mailto: blog -at- heyrick -dot- eu

Entries in October 2008...

  • 2008/10/01 - Farnell, vinyl, "illegal" downloading, minimum wage, and child Internet safety.
  • 2008/10/02 - Land's end, story's end...
  • 2008/10/03 - The day greed won and we lost.
  • 2008/10/07 - Serendipity, pay day, MPman MP4-Fiesta (review), and hash-cake.
  • 2008/10/10 - Meeting somebody new...
  • 2008/10/14 - Mobiles and microprocessors.
  • 2008/10/17 - DIY shopping and SiteKiosk.
  • 2008/10/20 - The Nokia 6230i.
  • 2008/10/22 - Gaspillage - endgame.
  • 2008/10/24 - The end of 'CastAVote'.
  • 2008/10/29 - WebScan and DST time changes, Nokia emulator, today at work...
  • 2008/10/30 - Wossy and his pay packet, my final day will be a day off (!), and "Dead Set".
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«   October 2008   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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