mailto: blog -at- heyrick -dot- eu

Entries in September 2008...

  • 2008/09/01 - More ANPE madness, MiniBBS (v0.00a1), and "experiment".
  • 2008/09/02 - Cataloguing children, guns for teachers, 97 hacks, Lentil, and "foliage".
  • 2008/09/05 - Power hiccups.
  • 2008/09/08 - How much can it suck?
  • 2008/09/09 - How much it sucks, ADSL, and virginity...
  • 2008/09/11 - I want my life back!
  • 2008/09/14 - More on my job, MTV VMA, non-Sky channels, lusers get paid more...
  • 2008/09/16 - Slapped in the face (new hours), walking around Tokyo: 東京タワー.
  • 2008/09/17 - More work news (bye-bye cow-orker), and Amy MacDonald.
  • 2008/09/18 - Work news (where's my squeegee?), and a newer MiniBBS (v0.00a2).
  • 2008/09/22 - Work woes and rip-off Britain.
  • 2008/09/23 - Work woes - update, and a later MiniBBS (v0.00a3).
  • 2008/09/25 - Evil hours, if it's such a crap job..., Amélie in HD, old phone, and the winter weather outlook.
  • 2008/09/26 - Yo! Where's my coat?, electronics catalogues, and appalling wastages.
  • 2008/09/29 - The story continues...
  • 2008/09/30 - My coat - my notice, and those late late nights...
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«   September 2008   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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