It is the 1783rd of March 2020 (aka the 16th of January 2025)
You are,
pleased to meet you!
George Michael dead.
But you don't need me to tell you that. It's been all over the news in pretty much every shape and form, as if there's really nothing else worthy of note going on in the world.
An amusing anecdote pointed out to me by a friend are those millennials on Twitter (etc) who are like "who is he?" and "meh, so?". I suppose those of us who grew up with his music should be forgiving of this apparent stupidity as, well, let's face it, we'd probably feel much the same if it was somebody like Justin Bieber. Meh? So?
I am wondering if I should bother to write a retrospective of this year on the 31st because... Honestly? It has been a shit year. The only saving grace for 2016 is that with Article 50 due to be signed and Donald (Let There Be An Arms Race) Trump being made President, the indications are that 2017 may well be worse. Marvellous.
Can't wait.
For International readers who may not be familiar with British conventions, that was sarcasm.
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