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Entries in August 2008...

  • 2008/08/07 - Inkorekt speling iz rong, weight-- = petrol--, smasheroonie, l'accent Frenchie, RetroGeek, and "esoteric".
  • 2008/08/11 - Coke vs Pepsi, new "improved" recipe, honey, bad Brit blood, and "pants" (plus nappies and diapers!).
  • 2008/08/18 - The end of TV adverts, mobile prices, geeks are cool, Hello Kitty, and "susurration".
  • 2008/08/19 - DVD+R/DVD-R, writing DVDs, CBR, why XviD, and "felicity".
  • 2008/08/21 - W3C/validation, more Hello Kitty, daft message 1, on cost-cutting, daft message 2, and "pallor".
  • 2008/08/24 - Pointless movie remake, and "impetuous".
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«   August 2008   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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