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Entries in February 2022...
- 2022/02/01 - Another multicooker!
- 2022/02/03 - Taking stuff apart, nearly being crashed into by a white van man, a weird little experiment.
- 2022/02/07 - Car key fob issue? Front light again, No pasta maker for me, My Philips HD4726 multicooker, A productive Saturday.
- 2022/02/10 - Game royalties, Will I be going to work tomorrow?, Fun and frolics with frazzled electrics.
- 2022/02/12 - Orion, Potato patch in 2022? Gardening, Bloody Brexit (and parcels), Abusing the star-trails long exposure mode.
- 2022/02/13 - Sunday Stew with a Multicooker.
- 2022/02/18 - Death.
- 2022/02/21 - Thanks Orange, Shed lights, Mower mechanics, Worried kitty!, Multicooker cake.
- 2022/02/22 - Oh, the twos! Musings on oscilloscopes.
- 2022/02/26 - Air Fryer, Mower madness, Dinner (with an air fryer).
- 2022/02/27 - A lovely weekend, PS2 games, A hellish end of the week, Making chips in an air fryer.
(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)
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PS: Don't try to be clever.
It's a simple substring match.
Last read at 10:47 on 2025/02/16.
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