO, A brief bit of politics.
- 2024/05/28 - The trees, My car?, The Livebox 6.
(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)
- Where's my bill EDF?, Yet another flood, Glad to be rid of my HP 3630, Playing with the ESP32Cam. (2025/01/26)
- Fixing my satellite dish, A future project, Sod off Google. (2025/01/25)
- Destroying a childhood hero, AI is anything but intelligent. (2025/01/24)
- He's ba-ack!, Tariffs, The state of the NHS, This is getting ridiculous, Britain reclaims America! (2025/01/22)
- Entitled employers, Bronze linguine, Lidl Grater, Billions of stars, Kitty mess, Vending machine key. (2025/01/19)
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PS: Don't try to be clever.
It's a simple substring match.
Last read at 14:50 on 2025/02/01.
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