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Rubbish bags gone

All of the rubbish bags have gone. The English couple were going up to the recycling centre and offered to take the bags up. I said I didn't think mixed rubbish like that can go. They said they've taken it up before. So I said okay, take a few, see if they're accepted.
They threw all fifteen? sixteen? bags into their trailer and set off. I was expecting them to bring them back but...
...apparently it was chaos at the recycling centre with the entire world tidying up stuff on their holidays. So they drove in, threw the bags into the big metal hopper, and left, and I don't think they were even noticed. Cool.

On the other hand, it does mean I don't have an excuse for not tidying up some more. Maybe next week... It's supposed to be stupid-hot so I won't be outside.


A new desk

For ages, my workspace in the living room was a rickety picnic table. It worked, but it wasn't ideal.

My previous work desk
My previous work desk.

I noticed a flat-pack simple desk for twenty-something (special offer) at the supermarket as part of the "back to school" offers. It wasn't great, but it was functional, and with more space so I didn't have to have things on top of each other. Notice the position of the TV screen (the little one).

It came as a flat pack, and since my dinky little car is less dinky, it fit easily in the boot.

A flat pack desk
A flat pack desk.

Some assembly required.

Putting it together
Putting it together.

I made some modifications. A three-way extension screwed to the side (monitor, USB power brick, and piano power brick), and a metal lip around back so stuff doesn't slip off. That is rather important when "stuff" might be LCD screens and harddiscs...

Making it nerd-safe
Making it nerd-safe.

And here's the final result.

My new desk
My new desk.

Since it is higher up, by about five centimetres, I am trying the wooden chair rather than the picnic chair. It's not as comfortable (very solid) but it's a better height for my wrists. If it bothers me, I could get one of those cheapie desk chairs, or maybe some cushions.
There's a dinky little drawer, so I put the barcode reader and some pens and paperclips in there, along with some random µSD cards.

The desk will wobble if I shake it, obviously, but otherwise it is more solid than the picnic table.
I had been looking at something on Amazon that was marginally larger and four times the cost, so I am happy with this.



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David Pilling, 9th August 2024, 23:21
Ah the intoxication of the new desk drawer, like the first page of a new exercise book, or new year resolutions, fill it with stuff, never to be touched again. I filled mine with Pi Picos.
Rick, 10th August 2024, 00:00
How many Picos do you have?!?
Rick, 10th August 2024, 00:02
An empty exercise book is like an empty editor window. A fearful thing, so many possibilities, but where to begin? 
Clive Semmens, 29th August 2024, 20:15
My desk view update:

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