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Entries in December 2009...

  • 2009/12/06 - Who do I look like?
  • 2009/12/16 - My so-called birthday and a work information display.
  • 2009/12/20 - Death defying, HeyRick posted (literally), and the new RSS option.
  • 2009/12/23 - Misunderstood, and the end of production 'menage'.
  • 2009/12/24 - THE END OF AN ERA.
  • 2009/12/25 - Christmas, and the Christmascam.
  • 2009/12/26 - On energy-saving bulbs.
  • 2009/12/27 - Schools and proxies, what (not) to block, iTunes boob, rant/conspiracy whoo-hoo.
  • 2009/12/31 - This is the decade that was.
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«   December 2009   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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