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Brambles and roses and backups

I stayed in bed until noon. Not asleep, I was up way before that, but just drinking tea and browsing idly to while away the time.

Since it was turning out to be a day warmer and sunnier than expected, I went outside. Looked at this:


And bossed my ass off until it looked like this:


It isn't what I'd planned on doing (I still hurt from the rotavator, and now I hurt in a whole bunch of other places) but now it's done, I'm glad I did it. A little bit more of the remains of the bramble-tangle has been cleared away.
What you see on the wall is ivy. That's the next nightmare to deal with...

Afterwards, I came in and plugged my phone into the computer and copied across my photos. These were written to a USB harddisc, and then copied to DVD-R. Once the DVD-Rs had been made, I removed most of the photos from my phone, keeping only the last couple of weeks, and some that I felt were important to me.
I now have something like 10GB of free space, rather than the ~500MB (at which point the phone starts shutting down services and telling me that my storage is critically low - seriously, half a gigabyte is critical?).



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