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Entries in December 2021...

  • 2021/12/01 - Advent 2021 day 1, Mamie Fletcher's House 1 - introduction.
  • 2021/12/02 - Advent 2021 day 2, Mamie Fletcher's House 2 - a world of tiles.
  • 2021/12/03 - Advent 2021 day 3, Mamie Fletcher's House 3 - the test code.
  • 2021/12/04 - Advent 2021 day 4, Mamie Fletcher's House 4 - creating Lucy.
  • 2021/12/05 - Advent 2021 day 5, Mamie Fletcher's House 5 - animating Lucy.
  • 2021/12/06 - Advent 2021 day 6, Pension reality, Mamie Fletcher's House 6 - Creating the Ghosts.
  • 2021/12/07 - Advent 2021 day 7, Mamie Fletcher's House 7 - The camera flash.
  • 2021/12/08 - Advent 2021 day 8, Pensions revisited, Missing England?, Mamie Fletcher's House 8 - My brilliant beta testers.
  • 2021/12/09 - Advent 2021 day 9, Pension portability, Mamie Fletcher's House 9 - Making things more challenging.
  • 2021/12/10 - Wawa has died, Advent 2021 day 10, Mamie Fletcher's House 10 - Toilet humour and sound effects.
  • 2021/12/11 - Advent 2021 day 11, Mamie Fletcher's House 11 - The music.
  • 2021/12/12 - Advent 2021 day 12, Mamie Fletcher's House 12 - Fun with the development builds.
  • 2021/12/13 - Advent 2021 day 13, Mamie Fletcher's House 13 - How Mamie was written.
  • 2021/12/14 - Advent 2021 day 14, Mamie Fletcher's House 14 - Those little extra touches.
  • 2021/12/15 - Advent 2021 day 15, Mamie Fletcher's House 15 - Hints and tips.
  • 2021/12/16 - Advent 2021 day 16, Covid vaccination top-up, Mamie Fletcher's House 16 - Level editor.
  • 2021/12/18 - Advent 2021 days 17 and 18, Vaccination top-up, What the hell?, Aww, the boss cares.
  • 2021/12/19 - Advent 2021 day 19, Merry...uh...what?, Reality hits home.
  • 2021/12/20 - Advent 2021 day 20.
  • 2021/12/21 - Advent 2021 day 21, Winter Solstice (Yule).
  • 2021/12/22 - Advent 2021 day 22.
  • 2021/12/23 - Advent 2021 day 23, Final day at work.
  • 2021/12/24 - Advent 2021 day 24 - the final one, I went shopping.
  • 2021/12/25 - MERRY PIG- OUT- ON- CHOCOLATE- AND- STUFFING DAY! I tried my Cadbury chocolates, The video you didn't know you needed in your life.
  • 2021/12/26 - Christmas dinner, Etc...
  • 2021/12/27 - Pi box and speaker fail.
  • 2021/12/28 - Screw you PayPal, Amazon fails, Some luck with that old washing machine.
  • 2021/12/29 - Some end of year geekery: AsmToHTML - marking up assembler source to HTML.
  • 2021/12/30 - Whoa, warm! Stopping the post person driving on the grass, Freeing the phone line, A more useful thing for the car, More on the washing machine.
  • 2021/12/31 - Adventures with an old washing machine, A year in review.
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«   December 2021   »

(Felicity? Marte? Find out!)

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