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Entries in January 2016...

  • 2016/01/03 - Welcome to 2016 - Japanese movies: Live, Flying Colors, Godzilla, and God's Puzzle.
  • 2016/01/04 - DumbServer - writing a simple server for RISC OS
  • 2016/01/06 - Why I loathe _swix()
  • 2016/01/13 - File type detection
  • 2016/01/16 - How to use an oscilloscope
  • 2016/01/17 - Winter sales and vide grenier. Global warming? [garden photos]
  • 2016/01/20 - The many levels of conditional compilation
  • 2016/01/25 - Doctor Who - Moffat is on the way out
  • 2016/01/26 - La Prime d'Emploi
  • 2016/01/30 - More sale stuff
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«   January 2016   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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Last read at 08:38 on 2024/07/27.

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